Look down upon dealers?


Active Member
Hey, I've been a long-time lurker on the forum, and have grown a couple different plants now thanks to the forum. Just wondering, do those of you who grow it for medicinal use look down upon those of us who sell it?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i do look down on you, but only out of my stereotype for dealers. as i've found out from talking to people on here, a lot of poeple sell it on to ffriends, at great prices for great dope, that isn't too bad a thing, that's simply helping out your mates.

now if you're growing up some plants, then start throwing it on the street at £25 for 2g because it's such a "high grade" and people should pay ore for it, then yes, i look down on you, and you should gtfo :)


Active Member
Don't sell the plants I grow, and I only buy low grade weed that I sell, usually it's brick and I sell it for cheap, make a little profit, but mostly (what I want) keep a bit of weed.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well damn man, if you're already selling to people, drop that low crap, pick up some highs, and sell that isntead, more epensive for everyone but then everyone get's good smoke :D that's all there shoiuld ever be :)


Active Member
Started selling shwag when I was 15, so everyone I know buys shwag with the exception of a few people.


Well-Known Member
I have a reoccurring theme of good dealers when you only buy qp's and up
the lower you start getting, the sketchier it starts becoming essentially.

midnight smoker

Active Member
Here's my break down on dealers.

Good dealer= someone who sells to friends and only does it on the side.

Bad dealers=(mostly) guy who sells weed for a living and just sees you as some guy who buys drugs from you

I've dealt with both kinds but Im sure there are exceptions. but from my experience this is how things go. as long as your not a total dick you should be good


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm rather against dealers.

they tend to arbitrarily set prices based on total crap-logic.

so yeah, as a medical grower and medicinal user I don't respect current street dealers at all.


Well-Known Member
iam glad theres dealers if could'nt get my weed i would be in a right state' there's good one's and bad one's.


Well-Known Member
not like every dealer earns a fortune, they have to take the risks
dealers have it great. period.

all you gotta do is get the word out (out here) and you'll have like 10 reliable customers that will come back every week. though you could get more if you wanted to of course.

regardless, I don't look down upon dealers until they try to rip me off. until they do that they're cool in my book.


Well-Known Member
dealers have it great. period.

all you gotta do is get the word out (out here) and you'll have like 10 reliable customers that will come back every week. though you could get more if you wanted to of course.

regardless, I don't look down upon dealers until they try to rip me off. until they do that they're cool in my book.
so you think its easy and you wouldnt mind taking the jail term if caught?


Active Member
I dont look down on dealers unless they try to hustle. If they are willing to risk selling something they could go to jail for its good. People gotta eat you know.

And i sell to friends and people at coffee shops (they love the organics especially when they have a selection to choose from)


Well-Known Member
dealers have it great. period.

all you gotta do is get the word out (out here) and you'll have like 10 reliable customers that will come back every week. though you could get more if you wanted to of course.

regardless, I don't look down upon dealers until they try to rip me off. until they do that they're cool in my book.
Wish it was that easy. Obviously you've never sold weed for a long period of time. Dealers don't have it great, it takes time and patience to perfect your game. Especially if you smoke weed, because then you have another minus in your books. Then you have to have a good connect and/or good supply of money to even make it that profitable. And what do you do when everybody's waiting on their social security checks and their pay checks. Do you front them the sack and risk taking the loss if they don't pay you?

I think you're just a little butthurt because your dealer got over on you.

I think anyone who looks down on dealers and smokes weed has a problem because they bring you the weed. If they're that horrible then supply yourself. More power to those of you pushing flowers.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Wish it was that easy. Obviously you've never sold weed for a long period of time. Dealers don't have it great, it takes time and patience to perfect your game. Especially if you smoke weed, because then you have another minus in your books. Then you have to have a good connect and/or good supply of money to even make it that profitable. And what do you do when everybody's waiting on their social security checks and their pay checks. Do you front them the sack and risk taking the loss if they don't pay you?

I think you're just a little butthurt because your dealer got over on you.

I think anyone who looks down on dealers and smokes weed has a problem because they bring you the weed. If they're that horrible then supply yourself. More power to those of you pushing flowers.
Hit it right on the nail
The dealers are taking ALL the risk in picking up large quantites and nickle and dimeing it to you guys.
Dealers constantly have to stop what their doing at that point and meet up with you to sell YOU weed. It aint as glorified as you think.
And like yeah said..patience is a HUGE factor in being a dealer


Also dealers have a lot of other bullshit to deal with than just sitting back on the couch and waiting for the stoners to buy.

How about the dumbass that can't keep their mouth shut, and then too many people know what you're doing.
Or the people who can't observe the rules and bring strangers over to buy, or want to treat you like the fucking 711- calling at all hours or just showing up at really bad times wanting pot.
Then there can be problems if you take market share away from the dealers already around.
Price and availability are rarely stable around here, so dealers are always changing what they have- prices and quality fluctuate too much. It's a bitch to spend a few days every few months re-acquainting myself with the local market status (when I run out- or just want another flavor).

What really pisses me off are those FUCKWADS who can't hook up, and bug you to pick up a bit for them too. Then all they can do is bitch abouth the price, quality, and how long it took to get them stoned. They usually can't get any because they've pissed off or burnt everybody around.