Club 600


Well-Known Member
oh to late dst i was rearanging my room and was gettin mad and the bad plant was in my way and i just killed it it was looking pitiful, but allwell i should still have a nice harvest with the one plant under all 600 watts


Well-Known Member
oh to late dst i was rearanging my room and was gettin mad and the bad plant was in my way and i just killed it it was looking pitiful, but allwell i should still have a nice harvest with the one plant under all 600 watts
Shame, well now you can put all you love into the one gal. Make sure you grow a whopper then.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im hopin it will be huge, im supposed to flower tommorow, im indesisiv though i want to veg longer to get it begger before flower but it isalready pretty big it would stand at about 2 feet tall if it wasnt lsted, and im gettin impatient how much u think u could get off one plant under a 600

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
oh to late dst i was rearanging my room and was gettin mad and the bad plant was in my way and i just killed it it was looking pitiful, but allwell i should still have a nice harvest with the one plant under all 600 watts
What is that beast the hand in your avatar is picking-up?

This being my first grow using a six hundred, what is 'the average', if there is one as far as yield goes for a plant? Let's go under the scenario that you have more than one, it's an indica dominant strain and you have not topped the plant.

All opinions welcome.


Well-Known Member
What is that beast the hand in your avatar is picking-up?

This being my first grow using a six hundred, what is 'the average', if there is one as far as yield goes for a plant? Let's go under the scenario that you have more than one, it's an indica dominant strain and you have not topped the plant.

All opinions welcome.

the pic is not mine its from a marijauan website based here out of oregon, he helps people get medical cards and what not also is very smart in the weed growing area check out this website, its awsome has lots make sure to read his bio its awsome i think everyone in this club should look at this guys website he also is a seed breeder witch is very awsome and takes donations for clones check it ou oh also all those buds and the one in my avatar are all grown using ricks method


Well-Known Member
im hopin it will be huge, im supposed to flower tommorow, im indesisiv though i want to veg longer to get it begger before flower but it isalready pretty big it would stand at about 2 feet tall if it wasnt lsted, and im gettin impatient how much u think u could get off one plant under a 600
I held back on saying that in my last post because you seemed set on going 12/12 tomorrow. But with one plant, you may just benefit from a slightly longer veg period. Get a screen and then start LST'ing through the screen. Jig can give you a hander with screens if you need tips(I generally use poles) but the results from people growing one plant this way is staggering. And with the 600 she is going to grow into a big girl fast so only a week or two.....choice is your buddy.

cof, thanks for the comments, appreciated!!;-)

Right guys, the wife has finished designing things on her Mac and has indicated that I need to go to bed as is 1 in the morning and I am working tomorrow, lol, so i agree. take it easy people.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I held back on saying that in my last post because you seemed set on going 12/12 tomorrow. But with one plant, you may just benefit from a slightly longer veg period. Get a screen and then start LST'ing through the screen. Jig can give you a hander with screens if you need tips(I generally use poles) but the results from people growing one plant this way is staggering. And with the 600 she is going to grow into a big girl fast so only a week or two.....choice is your buddy.

i cant really afford any type of screen right now, and your sayin i should veg for another week or 2 right, i just want to get as much as i can out of her, i think i will try to find a screen but, im not sure if i want to veg longer, i geus ill have made my desicion when to flower when monday comes around:leaf:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
The longer veg time and grow you allow her to have before 12/12 will increase the amount of yield. I've been 'short' vegging .....8" to 10"..... and getting anywhere from 1/4 to 1 oz per plant. I just put three bushy 24" plants into 12/12 that should yield betwen 3 & 4 oz each that only yielded 1/2 oz as a short plant...your choice.


you can make your own screen with great expence


Well-Known Member
The longer veg time and grow you allow her to have before 12/12 will increase the amount of yield. I've been 'short' vegging .....8" to 10"..... and getting anywhere from 1/4 to 1 oz per plant. I just put three bushy 24" plants into 12/12 that should yield betwen 3 & 4 oz each that only yielded 1/2 oz as a short plant...your choice.


you can make your own screen with great expence

well its been a 32 day veg and if were standing straight up it would stand at least 2 feet if not more and i literaly have no cash i can use to get any type of screen material, i think im just gonna go head an flower tomorrow i think i will get at leeast a cuople of ozs

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I was rotating my plants...90 degrees each day...and I noticed something yellow in an area of green and white on the durga mata.....closer examination showed a nanner....tweezers removed the issue.... so no problem.


1-10-10  a 002.JPG

1-10-10  a 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

Just wanted to share something with you all, and anyone who cares to stop by our club for a visit. We all know what the benefits of LST, Topping, etc can be. However, why is this so. Well Kat very kindly saved me the hassle of explaining this by posting a brief explanation, just thought I would share. It might be obvious, but sometimes it's nice to see it in Purple and White.

Peace, DST

Originally Posted by Katatawnic
One of these years I might write up a "tutorial" (so to speak) on LST. Not so much "how" to tie the plants; that's the easy part. :wink: Many people think that LST's benefit is allowing for light to penetrate as many potential bud sites as possible. While this does happen, it's really only a "bonus" to LST; a side effect. The initial effect is, like toppping, redistributing the auxins (growth hormones) from focusing mainly at the top of the plant to the lower branches. This is the main reason for the sudden growth of the dormant bud sites, because the redistribution of the auxins basically "tricks" the plant into thinking that the lower branches are now all "main" colas. Of course, the main main cola won't be as large as it would if left alone, but you do end up with more buds that are of higher quality and less popcorn buds. This is why even tying the plant down just once will cause so much more growth from the secondary branches, giving a higher overall yield.

Sometimes you can fool with Mother Nature, so long as you play by her rules while you're at it. :hump:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
very concise and informative post! id love to do scrog but i run with anywhere upto about 9 or 10 plants and its just going to be a nightmare to try and remove some but not all without damaging the others, if only my tent had another door at the back


Well-Known Member
very concise and informative post! id love to do scrog but i run with anywhere upto about 9 or 10 plants and its just going to be a nightmare to try and remove some but not all without damaging the others, if only my tent had another door at the back
I agree, I like my plants to be moveable if required. I can't imagine trying to flush my girls with them growing through a net. McFunk was going to do a scrog for each plant (so he was able to move them) but I guess this is also just like having or using poles to tie.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sounds good i guess easy enough to set up in square pots 4 canes and the net tied between them but the net would be limited in size to the dimensions of the pot. i might have a crack at a side by side in a while for shits n giggles if it works i might roll it out


Well-Known Member
You in IT, Don?....Roll it out....OR/ perhaps a carpet fitter, lol.

Well I am utilising ye olde poles at the moment purely for LST purposes. When the plant has the shape I take the pole out and use it somewhere else. I am also of the thinking, if your bud is supported then it doesn't have to fight against gravity, which I see as making the buds stronger. So if the plant can support the weight, let it be I say....but SCROG's certainly look very cool. Anyone feel free to say otherwise....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah errr educational IT to be specific

i run an oscillating fan 12 on 12 off at under canopy level to make sure ive got strong stems

ive yet to try my hand at proper lst. i think when i get my small tent up and sorted im going to do a full metre x metre scrog


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of putting the screen down only temporarily until the end of stretch. Only tried it once when I removed a scrog screen due to over crowding, but they were later in flowering. They seemed to like getting their 'freedom' back ;)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i reckon it could be hasslesome to remove once you've started weaving the plant through, but as with most things in this game till its been tried who knows!!

did your stretch much after the removal of the screen?


Well-Known Member
i reckon it could be hasslesome to remove once you've started weaving the plant through, but as with most things in this game till its been tried who knows!!

did your stretch much after the removal of the screen?
Na, na, I don't weave a scrog brother, just pull them under and redirect them. That way you can pull the screen any time you want to ;)
We are only talking a week or two until we let them go again.
Mine were later in flowering (4th or 5th week) they did not stretch at all after pulling the screen.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
like i say ive never run a scrog so is the idea to spread the shoots out like a spider rather than under and over them i take it!? i know loads about dope but i love it when i learn new shit.

yeah that would make a lot of sense to spread the plant out then let it boom neat idea