Botany-A functional approach-Walter H Muller....Wow, thats an old book...
Botany-A functional approach-Walter H Muller....Wow, thats an old book...
"My mix"
"I'm typical. If it ain't broke...
FF OF 70%
FF LW 30%
FF Big N' Chunky perlite, two heaping scoops per 2 gallon growbag.
NYCDx??? clones in rw cubes
And the nutes...
FF Grow Big 6-4-4
FF Tiger Bloom 2-8-4
EJ Meta-K 0-0-10
Ionic Boost 0-5-6
Blossom Blaster 0-50-30
Milennium Cal-Mag Max 0-0-0
And the additives...
Dark Energy
Fossil Fuel
Diamond Nectar
Purple Maxx
As a person with a natural resources career, I'm continually amazed at how dialed-in a lot of the old scientists were. No computers, no models, no GCMS machines, on and on... just tight observation.
BTW, did you realize you have "locational information" in your avatar photo? May be of no consequence depending where you are, etc... just thought I'd mention it.
WOW!! Those things are supercharged!
I had a huge lol last year when someone posted in the Newbie a "Growing School"-type thing and the "teacher" was just hitting those plants with everything under the sun. It was astonishing. And all along, it was "... really looking good now! ", the respondents all agreeing, and I was like... ah, no. Everything was all curly and twisted - a real fuck-fest. It eventually died out as the plants did, or the mods killed it because it was downright embarrassing.
You and me are cut from the same mold. At the now defunct Planet Ganja, I would advise a noob as to what was wrong with his yellowed curled up plants and how to correct it, his asshole buddies would refute me based on forum politics, a clique, then gang bang me trying to make me look like the bad guy..... and of course his garden ended up looking like shit. One guy who kept on suggesting adding all these rocket fuels was bound and determined to fuck up his friend's garden because he had this obsessive compulsive drive to refute EVERYTHING I posted. Now you know why I post the nutrient antagonism link so much. Some people just don't understand the concept of the "sum of the parts".
Like they say, "stupid is as stupid does."
Less is more,
No shit.. I've really been getting jumped on a lot here lately for pointing out the simple answers to issues ahead of all the complex steps and formulations people are so enamored of. Then, someone will track my link and find the one or two messy leaves in my grow pic's and say "see there.. you don't know what you're doing. Your plants look like shit..", when the whole group looks pretty bomb. Or like the guy who busted me down cuz his plants were twice as tall as mine at the same time point, but his 20" plants had like four nodes, no side growth.. mine are loaded with internodes and branches.. Ah shit, I could go on.
So yeah, at a lot of points I just say..."go ahead, fuck your plants with 42 different steps and formulations a week that you have no real understanding about, and see how it works out in the end..". And then you see the thread chain take off again with all these people throwing in a different two cents.. and the thread originator so confused and running all over, 2 trips a day to the hydro store and what-not. It's fairly sad actually.
AMEN! the myths are so imbedded in the culture that it is a pain in the ass to get folks to understand simple botany.
Kudos to the folks that keep on keepin on and spreading the truth
So yeah, at a lot of points I just say..."go ahead, fuck your plants with 42 different steps and formulations a week that you have no real understanding about, and see how it works out in the end..".
yes it is where there is a demand there will be a supply wheather or not it is truly a supply or just convincing you that it is people want bigger bud and wanna push there plants as far as possible and the result is money hungry dutchmen give you a bottle of green/brown shit (if only it were shit then it would actually have a use) and call it "magic" for your plants then its makes em sick and conviententy enough they have "just" the right cure YOUR BEING HUSTLED PEOPLE STOP IT NOW CUT OFF THE BLEEDINGIt's the way of the world.
Just wait till they come out with two part nutrients because people would be dumb enough to actually pay for two products that should be one...Yep, they all sell the "cures" to all our plant nutrient problems that shouldn't exist if their "complete" nutrient products were actually complete in the first place!![]()
people just let information overwhelm thier common sense it happens over and over again if you never question the information your given you'll always be able to be lead astrayOOPS.....too much rep in 24 hours, catch the rest of you later.