Cheese Journal (2nd grow)


Active Member
Looks like you have a lot of bottom scraggly growth on your plants, i trimmed mine as they were growing and now the bottom 3rd is trimmed nice more so on my 2nd grow. I do this bcos all the energy is concentrated on the top 2 3rds of the plant, also if you have a lot of plants cramed in the light does not penertrate to the bottom.


Active Member
yer i cant wait to see them my topped plant would of turned out good but its not really gettin any light
but my stems r all skinny and the buds r gonna be shit on it but next time i will be prepared
its better off topping them all
it would be sick 10 topped plants in 1 of our tents with 2 600w air cooled lights
1 of my plants is over 4 feet and its only about half of foot from the light its lookin good aswell


Active Member
yer i cant wait to see them my topped plant would of turned out good but its not really gettin any light
but my stems r all skinny and the buds r gonna be shit on it but next time i will be prepared
its better off topping them all
it would be sick 10 topped plants in 1 of our tents with 2 600w air cooled lights
1 of my plants is over 4 feet and its only about half of foot from the light its lookin good aswell
I started off with 8 plants and every week they were getting to cramped. Had to get rid of 3 as the time went on (gutted), thinking of 2 600s for flower though.


Active Member
About the plant being 6" away from the light, i had the same problem. Now i have a fan blowing on the light and i have fucked my ezi rollers off. I tied the reflector to the pole that runs across at the top of the tent with a cable tie, gives you a few more inches.


Active Member
yer the cheese gets hectic in these tents ther to bushy for them like lower down my plants wer all tangled up they wer that bushy


Active Member
fukin el ther serious buds them whos pulled them off
how many oz a plant have u been getting off yur cheese
do u reckon i could pull 20 0z off my set up
coz i cant
wont be happy if i only get 10 oz


Well-Known Member
cap chill ma8 i reckon mimimum of 2 off each plant easy, u still gt a few weeks yet, ya plants are tall and bushy , u will suprised bud.


Active Member
cap your plants look set to yield atleast 20 oz mate.. plus if ur sellin it you could sell it damp like an get more weight. soz if u dont wanna sell just thinking :) peace x


Active Member
i hope so bro
my last 1 the blue cheese the buds wer fat and matured on the 40th day so am comparin it to that my buds havnt matured enough yet so i cant put my overdrive in

i think its because i put my pk in to late last time i put itr in on the 3rd week of 12/12
turned out nice


Well-Known Member
subscribed cap good grow mate check out my journal in my sig i pulled 25oz from 7 plants n i got e cheese n psycho cheese growin at the mo:leaf:ras:leaf:


Active Member
This is my first grow so i dont know how many ozs i will get, my mate grows 4 plants in a 1m by 1m tent using canna nuets and gets 4 oz a plant. hope i get somewhere near that.


Active Member
yer thats the way to do it u would probly get more of 4 plants in that tent than the way ive got 10
what tent have u got the 1.2 x 1.0 metre tent
thats what ive got with a 600w in with 10 plants
im going to do 1 or 2 plants init with the 600 wen i get a new set up