At loss of words.


Well-Known Member
I may not be the most experienced Marijuana grower ,- but ive done my share so bare with me. - This is the first time i have problems.

A few weeks ago , - i put a number of plants into flowering.

4 GWS GHS , 2 Hawaiian Snow GHS along with a random Sativa hybrid.

They are at 4 weeks of flowering and overall its bin a relatively smooth and enjoyable grow.

I use 2x 600w HPS lights in a compact room. 1 horizontal and the other vertical.

Ive bin using General Hydroponics nutrients along with just a tiny bit of Bloei from Atami.

Around 2 weeks into flowering i start noticing strange yellowing of the mid/upper fanleaves on the Hawaiian Snow and entering the 3rd week - narcotic brown spots started forming.

I mix nutrients on a daily bases and back then i was giving them water once a day of Ph 5.6 - 5.9 and an EC level of 2. In terms of volume its 1 cap brown 1.5 green 2 red per 10 liters.

Daily mixing gives me 100% fresh nutrients and alongside that "semi" flushing every morning and because of the digital meters ive bin able to do this very accurately but maintaining a variability that ensures that if there is a deficiency the plant can recover next morning with the fresh mix. I know this is an expensive and extremely time-consuming method but its the only one ive got atm.

What i know is that this is not any type of bug. And if its a pest the only option would be some kind of mold/fungus. The reason i am so sure its not mites is that my location is far , far , far to isolated geographically to harbor any of these bugs. - Along with the extreme weather conditions outside my house and knowledge of my own country i feel confident when i say bugs are not the problem.

I wondered if it could be calcium deficiency but again , i had to remind myself of where i live. It so happens to be that my tab-water has relatively high calcium content so i ruled that out.

I also pondered toxicity but only the Hawaiian Snow is affected -

I lowered the EC level to 1.6 but the problem is still there.

After that i tried the lower PH levels for Mn. I know the Hawaiian Snow at GHS is kept at 5.5 - 5.7 but im skeptical of what the true difference of 0.1 PH could be.


If theres anyone out there with advice im more than willing to listen :>



Well-Known Member
that looks like chlorosis - due to a Magnesium deficiency
Water with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water.

You have a secondary and cause of the issue "seeing the Purpleing of your stem" also shows you have a nutrient lockout, This could be because you have HARD water, high level of TDS, medium is not buffering, etc etc
Have you PH checked the run off ?
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. If that is the case invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.

Try foliar feeding. ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts - to start with as the plant is locked up and its the quickest way to fix this !
(powder dissolved in some water).

Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. BUT Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients; ' just to mess with your head '.



Well-Known Member
Thx for the fast reply Eza :)

Ill head out to 2morrow n try n get my hands on some >.<

Foilar feeding sounds like a plan since i don't have access to cleaner water as it is.- I considered melting snow <.<


Well-Known Member
Well if you are going to pick up Epsom salts, you may aswell pick up some
H2o2 -(for plants )
If you are considering; snow melt, well , rain tank, or bore WATER you are going to be introducing bacteria and mold into your grow as well as TDS in most cases.
SO what you HAVE to do is treat your water before it goes any where near your grow.
BY using H2o2 it will effectively kill all living things in it ie; bacteria,moild spores, micro shit. But you still may be dealing with TDS issues. Whats the PPM of your snow melt ??

And if you can invest in a RO you will never have a prob again.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i already did, looking at them again didnt change my opinion any either........
"i was giving them water once a day" - overwatering
"Daily mixing gives me 100% fresh nutrients and alongside that "semi" flushing(again, overwatering) every morning " " In terms of volume its 1 cap brown 1.5 green 2 red per 10 liters."


Well-Known Member
i already did, looking at them again didnt change my opinion any either........
"i was giving them water once a day" - overwatering
"Daily mixing gives me 100% fresh nutrients and alongside that "semi" flushing(again, overwatering) every morning " " In terms of volume its 1 cap brown 1.5 green 2 red per 10 liters."
Over feeding Where ?? His EC was 2 - regardless.

I run 2.2 and never had an issue.


Well-Known Member
not all nuteburn looks the same, the defeciencies look different from each other on the leaves.too, thats why we have the plant problem guide that helps identify which nutes its lacking OR has too much of.......right?


Well-Known Member
not all nuteburn looks the same, the defeciencies look different from each other on the leaves.too, thats why we have the plant problem guide that helps identify which nutes its lacking OR has too much of.......right?
Again he is running an EC of 2 - Which IMO is under feed.

Where in his feed schedule can you see he has over done it ??

The EC is the determining factor for the level of activity or NUTES is in the water. He IS NOT OVER FEEDING if he is running EC of 2.

Show me a picture with chlorosis and it being ONLY nute or watering problem ?


Active Member
my opinion comes with the assumption that hes using soil. so, when he says:

"Daily mixing gives me 100% fresh nutrients and alongside that "semi" flushing(again, overwatering) every morning "

it leads me to believe that maybe hes overfeeding, because i feed every other watering, half strength in my soil grows. then, as he said in his post, his daily watering, the "semi flushing" leads to daily overwatering. maybe its a good idea to lighten up on the nutes and water for a few days and see what happens. try the easiest possible solution first. if this solves it, cool. you just avoided burning them even more by foliar feeding them. if it doesnt work, spray the shit out of em. i will say that the ph is a bit low for soil. i ilke to keep it around 6.5. i have no idea what my ec is, as i have never checked it.

again, this is all on the assumption that this is a soil grow. if its not soil, wad my posts up into a tiny ball and throw them away.


Well-Known Member
well if he is in soil then what I said is correct. Too much Ca from the soil and GH nute and it's causing Mg deficiency. should veg with a 30-10-10, schultz or peters brand


Well-Known Member
and there is nothing wrong with watering everyday as long as its done right. this is 100% not from overwatering...


Well-Known Member
Im thinking soilless grow.
BUT either way even in soil;
He will know pretty quick, as a few feeds of epson salt will be like giveing flu meds while on flu if its Mg... it will stop the progression of chlorosis and prevent further damage and bring back the green on some of his yellowing mid leaf.

If it dosnt , I will eat my words. or keyboard or something. :)