global warming is killing people


Well-Known Member
must be that global warming :roll:
Holy shit you mean it snows in the winter in places where it is cold!

Wow I wonder if I can get a satellite picture of a desert that has no snow in it!

Wow I did!

Now I guess we just need to hope people will get over old terms like warming and cooling and see that it is climate changes that scientists are worried about, and that the 'news' is the one that love to sexy up things and attach cute knicknames to things.

But hey we are just learning it snows in places are cold so I won't hold my breath.


Well-Known Member
To say there is no global warming at all is just as ridiculous as the world ending because of global warming. The ice caps are melting, the ozone is disappearing. Look at the air around larger cities, just thick smog.

That's not healthy nor good for the environment.


Well-Known Member
flipflop weather normally in january wtf where in uk do u live m8 im moving there januarys the coldest month of the year every year

jeff f

New Member
To say there is no global warming at all is just as ridiculous as the world ending because of global warming. The ice caps are melting, the ozone is disappearing. Look at the air around larger cities, just thick smog.

That's not healthy nor good for the environment.

well why dont you get in your paddle boat and set sail for the arctic circle? you wont have to go far, it starts at north carolina.

ice caps melting....rriiiiiigggghhhhhhhttttt



Well-Known Member
well why dont you get in your paddle boat and set sail for the arctic circle? you wont have to go far, it starts at north carolina.

ice caps melting....rriiiiiigggghhhhhhhttttt

Are you kidding me? I`m pretty sure it's a proven fact that the ice caps are melting? Or is everyone really out there to get to you? You act like you know everythig and anyone disaggreeing with you is an idiot. You don't know shit except your own opinions and some bullshit you read from some conspiracy theory site and regurgitate that "profound knowledge" here.

News BBC - A team of UK researchers claims to have new evidence that global warming is melting the ice in Antarctica faster than had previously been thought. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (Bas) say the rise in sea levels around the world caused by the melting may have been under-estimated.
It is thought that over 13,000 sq km of sea ice in the Antarctic Peninsula has been lost over the last 50 years.


[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Average temperatures in the Arctic region are rising twice as fast as they are elsewhere in the world. Arctic ice is getting thinner, melting and rupturing. For example, the largest single block of ice in the Arctic, the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, had been around for 3,000 years before it started cracking in 2000. Within two years it had split all the way through and is now breaking into pieces.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The polar ice cap as a whole is shrinking. Images from NASA satellites show that the area of permanent ice cover is contracting at a rate of 9 percent each decade. If this trend continues, summers in the Arctic could become ice-free by the end of the century.[/FONT]

Popular Science - n the 30 plus years since scientists started using satellites to track the area of the Arctic ice cap, the size of the ice pack has gotten smaller and smaller. However, new data from NASA's IceSAT satellite shows that the ice has been melting faster than anyone predicted.
It seems that measuring the area of the ice only tells part of the story. Unlike the other satellites that merely photograph the ice, IceSAT uses a laser to measure the height of the ice. IceSAT's laser can detect changes in ice level as small as a half an inch. And since the height of the ice relates to the thickness of the ice, NASA researchers were able to measure the the density of the ice from 2004-2008.

And since your brain must not work right here are pics visually showing ice caps melting.



Well-Known Member
wow, this is a pretty stupid post.

where do salmon shit? how about polar bears? is their fecal matter any different than mine? why cant i shit in the ocean?

if you have been to the southern third world, why dont you tell us how clean the streets are? and tell us how clean the water is...come on, we are waiting....

how about telling us about their sewage treatment centers...go ahead, i would like to hear all about them....

why dont you tell us about all the poor people who are living in the far east on their little cardbard boats. tell us how clean those water ways are and then tell people how its not safe to put your hand in the water if you have an open cut.

go to a construction site in the US. we keep dirt from flowing into the streams....not pollution, dirt. the same dirt that lines stream bottoms and we keep it out of the streams even if we dig it on the bank of the stream. why dont you tell us about 3rd world construction practices and how they "take care" of the environment...come on we are waiting

but its the US, we are to blame right? yea right bud. not only is your mind poisened to believe this crap, you witness it on a full out scale in the third world, then come back here and lie about what you see.

where i live, you can bend down and drink out of 90% of the streams. and i live in an industrial state. try that in honduras. there isnt a sqaure inch of the united states that lacks drinking water for its citizens. in the coutries you love so much more than here, 90% drink poison cuz thats all thats available. and you know it if you have been there like you say.

you go to impoverished nations and say, "aww look at those kids shitting in that ditch, isnt that cute? they have a neat culture."

i go to that country and say, if we would only help them to build a power plant so they could clean up their environment and live in a country where they might not get malaria and die. if they only had enough energy to build good hospitals and homes so they didnt have to suffer.

liberals look at poverty and think its neat,its culture. conservatives look at poverty and say, how can we help them to live above it.

building homes and hospitals, and grocery stores is a bad thing to libs. the people building them are "polluters", "evil capitalists". meanwhile the poor suffer and you think its neat.

so yes, you are full of shit.
You fail to understand the point of my post. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Those who have the means have the obligation. It's basic social philosophy. So please, re-read my post and respond to my argument. You're neglecting to debate my contention.



Well-Known Member
Your an idiot Jeff face it.

Dirt not flowing into the streams when we dig on the shores makes it so much better here in the states. Your little mind cannot just try to think one step further, and figure out how you live your life and be able to actually take inventory of all the pollution that you surround yourself with.

Cars, heating your home, all the plastic garbage that you have to throw out, chemicals that you clean your house with, and not even mentioning all the massive amount of pollution to bring all this shit to you to fill your every satisfied desire. On and on we are surrounded by our own mess.

But yeah that compares to someone that has hardly any pollution in their day to day life having to shit in a hole in a ditch....


Well-Known Member
Oh and say what you will, I do find it very comforting to know that there are scientists out there looking out for our collectively stupid asses.

You want to piss and moan that they are crying wolf as they find new evidence and are forced to reinterpret the data in order to keep the models current with the best new computer modeling available, but you should be happy that there are people out there looking out for us.

There have been many people before you stupid enough to not listen to the 'evil scientists' when they are just trying to help everyone out. Think about the fact you are just as thick as the people that refuse to leave flood planes and hurricane zones and earthquake areas because they believe it will never happen to them and that the scientists are wrong.

Regardless if climate change is happening or not doesn't excuse us from trying to seek out the best most efficient clean and renewable societies we can achieve.

jeff f

New Member
Your an idiot Jeff face it.

Cars, heating your home, all the plastic garbage that you have to throw out, chemicals that you clean your house with, and not even mentioning all the massive amount of pollution to bring all this shit to you to fill your every satisfied desire. On and on we are surrounded by our own mess.

But yeah that compares to someone that has hardly any pollution in their day to day life having to shit in a hole in a ditch....
dude, read what you are funny.

so call me when you sell all your cars, stop heating your home and stop using chemicals on your house....yes great argument.

chemicals are horrible...its a bunch of conservatives who are making everyone wash their hands in that nasty anti bactiria stuff that everyone is handed out.

there are really bad chemicals to that fight cancer...those nasty polluters.

hey, go to honduras and ask for cancer treatment. i hear its great. plus their vehicles are so efficient, oh wait, you dont want them to have vehicles. its only okay if you have a car. the rest of the world has to sell theirs and quit heating their home...

fuck off is what they would tell you. "

"hey, pedro, we could help you heat your home but mr liberal says your killing the planet".

i think you hate poor people.....feel free to defend your hate of poor people. i will be waiting....unless of course you sold your car and are living in a very fucking cold house.


Well-Known Member
Really where did I ever say that we should stop using cars? Or soap?

Dude seriously your off your rocker. All you are doing is what they do on Fox News so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Someone says something, and with zero regard of what they are saying, just make random crap up about what they said to try and make them look stupid.

But to anyone that has the ability to read something and take it for what was written, and not what you imagine it said, they would see that I was simply pointing out how much more we pollute on a grand scale than any other place on the globe. Unlike you who made it sound like crapping in a ditch is worse.

We are not going back to the stone ages, besides some fringe nutballs, nobody is saying that.

But that shouldn't stop us from developing cleaner technologies, and pollute less, and have to toss out less garbage. Even if there are backwards thinking people out there that refuse to understand it is about doing things better and not about staying stagnant in order to say we did it the same way for the last hundred years.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hanimmal
Your an idiot Jeff face it.

Cars, heating your home, all the plastic garbage that you have to throw out, chemicals that you clean your house with, and not even mentioning all the massive amount of pollution to bring all this shit to you to fill your every satisfied desire. On and on we are surrounded by our own mess.

But yeah that compares to someone that has hardly any pollution in their day to day life having to shit in a hole in a ditch....
dude, read what you are funny.
Wow you do realize (Because you cut it out of my quote) that are just silly. You had to cut out a whole section of what I wrote to make your post better, you really are on par with your fake news.

Here this may clarify what I had meant, which I am sure you must have already disregarded:

Your an idiot Jeff face it.

Dirt not flowing into the streams when we dig on the shores makes it so much better here in the states. Your little mind cannot just try to think one step further, and figure out how you live your life and be able to actually take inventory of all the pollution that you surround yourself with.

Cars, heating your home, all the plastic garbage that you have to throw out, chemicals that you clean your house with, and not even mentioning all the massive amount of pollution to bring all this shit to you to fill your every satisfied desire. On and on we are surrounded by our own mess.

But yeah that compares to someone that has hardly any pollution in their day to day life having to shit in a hole in a ditch....
See the red is what you cut out. Because here is what you had said before (incase you forgot):

why dont you tell us about all the poor people who are living in the far east on their little cardbard boats. tell us how clean those water ways are and then tell people how its not safe to put your hand in the water if you have an open cut.

go to a construction site in the US. we keep dirt from flowing into the streams....not pollution, dirt. the same dirt that lines stream bottoms and we keep it out of the streams even if we dig it on the bank of the stream. why dont you tell us about 3rd world construction practices and how they "take care" of the environment...come on we are waiting

but its the US, we are to blame right? yea right bud. not only is your mind poisened to believe this crap, you witness it on a full out scale in the third world, then come back here and lie about what you see.


Well-Known Member
Ya this guy is a tool. He has yet to come up with anything to further his beliefs. So he resorts to talking weak shit to people and making ridiculous statements.


Well-Known Member
The Climate is always changing, it follows the suns seemingly random tirades of sunspot activity. There aint fuck all human beings can do to change things either way, the sun is 330,000 times more massive than the earth. The sun is supreme ruler of all weather in the solar system bar none, the sun makes up 99.86% of all the mass in our solar system.


Perhaps the government can regulate the sun? I think not.

The sun shines every day and it is warmer during the day yet we just don't seem to be able to connect the dots.

jeff f

New Member
Wow you do realize (Because you cut it out of my quote) that are just silly. You had to cut out a whole section of what I wrote to make your post better, you really are on par with your fake news.

Here this may clarify what I had meant, which I am sure you must have already disregarded:

See the red is what you cut out. Because here is what you had said before (incase you forgot):
okay, when i take YOUR statements to their logical conclusion, you dont like it.

YOU said i surround myself with pollution...i call bullshit.

driving my car, heating my house IS NOT POLLUTION. my house is heated with oil. oil burns in everything that burns. there are lots of natural phenomena that put way more "pollution" in the air and water. the earth cleanses it, sometimes, sometimes she doesnt. you cant drink swamp water can you?

i think it was you that brought up shitting in the ocean and how "evil" that is. well its not pollution. the animals that live in the ocean eat the same stuff i do and shit out the same stuff i do. its not pollution simply cuz it comes out of my ass. shit on your dining room table is pollution. shit in the ocean, woods is not. its natural.

ever fished over a school of mackeral? some schools are 5 miles long and hundreds of feet deep containing millions of fish. they shit more in 5 minutes than a full cruise ship could shit in a year. but dumping shit in the ocean is pollution? no its not. you are narrow minded and dont even think. all you want to do is blame man for some made up condition and in turn, want everybody in the world to live by your fake condition, global warming, ozone holes....boy remember that hoax?....etc

i am all for technology. you think wind mills are an "advancement". no they are not. drive by a windmill farm someday. now that is pollution. the mountains in my neck of the woods have been destroyed by your fucking lunacy.

there, that looks great huh? no pollution there huh?

how bout this one? sure doesnt effect the environment does it? i wish i could find a pic of the ones at my house...fucking hidious.

but this is your answer right? fucking up every bit of nature in the name of "pollution" and global warming. its a fucking joke and someday in the not so distant future everyone will figure out what a fucking joke your ideas are.

your crowd, the treehuggers, tell me i cant put a barn up on my property cuz its a home of some toad (yes no bullshit a fucking toad which i have never seen in my life) but you guys have no problem with the above. my 40 foot by 60 foot barn cant be built but these fucking windmills you are okay with you guys. seriously your dillusional. and with every bit of your bullshit you blame me, conservatives, for wanting to build a real powerplant that will effect a fraction of the environment.

i am all for limiting my impact on the environment. do you think your little windfarm in lessoning or increasing the impact on the environment? do you think these ugly hidious peices of shit are helping the human condition? do you think they are gonna "save the planet"?

REAL SOLUTIONS TO REAL PROBLEMS should be addressed and are being addressed by a free market. free people who think, will fix problems. not some govt beaurecrat. you support a bunch of statists who want to control every factor of human existence. i say fuck your statists! and get your fucking windmills off my mountain.


Well-Known Member
Oh so I get it now,

You just decide words mean something different than what they do so that it fits into what you want to believe.

You love to lump people in groups, and say that I am a treehugger, that is bs. I do not agree with people trying to force nature not to adjust, like your frog example.

But at the same time we should not go through and destroy miles of swamp lands because we want ocean condo's. Since those are essentially flood plains and your fucked when it floods anyways.

See the argument of things burn, and the sun causes more warming in the end while true, is also flawed, because it completely voids any responsibility that we carry.

Yeah a forest fire can do that too, and the sun spots can increase, but why do you refuse to believe that meeting the needs of 6 billion people spread out across the globe can cause it too?

And for your fish shit example, you should realize that shit is not pollution, it is biodegradable.

See if you shit on your lawn and spray water on it it will disappear and put nutrients (depending on the type of shit I guess some would be better than others) into the area it dissolves into.

And other plants and animals will use that as fuel.

Guess what happens to plastic?

But who knows with you maybe plastic really is paper, because you seem to think pollution is windmills and not factories that burn coal or produce nuclear waste.

jeff f

New Member
Oh so I get it now,

You just decide words mean something different than what they do so that it fits into what you want to believe.

You love to lump people in groups, and say that I am a treehugger, that is bs. I do not agree with people trying to force nature not to adjust, like your frog example.

But at the same time we should not go through and destroy miles of swamp lands because we want ocean condo's. Since those are essentially flood plains and your fucked when it floods anyways.

See the argument of things burn, and the sun causes more warming in the end while true, is also flawed, because it completely voids any responsibility that we carry.

Yeah a forest fire can do that too, and the sun spots can increase, but why do you refuse to believe that meeting the needs of 6 billion people spread out across the globe can cause it too?

And for your fish shit example, you should realize that shit is not pollution, it is biodegradable.

See if you shit on your lawn and spray water on it it will disappear and put nutrients (depending on the type of shit I guess some would be better than others) into the area it dissolves into.

And other plants and animals will use that as fuel.

Guess what happens to plastic?

But who knows with you maybe plastic really is paper, because you seem to think pollution is windmills and not factories that burn coal or produce nuclear waste.
and by charging people a nickel for a bag is improving the childrens lives how?


New Member
The sun does not void us of responsibility, it voids us of taxes. Taxes which are made up upon a false premise.

The USA has come a very long way in cleaning up its environment, and considering the incredible output of this industrious nation, we exceed beyond everyone else by comparison.

I don't know how old you are, but if you are under 30, most of the visual differences are now minimal. That doesn't mean it didn't take place. I remember NYC in the 60's and 70's.

Most of the big offenders are now OFFSHORE ... and guess what, they are listening ONE BIT to that point of view. If they don't play along, this is just a fleecing and nothing will come of it.

Nothing CAN come of it of course, since carbon isn't the true issue or catalyst. By the green's own projection, it will take 100's of years to halve man made carbon. I guess Al Gore knows what the weather is going to be like in 300 years???!!! :roll:

It's a scam... you want to do something about plastic? then let's have an open discussion about it from the politicians and get off this carbon nonsense. Once the ppl feel they have been lied to, all other initiatives will have an even steeper incline to surmount.

Carbon based global warming is a scam, and it will harm all the other good projects which do need to be addressed ... like plastic.