Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

i am sorry "NOWitall" but look at the characteristics of cocaine addicts, they have all the same tendencies. yes its a persons personal choice to make bad decisions but this highly addictive and organ destroying drug makes a huge influence on these bad decisions.

like you said,"or u could try the adam and eve aproach.
no way, you didnt want us to eat THAT apple. but its not our fualt, a talking snake made us do it. hey its not our fault we ate the apple, its the apples fault for being where i could reach it."

well if the coke wasn't there that wouldn't of made the "weaker" people choose to do bad things, correct?
you can argue "positive" things about coke but it all boils down to the same conclusion.

and i NEVER said that people are "blaming" their actions on coke. i said and ill repeat it just so people like you can understand, it INFLUENCES you, people crave it, you can make claims saying,"oh some people are just weak and I am strong" and "grow up" and "alcohol, nicotine, coffee do the same thing", well we are ALL humans whether you think your super you need to realize your not, you can die just as easily or succumb to guilty pleasures just like anyone else. if anyone its a "once a year" user who needs to "grow up" and open up their eyes to notice that whether or not you do it once in a while your still doing it. just like they said in NA or AA you may not be drinking as much but your still a fucking addict.

if anyone is lying to themselves look in a mirror, thinking your "stronger" than other people makes you ignorant, all man was created equal as the good book says, and to put yourself on a pedestal as a higher being show me your secret seeing as the "weak" people need your help to become your view of strong.

i see many fallacies in your counter argument mainly misinterpreting what i had said and my opinions on this horrible substance.

ps: i dont see prison guards supplying people in prison with ky jelly.
but to change the pace of this thread, go ahead and grow coke your gonna need a shitload of plants and you need to dedicate years of work just to be able to harvest any major leaf yields. but first i would look up cocaine field busts, they fucking suck, if you get caught and have a big establishment expect a small army coming after you, literally blowing up your crops/property to destroy all of it and either a lifetime in a maximum security prison or multiple bullet wounds.

good luck
sorry for taking this post in the wrong direction and posting multiple times, but i just find it ridiculous for someone to degrade and look down on other people when they are doing the same thing.

speaking of "weak" and "strong" people look up Sigmund Freud, one of the most famous psychologist in history. he decided to experiment with cocaine and believed it to be the best thing ever and everyone should do it. while he was beating his wife, sexually abusing his clients, having a mental breakdown and unable to stop.

this disagreement on this matter is like a blind person trying to give directions to someone who is deaf; its going nowhere.
go ahead and grow coke your gonna need a shitload of plants and you need to dedicate years of work just to be able to harvest any major leaf yields

actually, 2 or 3 plants could provide me with all I want for a couple years.

if you get caught and have a big establishment expect a small army coming after you
Marijuana is schedule 1, cocaine is schedule 2.

when I was young I did coke with dozens of people, only 1 became an addict.
several are like me,15 years later still use on occasion.
Some people are genetically predisposed to addiction. Its not about weak or strong.

some people are interested in growing ethnobotanical plants. So why bash their thread?

everyone knows there is a chance of addiction when you use coke. but the addiction ratio has been greatly exaggerated by the DARE crowd in this thread.

here is proof:
The risk of becoming cocaine-dependent within 2 years of first use (recent-onset) is 5-6%; after 10 years, it increases to 15-16%[1]. These are the aggregate rates for all types of use considered, i.e., smoking, snorting, injecting.

5% become dependant within 2 years of use, and thats considering all types of use.Merely snorting or chewing leaves is much lower.

all I want is truth. Not DARE scare tactics.
DARE scare tactics....i agree with you that DARE made me believe that marijuana was the worst thing when i was 11, now after finally figuring out what the best medicine for my chronic illnesses was marijuana and that its about deadly as everyday life.

i dont know where you are coming up with these percentages, the first time you do coke it fucks up your dopamine receptors permanently, its in thousands of medical studies.

i am not by all means "bashing" this thread, just trying to share my opinions, facts and trying to spread awareness about this drug. you can make it sound as minuscule and safe of a drug as you want, but the proof is in the pudding.

FYI Wikipedia is not a credible source, it is information submitted by subscribers, also with providing that link to Wikipedia if you notice the brain scans that were done to show the amount your brain becomes dependent on it, then this conversation should be over.

keep doing coke all you want, yes its a good high, but even if you do it seldom or chew on leaves, it is inevitable that you will build up a tolerance for it, thus craving more.

also back to the argument about the "weak" and the "strong", if i was going to refer to people in these categories i would see people beyond addiction and other means of escaping reality or needing a narcotic for enjoyment far surpassed and "stronger" than those who do.
yes, I edit wikipedia often.
but only when I can link a credible source.
like the one from in my last post.
which itself got its info from studies by Johns Hopkins University and University of Michigan.

So I didnt make up the percentages, John Hopkins University U of Michigan did.

If the wiki info is from a credible source it is credible.

the good thing about wikipedia and the reason it is a good source of information is it requires sources. If a valid source is not provided you can edit the wiki accordingly. Also when i doubt wikipedia I always view the discussion page and check the sources.

those brain scans werent on humans. And yes we would expect dopamine levels to change in scans.
Cocaine is a triple reuptake inhibitor, one being dopamine. Thats what makes it fun.
whats funny is how you add your own parts to peoples arguements.

i never once even suggested i was stronger than anyone else. i did however use 3rd person sarcasm, which you seem to have some difficulty with. ill repost with some extra puntuation and bold "people get addicted to shit becuase they lie to themselves, "oh im stronger than everyone else" (they say), sure it hurts them but it wont hurt me (they think), i can quite anytime, not today but anytime i want, no probly not next week (thats WEEK not WEAK) either."

and yeah we appreciate the facts, your doin good there. but your missenturpreting most the things people are saying. nobody has said coke was safe, theres been some minimization of danger, but nobody has said its safe.

yes coke is not good for you. it is not vitamins. we are all in equal agreement that if a person wanted to be in tip top health they would not be doin cocaine.
nobody is argueing the other side, at this point your kinda just shadow boxing with the wall.

nobody said anything about cocaine other than it can be fun, and it can fuck your whole life up. nobody is up here saying TRY COCAINE ITS SO GREAT IT WILL WASH YOUR CAR FOR YOU, INCREASE YOUR DICK SIZE BY 15 INCHES, AND REVEALE NEXT WEEKS LOTTERY NUMBERS. nobody has sais ANYTHING positive about cocaine other than it can be fun, and even YOU acknowledged that.

and for the last MF time, and if you can get the wax out of your eyes for long enough to read an entire sentance

HE DOESNT WANT "major leaf yields"
"a big establishment"

its funny you should talk about Freud, someone that wanted to fuck his own mom, and tried to make himself feel better about it by insisting that everyone does. (and that was pre coke theory). and you should never use a psychologist as an example, ive never known 1 that didnt have alot of issues. and for some reason they all have maladjusted kids, ive never figured that out. Freudian psychology has been out since the early to mid 90's. people that endorse Freud do so in order to feel better about wanting to do their mom. not that im suggesting anything.

but anyway, have you heard the term PROJECTION. your projecting your own thought's, action's, desire's, habit's, onto everyone that posts. just cuz your idea of "once a year" means one 3 ounce bag in one day per year (see how i did that there, read your posts, then made up something you never said, now im gonna argue about it) doesnt mean that everybody does. not EVERYBODY eats the whole box of Oreo's.

and its got nothing to do with strength

i like coke, which is why i dont have any.
it is fun every now and then, which is why i dont know coke dealers.
from that very first line, EVERYBODY wants more.
which i dont like, i dont like wanting more, that part sucks. but at some point in every bodies life they have to grow up and learn when to eat just 1 poptart, and NOT the whole box of poptarts.

also i aperantly like to sleep more than most people.

and from MY perspective women are WAY worse for you than coke.

coke has cost me roughly, maybe somewhere in the 1300$ range in the last 6-8 years

whereas just 1 woman cost me 2 cars, my home, 35,000$ give or take, my ability to trust, and stress from it all caused the return of a medical problem i thought gone.

so coke cost me a cheap used car
and my wife cost me almost everything i own, and my health, and hapiness

so you hold onto your preaching, cuz i heartily agree that people should be discouraged from trying cocaine.
and ill hold onto my preaching, cuz i think i my ex is satan reincarnated.

Despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage ...

This is called, "Mouse Cocaine Lever Death":

"No drug takes you down faster or harder than crack. There are two forms of cocaine, the powdered form that you snort, and crack that you smoke.

Cocaine is so addictive that if you give a mouse a hit of cocaine every time it presses a lever, it will do nothing else but press that lever. It won't stop for a minute to take a sip of water or a bite to eat, and eventually it will die from a cocaine overdose. The only thing that prevents people from overdosing on crack is their bank account. Once people are addicted to crack, they will sell their soul for another hit."

And you say that this shit -isn't- somehow evil ? If evil does in fact exist ... it would seem a thing quite contrary to the desire to stay healthy and living.

Even if its only a 5% or 6% chance of immediate addiction (by the numbers) - do you really want to take a 1 in 20 chance of becoming an addict ? Why not use some mind expanding drugs like LSD or psylocybin or mescaline - addiction in these drugs is almost unheard of. Hell, just smoke some better weed. Lord knows i've tripped off some good weed before.

...and ill hold onto my preaching, cuz i think i my ex is satan reincarnated.
heheheh, could be, could be.
LSD or psylocybin or mescaline

those are all great drugs

if you give a mouse a hit of cocaine
sucks to be a mouse.

"No drug takes you down faster or harder than crack. There are two forms of cocaine, the powdered form that you snort, and crack that you smoke.
they forgot smoking freebase, shooting iv, and chewing leaves, and making tea

I know people well into their 30's 40's and 50's that use cocaine occasionally that have never been addicted.
I think it's kind of funny that so many pot heads get so butt hurt when people post about pills or coke. The fact is that if coke didn't exist they would find something else to get hooked on.

I snorted so much blow a few years back bloody noses were a part of daily life for me. Then I quit for a while. How did I quit? I didn't call my dealer. When I want to cut back on drinking I don't go the liquor store.

Some people are addicts and others like me use drugs and don't get addicted.

While this site is dedicated to herb there is clearly plenty of talk about pills, LSD, coke and other goodies we all mess around with. Some of you guys just gotta chill out.

If you think good (key word good) blow is shit and should never be touched, I guess you've never had good blow. :bigjoint:

PS- I still do blow three or four times a year. When it's around I do it. When it's not I don't. Pretty simple.
cuz your getting the wrong idea about it... it is NOTHING like good ol bud. Grow and smoke.. but grow and snort??? HAHAHHAHAHA.. dont work like that son

P.S. i should have quoted the original starter of the thread.. thats who i was tellin to get off the powder, lol my bad.
yup powder will do you no good. and we know telling you this also does no good. but if you play, youll learn....... better to just chew the leaves as you would chewing tobacco. i found it to be badass.....WAY better than i expected. an "up" feeling without the acid/solvent extractions. the leaves i chewed up were dry......i dont know if that makes a differance or not.also my pupils were huge ......again dont know if thats a factor or not........peace. fuck powder.
cuz your getting the wrong idea about it... it is NOTHING like good ol bud. Grow and smoke.. but grow and snort??? HAHAHHAHAHA.. dont work like that son

P.S. i should have quoted the original starter of the thread.. thats who i was tellin to get off the powder, lol my bad.

He doesn't sound like he does a lot. If he did do a lot of blow he would prob have some idea how to grow it. I don't see the big deal really...

I get mine from this dude that is 70 years old. It's always really nice and dry. The color is so white it's purple and looks like a little icey glacier.

Not yellow.
whew i smelled... only whiffed an o of some that fits that description one time and i almost puked!!! ive never snorted powder but i went on a little spree with it... bout a two month run.. i had a good plug. i jus never wanted to stay with it because there was no telling what would happen if i ever snorted a line... this was years back though.
whew i smelled... only whiffed an o of some that fits that description one time and i almost puked!!! ive never snorted powder but i went on a little spree with it... bout a two month run.. i had a good plug. i jus never wanted to stay with it because there was no telling what would happen if i ever snorted a line... this was years back though.

I know that smell you're talking about. But it makes my mouth salivate. :shock:
I think it might prove to be interesting to attempt to grow a coca plant, not for cocaine but for its simple dried leaves. When I visited Peru I bought a bag of coca leaves within 3 minutes and set to chewing about 10 of them. Within a few minutes I felt peppy, upbeat, but not hyper, or floating or anything. I remained chewing them until the taste was completely gone, which was about the time I arrived at the hostel. Went to dinner and had very little appetite. Had a great sleep, and immediately had some coca tea followed by Andean coffee extract and hot milk. The rest of the day, I chewed the leaves almost constantly, everywhere I went, not because I felt addicted or that I felt I needed to, but because I didnt have to pee, I had no fatigue, no altitude sickness, (I hail from sea level) no shortness of breath (cigar smoker, AND smoked cigarettes while there)... list goes on and on. I tried coca candy, tea, foods, maca, san pedro or brigesii, et al.

If you could grow one, even as a long term hobby, you could chew the leaves or steep your own tea by picking off and drying a few leaves here and there til you reach the amount you need. You would have loads of energy, better heart rate, you are stronger, faster, can concentrate better... The coca leaves in their completely natural but dried state are fantastic.

I think the locals did say that the plants grew better in the higher regions, but I saw plenty mixed in with eucalyptus trees, rocks, and scrub brush in the lower altitudes. Locals gathered coca leaves and prickly pear cactus in the foothills of the mountains and in the sacred valley (which I guess IS still higher altitude than most of US and other countries...) anyway I would love to get some seeds myself; If I had them I would make a tent structure that had a slight vacuum somehow, to decrease oxygen level or something. Man that would be great.
I think it might prove to be interesting to attempt to grow a coca plant, not for cocaine but for its simple dried leaves. When I visited Peru I bought a bag of coca leaves within 3 minutes and set to chewing about 10 of them. Within a few minutes I felt peppy, upbeat, but not hyper, or floating or anything. I remained chewing them until the taste was completely gone, which was about the time I arrived at the hostel. Went to dinner and had very little appetite. Had a great sleep, and immediately had some coca tea followed by Andean coffee extract and hot milk. The rest of the day, I chewed the leaves almost constantly, everywhere I went, not because I felt addicted or that I felt I needed to, but because I didnt have to pee, I had no fatigue, no altitude sickness, (I hail from sea level) no shortness of breath (cigar smoker, AND smoked cigarettes while there)... list goes on and on. I tried coca candy, tea, foods, maca, san pedro or brigesii, et al.

If you could grow one, even as a long term hobby, you could chew the leaves or steep your own tea by picking off and drying a few leaves here and there til you reach the amount you need. You would have loads of energy, better heart rate, you are stronger, faster, can concentrate better... The coca leaves in their completely natural but dried state are fantastic.

I think the locals did say that the plants grew better in the higher regions, but I saw plenty mixed in with eucalyptus trees, rocks, and scrub brush in the lower altitudes. Locals gathered coca leaves and prickly pear cactus in the foothills of the mountains and in the sacred valley (which I guess IS still higher altitude than most of US and other countries...) anyway I would love to get some seeds myself; If I had them I would make a tent structure that had a slight vacuum somehow, to decrease oxygen level or something. Man that would be great.

Yo definately don't piss too much on any coca product. Once I stop I piss every 30min or so.

That's a good idea.