When does the smell happen?

the calm

Active Member
just wondering when the smell happens while growing, how strong it is, and any other good info. thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi Calm, welcome to the site.

i have heard of plants starting to smell starting during vegetative but my experience has been it really starts two or three weeks into flowering. as for how strong the smell gets - it does depend on the strain (a skunk will be more stinky - in a good way - than other strains) but they all give off a very, very strong odor. i had three plants in my basement without any odor then one day the smell filled all three floors of my house! I could even smell it in the attic.

if you are concerned about odor you'll definitely want to have a plan for dealing with it BEFORE it starts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, mine have been vegging for about a month, and they are definitely starting to smell, really good, but need to get some carbon filter or something......... Not sure what do use yet.


Well-Known Member
I am growing white widow and it made my whole house stink after 3 weeks. I am on day 55 second day of flower now and I have to do something its getting soooooo bad already.


Well-Known Member
during veg u will smell that living plant smell. that "green" chlorophyll smell. But like has been said 2-3 weeks into flowering you will get that dank chronic smell. not like u smoked some in ur house, like you have the living breahting dank chronic smell. get a good fan and a carbon filter and u should be fine. unless u have a 100 plant op then you might have to take other precautions.


Active Member
Didn't want to post a new thread so I'm asking if the grow room is blowing out the chininy if it will take car of the smell or not?



Well-Known Member
It should wallyp. but filter it b4 it goes out the chimney. dont want santa busting you cause u didnt filter the smell lol


Well-Known Member
Didn't want to post a new thread so I'm asking if the grow room is blowing out the chininy if it will take car of the smell or not?
it won't eliminate the smell but it may send the odor out so high you might not have to worry about it. but you should have an odor-control back-up plan just in case.

the calm

Active Member
so if i'm growing one to three little plants in a fairly crowded little compartment, if i setup a carbon filter and make sure the air is filtered through that, then it will be non-detectable, or just breathable?


Well-Known Member
agree with billybob88 who is crapping you negative - you have to get right near the box (or open it) to detect the smell.


Well-Known Member
sorry about that - i was watching Raising Arizona recently and i think that line is in it.

it means he is "not shitting you" or putting you on. - crapping you negative.


Well-Known Member
I don't know bad the smell gets to be honest, never really notice it, I don't have any carbond scrubbers either or ona gel for that matter, i just rely on 2 simple little devices that impress with their efficiency.