Obama is a racist and harbors a lifelong hatred of white people


Well-Known Member
I believe Illegal Smile is definitely onto something. I have personally read Obama's autobiography, Dreams of my Father. I've also read Michelle's doctoral thesis papers from Princeton. In both books I picked up on a theme of "anti-white". I suggest everyone look at Michelle's and Barak's work to really know who they are.
I can just look at their friends.

As an independent libertarian I can say with most certainty neither the republican or democratic parties, neither the congress or the senate, neither your elected officials nor your president, will ever be looking out for your best interests. So long as this unchecked and secret system of control continues to be amassed against our brothers, sisters, and children, voting democrat or republican is not going to change anything. It's a two colored one party international system being created to remove American sovereignty. As if one side offers more liberty and freedom then the other.. As if one side protects the constitution and the bill of rights more then the other..


Well-Known Member
I can just look at their friends.

As an independent libertarian I can say with most certainty neither the republican or democratic parties, neither the congress or the senate, neither your elected officials nor your president, will ever be looking out for your best interests. So long as this unchecked and secret system of control continues to be amassed against our brothers, sisters, and children, voting democrat or republican is not going to change anything. It's a two colored one party international system being created to remove American sovereignty. As if one side offers more liberty and freedom then the other.. As if one side protects the constitution and the bill of rights more then the other..
Hopefully Ron Paul will run again in 2012. Meanwhile lets get MJ legal.


Well-Known Member
obama = liar
bush = liar
clinton = liar
......the list goes on. im seeing a pattern here......... democrat .....republican......i have yet to see a difference. people continue to die for greed.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
they're all are liars, ever one who has ever sat in the set
the truth is the prez has no real power and is just a front man for the unseen hand. they really run every thing. it's just this time around the decided to use a black lie instead of a white one - nothing knew - i cant understand why everyone is so bent out of shape about Obama, if its that serious there are other country you can go live
you only have 6 more years of obama - trust me 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 more the unseen hand wants it that way, nothing happens with out there approval. the end


Well-Known Member
they're all are liars, ever one who has ever sat in the set
the truth is the prez has no real power and is just a front man for the unseen hand. they really run every thing. it's just this time around the decided to use a black lie instead of a white one - nothing knew - i cant understand why everyone is so bent out of shape about Obama, if its that serious there are other country you can go live
you only have 6 more years of obama - trust me 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 more the unseen hand wants it that way, nothing happens with out there approval. the end
Where's my apology bro?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's politics. The left is still slinging mud at Bush. And the point, to me anyways, is about the double standard. Blacks say they want equality and I'm all for it. But many want to be More equal. By that I mean they want equality but with a lot of preferential treatment mixed in. When does it stop? How long do we need affirmative action? How do you go about making reparations? I don't think it can be done. I have some African blood in me from way back. Does that mean I would get a check if reparations are made. I think it's time to move on and put the past where it belongs.............behind us. We can't do anything about the horrible things blacks had to endure at the hands of our ancestors. What we can do is have an honest discussion about race, and how both sides really feel. If we can't do that I fear we will never move beyond the us vs. them mentality. :weed:
Good post!!!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
It's politics. The left is still slinging mud at Bush. And the point, to me anyways, is about the double standard. Blacks say they want equality and I'm all for it. But many want to be More equal. By that I mean they want equality but with a lot of preferential treatment mixed in. When does it stop? How long do we need affirmative action? How do you go about making reparations? I don't think it can be done. I have some African blood in me from way back. Does that mean I would get a check if reparations are made. I think it's time to move on and put the past where it belongs.............behind us. We can't do anything about the horrible things blacks had to endure at the hands of our ancestors. What we can do is have an honest discussion about race, and how both sides really feel. If we can't do that I fear we will never move beyond the us vs. them mentality. :weed:
warning "i have bad grammer and spelling "

are you saying blacks should just forget what happed to them and what is continusly happning to them - no i cant do it, but you are right in order to move on someone has to forgive and forget and not teach the next generation the pains of the past - this could be ezly done by us blacks remimber we are a trusting race and oreginally non-violent - but the problem with this is can whites stop teaching there children hate toward any one thats not them - its because of inequilty that the past is remimbered (black history is also white history) -- do you realize there are still blacks alive from that time that still have scars from being attacted by dogs and fire hoses + this was not to long ago (king would still be alive) but, it is talked about in schools as if it was hundreds of years ago
people (whites) love to say forget the past, move on, get over it, that was my ancester - how quick are you willing to forgive and forget 911, and those who look like the ones that harmed us-

i personaly would be willing to forget and forgive but just as soon as i do i get reminded how some whites feel about me just ask any of my white friends - there certain places that we cant go together, mainly, well 100% of these places are white owned and operated right here in chicago, even heard nigger lover shouted plenty of times- if you want to know how much race matters to people just interveiw any interracal couple+ just recently a interacal couple was denied marrage because of there mixed race this and plenty of other reasons i will teach my children about OUR history (U.S. HISTORY)

so it seems to me that blacks are tring to move away from the past but its whites that wont let us forget it - and im not saying all whites think like this or all blacks think this way / just saying we have came a long way whites and blacks but we have much further to go this planet is almost ready - look how much more sussecfull we are when we coeset look at all the mixed team ups and how gr8 they are


Well-Known Member
warning "i have bad grammer and spelling "

are you saying blacks should just forget what happed to them and what is continusly happning to them - no i cant do it, but you are right in order to move on someone has to forgive and forget and not teach the next generation the pains of the past - this could be ezly done by us blacks remimber we are a trusting race and oreginally non-violent - but the problem with this is can whites stop teaching there children hate toward any one thats not them - its because of inequilty that the past is remimbered (black history is also white history) -- do you realize there are still blacks alive from that time that still have scars from being attacted by dogs and fire hoses + this was not to long ago (king would still be alive) but, it is talked about in schools as if it was hundreds of years ago
people (whites) love to say forget the past, move on, get over it, that was my ancester - how quick are you willing to forgive and forget 911, and those who look like the ones that harmed us-

i personaly would be willing to forget and forgive but just as soon as i do i get reminded how some whites feel about me just ask any of my white friends - there certain places that we cant go together, mainly, well 100% of these places are white owned and operated right here in chicago, even heard nigger lover shouted plenty of times- if you want to know how much race matters to people just interveiw any interracal couple+ just recently a interacal couple was denied marrage because of there mixed race this and plenty of other reasons i will teach my children about OUR history (U.S. HISTORY)

so it seems to me that blacks are tring to move away from the past but its whites that wont let us forget it - and im not saying all whites think like this or all blacks think this way / just saying we have came a long way whites and blacks but we have much further to go this planet is almost ready - look how much more sussecfull we are when we coeset look at all the mixed team ups and how gr8 they are
I don't think anyone should forget about the past I just think we need to move forward as a society. Slavery cannot be undone. It is an unfortunate part of our history and on behalf of all white people I apologize for the indiscretions of my ancestors and for slavery as a whole. My question to you is how long should I be punished for something that happened 6 or 7 generations before I even existed. Either black people want equality or they want special treatment. You can't have it both ways. I'm all for equality but I don't do double standards. I keep it real. I have no problem with anybody of a different race but I will have an honest discussion about how I feel. If we all did that maybe we could move past the race issue. And as for your 9/11 apology parallel. Not even the same thing, and yeah, I'll forgive them once 150 years or so has passed. ;-)


Well-Known Member
But do you think this is just about slavery?

You may be fine, and willing to hire a black person, but that doesn't mean that a racist could not be in a managerial position and refuse to do so.

That is what affirmative action is all about, not some sort of apology for slavery.

And how is it harming you? Have you ever not gotten a job due to it? And lets say that you got passed up when 15 contractors were hired and the last 2 were black companies and you did not get the bid. Well that would mean that you were not better than the 13 white companies that got their bid.

I am not in favor of preferential treatment, and for the most part do feel that it is no longer needed on the much larger scale (99% of the time) but that doesn't mean that there is not legit cases where racism does happen. And that is why the laws are there. If not they would be obsolete, and nobody would care to get them off the books (like having a penny in your ear while skipping being illegal).

Big P

Well-Known Member
warning "i have bad grammer and spelling "

are you saying blacks should just forget what happed to them and what is continusly happning to them - no i cant do it, but you are right in order to move on someone has to forgive and forget and not teach the next generation the pains of the past - this could be ezly done by us blacks remimber we are a trusting race and oreginally non-violent - but the problem with this is can whites stop teaching there children hate toward any one thats not them - its because of inequilty that the past is remimbered (black history is also white history) -- do you realize there are still blacks alive from that time that still have scars from being attacted by dogs and fire hoses + this was not to long ago (king would still be alive) but, it is talked about in schools as if it was hundreds of years ago
people (whites) love to say forget the past, move on, get over it, that was my ancester - how quick are you willing to forgive and forget 911, and those who look like the ones that harmed us-

i personaly would be willing to forget and forgive but just as soon as i do i get reminded how some whites feel about me just ask any of my white friends - there certain places that we cant go together, mainly, well 100% of these places are white owned and operated right here in chicago, even heard nigger lover shouted plenty of times- if you want to know how much race matters to people just interveiw any interracal couple+ just recently a interacal couple was denied marrage because of there mixed race this and plenty of other reasons i will teach my children about OUR history (U.S. HISTORY)

so it seems to me that blacks are tring to move away from the past but its whites that wont let us forget it - and im not saying all whites think like this or all blacks think this way / just saying we have came a long way whites and blacks but we have much further to go this planet is almost ready - look how much more sussecfull we are when we coeset look at all the mixed team ups and how gr8 they are

theres racism from all races. this will always be the case.\

black racists
white racists
arab racists
hispanic racists
asian racists
italian racists

as long as its not condoned we should be good, its a part of being human

i understand there millions of american out there who be like sand nigger and shit like that and im arab but to me doesnt bother me, kinda fee sorry for them almost cuz the people who do that shit or actually are racist are usually losers in like,.

but jokes are fun like im not racist but I make fun of my black friends somtimes and call them nigger

and they always make fun of me callin me habib and shit like that

everyone will mock another race here and there in jest without actually being a real racist

and then you have the real racists but they are the loser minority of people but i guess your right they tend to live in certain areas together

thats crazy that shit like that goes on in Chicago??

i think the crazy truth is that in the south people are much less racist and all live together than popular belief

I live in the south and all the young and even old people all intermingle black white and the like,

many interacial couples here in the south and I guess its becuase we actually have large populations of blacks and everyone has to live together and enjoy thier lives

you also have a shit load of racist blacks in the south but mostly from all black nieborhoods and they have pretty much been indoctranated

when i used to live in atlanta I met this dude from the west side of atl and I guess its pretty rough out there but man talking to this guy you would think he was from another planet

some real gehtto individuals, just call you white boy this or white boy that,

i picked up one of his freinds once and he had to tell his friend that its all good and that i was cool, just cuz i look white lol


i went to Chicago once and got drunk at a bar on a business trip and this dude i was with was like hey man dont get lost there some real bad black neiborhoods around here almost saying it racist like

so I was like so what? am i supposed to scared or somthin? he was like they will tear your ass up, anyway i never tested his theory:bigjoint:

lol then im with my boss right and we are trying to get a cab and its freezing, and so i run up to a full cab and im like call some of you boys and get some more taxis over here

and my by boss who is from CHicago was like what are you crazy dont say that shit to him, like i guess he thought i was saying that to the guy as a diss of somthin

"call some of your boys" is all i said.

maybe chicago is just a fucked up place to live:bigjoint: its fuckin cold out there son!


Well-Known Member
I don't like obama-care one bit. I like the thought of universal healthcare, but not the way he's planning it. I won't go and say Obama is a racist. He is half white after all and he's lowered his association with that asshole Rev. no one likes. Aside for the fact he's the first black president, I'm thinking if he weren't black he'd go down as the next jimmy carter. He's doing no better of a job than Bush IMO (I'd give both a C rating). The only reason why people hate Bush so much is because the liberal media slammed the guy hard on TV during his second term. I think people forget Bush was well liked during his first term and especially after 9/11.


Well-Known Member
The only reason why people hate Bush so much is because the liberal media slammed the guy hard on TV during his second term. I think people forget Bush was well liked during his first term and especially after 9/11.
Bingo, we destroyed that guy.

And now the right is destroying our guy, it is just that they have an early start over us. Imagine how bad we would have lambasted McCain and Palin if they had won. It would have been just as frivolous as it is now, and it was for Bush.

We on the left are hypocrites for not allowing the right to go off the wheels like we did, and the right (or newly became 'libertarians') are being hypocrites for forgetting how much they looked down on us for being idiots and swallowing all the lies about Bush, but getting mad at us for looking down on them now.

And when republicans get back in power we will all switch sides again (except for the people that hate everyone no matter how well our country continues to do) and get to be hypocrites again, and again.


Well-Known Member
But do you think this is just about slavery?

You may be fine, and willing to hire a black person, but that doesn't mean that a racist could not be in a managerial position and refuse to do so.

That is what affirmative action is all about, not some sort of apology for slavery.

And how is it harming you? Have you ever not gotten a job due to it? And lets say that you got passed up when 15 contractors were hired and the last 2 were black companies and you did not get the bid. Well that would mean that you were not better than the 13 white companies that got their bid.

I am not in favor of preferential treatment, and for the most part do feel that it is no longer needed on the much larger scale (99% of the time) but that doesn't mean that there is not legit cases where racism does happen. And that is why the laws are there. If not they would be obsolete, and nobody would care to get them off the books (like having a penny in your ear while skipping being illegal).
I was passed over for promotion twice in lieu of blacks who had lower test scores. :-(


Well-Known Member
And how many white people got promoted during that time? Because 2 black people getting promotions and no white people is not affirmative action, it would be racist to just promote the black people and no white people if the white people were better workers (test, and work wise).


Active Member
And how many white people got promoted during that time? Because 2 black people getting promotions and no white people is not affirmative action, it would be racist to just promote the black people and no white people if the white people were better workers (test, and work wise).
I think you're misinterpreting or missing the point. The point Doc111 I think is trying to make is this. If we want excellence and test scores are a good indication of how much a person is prepared then we should hire the person who worked hardest to know the information to do an excellent job and be prepared. No?

Hiring someone to balance out the interracial quota or the like is poor thinking. It's setting us up for mediocrity.

As far as I am concerned about reparations An eye for an eye makes the world go blind, it always has and always will a majority of the time. We all feel safer surrounded by our culture unless we were born in a mixed culture. It starts with the parents teaching love and peace, and not harboring feelings to pass on to their young. Things have changed, but I feel that the overall attitude of people has become increasingly hostile over the last generation especially. We certainly have had a stressful one as a country.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I was passed over for promotion twice in lieu of blacks who had lower test scores. :-(
how is it you know the test scores- if i took a test at my job or for a job they wouldn't tell me anyone elses scores- so how is it you know someone else scores

and how many white had lower scores then you
or did you only ask "hey what did the blacks get on the test"

and keep in mind that the action was created so that blacks that was qualified that out tested there white peers would not be over looked - so what you clame whats been happening to you has been happing to blacks and women sence the first gr8 white man allowed us to read and work which was outlawed for many years

see what i am afraid of is the fact that you have no proof that the black scored less then you other then you dont beleive any black could out test you