Hey all..... so this is her 2nd day into flowering. i cant tell the sex yet but hopefully in the next few days i can!!! cant wait

I'd show a picture of the steams but my cam isnt that good but heres a picture of her!
shes nice thick & bushy, my ph is at 5.8 and temp is around 80*f she is drinking alot. about near half the res a day.
for my vegging nutes i use nutes custom made by the hydro store says on it total nutrition plant food i put about 5ml/ liter but i up'd awhile back.
so i went to the hydroponic store today. and i asked them what is the best chemicals they got in stock for a hydro grow that is in flowering.
they told me DUTCH MASTER GOLD RANGE. so i bought part a and b FLOWER 1 liter each. if i need more ill go back.
they also told me after my plant shows sex, if its female flush the res n let her sit in ph'd water for a day or 2 then start using dutch master and so on...
has anyone used dutch master gold range? they also gave me a feeding schedule howmuch dutch master i should feed per week and
adding more and more each week.i also went to Canadian tire. i bought some root stimulator im not sure if its good but yeh.
the brand name is wilson Liquid Root Stimulator. anyone try this out? and jade thanks for the seedbank site ima try them out, has anyone tried single seed canada? anyways i'll keep posting pictures and howmuch i feed per week and if she is a FEMALE! WISH HER LUCK!