'Legal Buds' anyone?

i heartmj

Active Member
dude they are shitty. My buddy bought that shit cuz he was curious. When we smoked it it tasted lemony. but didn't do anything. yer better off catching a buzz off a clove.


Well-Known Member
do not waste your money... I have gotten legal buds for free with purchases of bongs and pipes over the years. the one time i actually tried them they ruined the piece i tried it out of until i used resin cleaner to clean it. tasted like SHIT!! i have friends that have ordered them back in the day and never got anyone high--- they are some BS


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I tried some while i was on vacation because what i took with me didnt last the whole trip, so i saw a head shop went in and they were selling it. So i purchased some smoked it and got no buz from it. it did look good but it smelled like rabbit feed. :-(


Well-Known Member
i'm not even gonna spend the time reading all these posts. all i needed to read was the first.

i hope u didnt buy anything.

i felt EXACTLY the same way a few years ago and went ahead and bought an ounce.

u might as well smoke potpuri, or a maple leaf, or a tea bag, or anything in the world that u would never associate "getting high" with

the testimonials are all fake.

just google legal buds.

read those testimonials. its a joke.

i was broke as shit when i bought it, rolled less than a gram up, and threw all of it out instantly, i was very pissed.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
dude i dont know where your from but 50 $ an ounce is a lotta money to pay for cheap bud let alone fake bud. Don't waste your money...lol maybe u should smoke some tea bags we used to smoke tea back in the day lol. We had some dank ass shit


Well-Known Member
dude i dont know where your from but 50 $ an ounce is a lotta money to pay for cheap bud let alone fake bud. Don't waste your money...lol maybe u should smoke some tea bags we used to smoke tea back in the day lol. We had some dank ass shit

when i said tea bag i didnt actually reffer to it as something that u actually smoke to get high.. lmfao but i guess i forgot that if u smoke ENOUGH of it u will get high..

then again thats pretty basic for anything. smoke enough, and u will feel something, being as ur body wasnt intended to inhale it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man a few years back I got some Hawaiian Gold Bud. Looked great in the advertisements but upon receiving it I was not impressed. The company I ordered it from treated me like absolute shit. I was on the phone with them tryin to verify credit card info and they were being rude as hell like i'm some idiot stoner tryin to get my fix. Bud was hard to roll, didn't look like advertised, tasted a little weird, and didn't even give me a buzz stronger than a cigarette could give you! I know its cheap and all but pleaseeee go with something else. I'd rather have an ounce of mexican dirt shwag weed than that stuff.

I had a forty sac of some high mids in my stash next to a half ounce of hawaiian gold...some fucker went in there took out a blunts worth of mid and put some hawaiian in the sac in hopes I wouldn't notice. Hellz yeah I noticed, and spent about half an hour trying to get all the bs bud out of my real bud.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
dude i dont know where your from but 50 $ an ounce is a lotta money to pay for cheap bud let alone fake bud. Don't waste your money...lol maybe u should smoke some tea bags we used to smoke tea back in the day lol. We had some dank ass shit
50 dollars for a REAL ounce? Just where the fuck do you live????? lmao!

UK mate, we pay anything from 120 to 160 :'(
There was some very well grown and cured cheese not long ago, 120 per oz, i was rather suprised, it went too fast though, we normally get shitty homegrown or high grade (btw i wanna know what everyone else calls high grade? that compressed stuff that you grind out into shitloads?)

BUT, i AM still gonna buy some, just so i can put a 100% review with real pics and such up on here. And if its shit, like i said before, kids are too easy to rip off over here (Y) lmao


Well-Known Member
I cant figure out which is a worse idea, wasting your money on fake weed or ripping people off for their money. Its like buying O'douls and expecting to get drunk. Why not just buy cigarettes or cigars.


Well-Known Member
so u 1 of them fckers bangin out damp shit for 10 a g then bud,, hmmmm u proper fcked the scene up in uk

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
so u 1 of them fckers bangin out damp shit for 10 a g then bud,, hmmmm u proper fcked the scene up in uk
I should neg rep you for this purely because of the bad grammar. I wont though, and no im not a 'fcker' that 'bangs out damp shit for 10 a g then bud'

Mate im 18, i DONT deal. There is no 'scene' where i live. Theres weed yes, but no scene?

All i was saying is that if i were to deal, and give shady's all round. Then i could, and very easily. If this shit is shit then id give at least 3.5's. Any less and id feel bad.

Im a nice guy


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
50 dollars for a REAL ounce? Just where the fuck do you live????? lmao!

well here in america mexican bricks of seeded weed are smuggled in so you can buy oz of it out here for like 60$-80$. But if it was horrible bud(ive seen a lot of it) i wouldnt pay 50$ for it. On the other hand that was back in the day now its all kind bud here since we decriminalized oz and legalized medical so i wouldnt pay 5$ for it.

Sounds like your going to order, little advice just get a small order and try it so you dont get stuck with worthless potporri

i think these "legal buds" are filler buds---say youre 10 oz light of havin ten elbows just toss a zip of the legal(cheap) shit in with your dank ass dro and make that ten elbs whole...how many people really gonna notice that one zip mixed in wit the other fifteen?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
i think these "legal buds" are filler buds---say youre 10 oz light of havin ten elbows just toss a zip of the legal(cheap) shit in with your dank ass dro and make that ten elbs whole...how many people really gonna notice that one zip mixed in wit the other fifteen?

thats lame and hurt to do... legal buds are also hurt


As someone who's been smoking for a while (13 years) and done many other psychoactive drugs (LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Mescalin/Peyote) I can say that Marijuana is definitely high on the list because after a while, there are no harmful effects. However out of the psychoactive drugs listed, it gets you the least high.:leaf::leaf::leaf:
However these legal buds, if you do want to call them buds (more so plants claimed as such) are a rip off. I've come across several of sites, and from each site tried 2 different buds. Only one, whose name I forgot, got me "buzzing" if you will. Now, as someone who has toked for a notable amount of time, there are definitely times in which an alternative is necessary i.e. one is caught toking (really bad when caught in the act), and doesn't necessarily want to give it up. Also, piss tests say for a job, are another reason one would deduce to using a legal "bud".
Or, one might not have enough money to buy it in their current area. I've been around the world, and there are definitely different areas of accessibility. Such as in Arizona, Marijuana is usually cheaper, than say U.K. (And i do sympathize for the U.K. smokers, hang in there). If you want to try, go ahead, but just warning you, it is mot likely going to be a waste of money. But if so, I recommend going somewhere to sell the rest.
The general idea of these buds is the use of cannabinols. Cannabinol is the main chemical in THC, which gets you high. After a while THC is formed into a different chemical in the brain that actually gets you higher than THC. Ever wonder why Catnip gets cats to go f*$king crazy? Catnip is a cannabinol (actually i got catnip when i ordered a legal bud) and that effects the perception, and mood of the feline. Take Spice (Gold/Diamond) for example. It contains a mutated form of THC, which not only allows it to be legal, but a psychoactive "drug". Apparently a portion of these legal "buds" contain cannabinol, which by itself can induce mild psychoactive effects, but nothing compared to Marijuana, and THC. Others are mere relaxants, such as the chemicals found in the Hawaiian Gold "bud". Overall, looking into these legal "buds" is probably a waste of time. There is no theoretical substitute for Marijuana, as THC is a VERY potent cannabinol, and reacts differently than a mere cannabinol would. So any "high" one would get from these so called "buds" wouldn't be...comparable, if you will, to good Ol' Mary Jane.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
There is no theoretical substitute for Marijuana, as THC is a VERY potent cannabinol, and reacts differently than a mere cannabinol would. So any "high" one would get from these so called "buds" wouldn't be...comparable, if you will, to good Ol' Mary Jane.:leaf::leaf::leaf:
I find JWH-018 (which is a CB1/CB2 agonist) very similar to the effects of marijuana..

i think these "legal buds" are filler buds---say youre 10 oz light of havin ten elbows just toss a zip of the legal(cheap) shit in with your dank ass dro and make that ten elbs whole...how many people really gonna notice that one zip mixed in wit the other fifteen?
If someone did that where I live, there would be murders.


Active Member
50 dollars for a REAL ounce? Just where the fuck do you live????? lmao!

well here in america mexican bricks of seeded weed are smuggled in so you can buy oz of it out here for like 60$-80$. But if it was horrible bud(ive seen a lot of it) i wouldnt pay 50$ for it. On the other hand that was back in the day now its all kind bud here since we decriminalized oz and legalized medical so i wouldnt pay 5$ for it.

Sounds like your going to order, little advice just get a small order and try it so you dont get stuck with worthless potporri

I buy mex but it is better than some coop shit one bong to the head and ur done i also grow so i do smoke my own kind purple kush,bubba kush and sour d.I like to half and half my joints some times.The good thing is if u dont have money for kind u just get good bag of mex.I get 1/2 o for 30 and it is killer.


Active Member
And the fuckin punks out there jackin people ur time will come.Those of u who buy this shit what ever it is get a fuckin life man and smoke a joint for fuck sake!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously if it was for a pisstest, I'd sooner just drink kratom, it feels alot like weed, and doesn't show on any of the current tests.