NooB Advice

i got a girl that her room is so dry, like 30% humidity
that i have to give her a little water every day
so should i be feeding her nutes every other day or once a week?
from your other thread your details,,,,,,,

ok i worded that wrong my bad, i meant to say it is so dry in there
about 30% humidity
i am growing in soil
i am using cfls about 256watts (of various k)
grow space 18" by 18" by 4ft
i keep temps 76-80 degrees

and i know the sign that it needs water

thanks in advance

Here ya go (for now) lower your temps down to no higher than 74 with lights on, can go as much as 10 degrees lower with lights off that's ok but 65 to 68 is best, if your in flower mode then 30 to 40% humidity is GOOD (I keep mine at 33)

What size pot is it in?

and like I said "for now" feed like this water, water, feed, water, water, feed very little nutes like 1/4 of what the label says

this will change very quickly if you play the game(need to subscribe and let me know ya did) but is good for now
it's like a 2 gallon pot
i have been feeding it like that, with 2 days regular water and then the nutes and so on...
i have been using the fox farm feeding schedule
so thats about right quanity on the nutes then i take it
it's like a 2 gallon pot
ok and i have been feeding it like that, with to days regular water and the nutes and so on...
i have been using the fox farm feedind schedule
so thats about right quanity on the nutes then

My bad should have also asked how tall your plant is and are you flowering?

feeding right now is not as important as getting that temp down :bigjoint:
she is about over a week into flowering stage
and about 13 inches tall
and bushy as hell, cause i used UncleBen topping technique

here is an older pic about 2 and a half weeks ago
haven't got around to taking a new one, but will in the morning when lights are on


  • dec. 21.jpg
    dec. 21.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 111
she is about over a week into flowering stage
and about 13 inches tall
and bushy as hell, cause i used UncleBen topping technique

here is an older pic about 2 and a half weeks ago
haven't got around to taking a new one, but will in the morning when lights are on

Great job, she is looking wonderful, you definately want to join the game we'll get that plant makin huge buds my friend

So now that I know everything my advice on temps is dead on


the high temps is the problem
Hey every one that last bit adds to our game can anybody tell me why?

how are temps and humidity related and how does it affect our plants?
you do NOT need to ph ur water/food in soil!
you dont do anything by a shedule, each plant may or may not be different.
give ur plants what they NEED not what the label says to give um.
healthy , GREEN leaves =big flowers.
READ, then read some more. (no need in buying books)
Here is the big thing,

In Our Garden We are God and Mother Nature

we decide everything and strive to make it perfect, that's the end goal, perfection

but to understand what perfection is we MUST first understand Mother Nature and her whys and hows

And like most women she can be a finiky bitch :bigjoint:
this is the 3rd week from the start......I have gone through NUMEROUSE problems , transplanted SEVERAL times and altho they may be stretched and stunted.... they are still alive......

heres a question, and I didn't know this till last night.... why does the fan (wind) make the stalk stronger......i had no wind cause the temps were low already and the bases stalks almost wouldn't hold the plant up........I have recently added wind heat and brought the lights closer...... alll my plants drew up tight angleing upwards ... not the normal flat fan out......but over night i can see the stalks thickening.......hmmmmmm.....

oh yeah and its no fun doing this sober....:bigjoint:
People focus on the wrong things, such as their yields. Don't worry about your yield, worry about the mass and health of your root system and foliage. This is where more is actually, uh, "more".

A weed can be defined as any plant that is considered a pest regarding one's objectives. In the case of our community, it is not a weed. In the case of mama natur, and she rules, it is a weed that does well on its own without the gimmicks and rocket fuels.

P supports the flowering response. The goal of growers is finding the saturation point to where too much P represents an antagonistic affect regarding the uptake of N, and without sufficient N to support leaf production and maintenance, your yields will suffer. Is a 9-3-6 enough P to support a high yield? My experience has shown it's plenty.

It's all in The Balance,
9-3-6- i wouldnt think would be good for flowering..........


now....i am new..... but I have read extesnsively......thought you were suppose to gack the N off as you add K(potassiun) for flowering.....i would think something like 5-5-10 you know with less nitrogen(enough to support growth but less in the same)......I think its the changen of the lights that make a NATURAL PLANT (outside) produce its own chemicals....kindof like how smokers are addicted to nicotine...we add the chemical that our body already produces, after a while of the exess chemichal being added our body stops producing it....hence the addiction when you quit the intake the body isn't producing.

without rambling on ... we are mother nature indoors.... the plant has genetics to tell it when to flower but like EVERYTHING IN CAPTIVITY it needs a helping hand from man....

im not a knowit all dont even know if these are facts it is just my personal thought based on what Ive read....

I have found this chem chart helpfull in diagnosing my plants and there needs
you think i'm over feeding her, she is a dark green in color

here is a few pics.

and the last is one of my pot, i think it is a 2 gallon.
it just says 10" inch pot
this is the 3rd week from the start......I have gone through NUMEROUSE problems , transplanted SEVERAL times and altho they may be stretched and stunted.... they are still alive......

Looks like you're trying too hard. There is no need to transplant unless the plant is rootbound. When you transplant, pull off the lower leafsets and bury the plant as deep as you can, up to the bottom sets that are left on the plant.

heres a question, and I didn't know this till last night.... why does the fan (wind) make the stalk stronger......
It doesn't, just another lame forum paradigm that won't die.

9-3-6- i wouldnt think would be good for flowering..........

If it produces and supports leaves, it's perfect. You use whatever foods that will support leaf health and retention, and many times they're not the typical "bloom" foods.

I have found this chem chart helpfull in diagnosing my plants and there needs
That chart sux. The following has solid info:

thank you UB my chart did suck to this 1....i just printed and added to favs....

Tell me this....can I flower with florou tubes if thats all i can get.....? I am using2 florous 4ft....1 is 40w "sun" and the other i don't know it was in my shed....the "sun" one looks blue next to the other 1 looks white(before any1 raggs me...i live in a SMALL town....everyone looks at me like they know what im doing when i ask for hps / mh systems..!!..) and this stuff just isn't here....

I TRANSPLANTED because pots aren't even available in the winter here and i had all 8 in 1 pot finnally i made some shit up as you see hahaha
and yes i have HAD to try hard...shit till last night i bet it was like 40 in there NOTGOOD!!lol

oh yeah is 7s dust ok to use??? we use it on maters and they do fine....these flies and crawly things are getting numerouse....

srry im stoned.... i made the reference off all the trouble and abuse my plants have gone through....( i even dropped the lights on them once...) and people still say they look healthy

anything Ive learnd in the past 3 weeks is.....

1) you got to be really negletive/abusive/or overbearing to kill these things( i think thats got allot to do with counceloers say to try growing plants to learn relationship values)
haha told you im stoned... thats all=-)
you think i'm over feeding her, she is a dark green in color

here is a few pics.

and the last is one of my pot, i think it is a 2 gallon.
it just says 10" inch pot

i think if your not on 12/12 you should be she looks fine to me but i dont know any thing
potassium is actually(K)=-):bigjoint:

don't know why i put P instead of K but thanks for the correction.


Wait a minute, My responce was about bloom nutes that are High in phos. I believe that I was responding about the use of a Hi p bloom nutes and that is why I said what I said.

Plants do flower because of long night's, not high phospherous.
don't know why i put P instead of K but thanks for the correction.


Wait a minute, My responce was about bloom nutes that are High in phos. I believe that I was responding about the use of a Hi p bloom nutes and that is why I said what I said.

Plants do flower because of long night's, not high phospherous.

Ding Ding Ding

That is correct, they simply want more P to make flowers
(though a bit more K helps as well)

good ratio is 1-3-2
but were not talking phose were talking pottassium.. right? true the dark makes the plant flower...thats the genetic part...but like most peoples plants they have been fed since a baby so you would need to give the nute it needs to actually produce a quality flowering...."wild"plants automaticly ween to take diff nutrients...we have indoors created there environment so its only getting what we give...

potassium is the flowering nute
like the white widow plant in my post should be dead but instead -10 outside snow in the pot cleaned trimmed put it on 24/0 and its perking up


i dont mean any offense and i am not a horticulture master.....but i can read and the past 2 3 posts have been very wrong... only wich is what i understand the light thing.......but you are essentially god to this plant...... and you contradicted your sensea he thinks 9-3-6 your 1 3 2 wouldnt do any thing

i know you might know more than me but i dont think ne 1 is really learning ne thing here......