feeling faded - a journal


Well-Known Member
i can agree there.... it dont look good, but it also dont look like its getting any worse ;) ... looks likes the damage is done, and wont get worse unless you do it again... which i know you wont..... You're out of touch bro... at least indoors.... gotta turn down the tv and the guitar jams and listen very carefully.... let the plants tell you what they need :bigjoint:.... I heard that from a wise old pot grower once ;)
i just can't seem to tune in without the sun on my back. maybe i need to lay under the lights with them. :-P:leaf:


i just can't seem to tune in without the sun on my back. maybe i need to lay under the lights with them. :-P:leaf:

honestly, i think your main problem is that you are looking at it differently from your outdoor.... you've been doin the outdoor since '85... indoor is a much newer project, and i think you are putting more stress/pressure on yourself making it harder than it is.... My reasoning is the beautiful plants you grow outside in containers.... the only difference between the two is the lighting.... its still dirt, its still pot, and they still need the same things ;)

I dont know if that helps cheer you up about it, but it was meant to :hug:.... keep it like your outdoor, remembering that its ALL bullshit ;) https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/24703-its-all-bullsh-t.html


Well-Known Member
so finally ive had a chance to check out ur journal and catch up. everything looks great. just gonna pull up a chair and follow.

-scribed plus rep for the clean setup 8)


Well-Known Member
i was feeding them pretty much every other watering. they were small. i think the roots finally grew into the pots and by that time the soil was already loaded up. should be good for a week or 2 of plain water now. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i was feeding them pretty much every other watering. they were small. i think the roots finally grew into the pots and by that time the soil was already loaded up. should be good for a week or 2 of plain water now. :bigjoint:
I thought you were using only plain water? I've been told the Age Old should only be used once every two weeks but the kelp and seaweed can be used every or every other watering.


Well-Known Member
"i WAS feeding them ...."

i just went in and stripped all the lower growth and damaged leaves. all the small stubbly bottom branches. i wouldn't say i lollipopped it, just cleaned things up a little.


Well-Known Member
I really like the Age Old but its strong stuff for sure. I'm sure they will be fine fdd, you always end up pulling out some beautiful bud. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I really like the Age Old but its strong stuff for sure. I'm sure they will be fine fdd, you always end up pulling out some beautiful bud. :peace:
age old isn't that strong. i have been using it for years. i use it outside every other watering. often at double strength. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dunno man I'm stumped. I got a Grapefruit cut a few weeks ago that I still can't get to grow right. Just looks washed out like it needs a lot more ferts but when I bump up the feeding it just gets burnt. Everything else in my grow room looks lush and green so I think it hurts my ego more than anything.


Active Member
Dunno man I'm stumped. I got a Grapefruit cut a few weeks ago that I still can't get to grow right. Just looks washed out like it needs a lot more ferts but when I bump up the feeding it just gets burnt. Everything else in my grow room looks lush and green so I think it hurts my ego more than anything.
hey new growth i grow a grapefruit cut try to cut the nitrogen and add plenty of mag. and k..
i am sure you have your ph proper so no worries there..
i am going thru the same crud with a chocolope plant..


Active Member
"i WAS feeding them ...."

i just went in and stripped all the lower growth and damaged leaves. all the small stubbly bottom branches. i wouldn't say i lollipopped it, just cleaned things up a little.
man i feel your pain, i have never had the luxury of the outdoors:-(.
but it is unusually cold here this winter and i am having a hell of a time with my fruit,,,soooo slooowww, got some freakin chocolope that just wont come around, aaarrrrrggggggg:wall:.
well luck to us anyway.
damn agriculture..


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the big pic...but this cheers me up!

I was using Old Age EO watering along with the kelp. PPM's under 700 and they flipped out. I have now cut the FFOF/perlite mix with half coco/perlite mix and only feed every 10 days to 2 weeks. I am only running 400w so the growth rate is not explosive. I agree that the babies did not have enough roots and the soil built up with nutes...I think that is what happened to me also, but I also have stopped using the kelp.

I used to use cal-mag plus and still have a near full bottle, but it would drop the pH to 5 or less and I had similar burns, though I attributed it to pH rather than over fertilized...I am trying to let go of the pH thing as you and others in the know, do not pay much attention to it.

For cal and mag I am now adding 1 gallon of my 600+ppm tap water to 5 gal of RO.

My problem, I believe, is not knowing when to add bloom without burn and before I start to get round spots on each serration of the leaf, as well as maintaining enough N to make it through 10 weeks of flower. I continue to watch and hopefully learn, I just wish the learning curve was shorter for me...I am no natural.


from the https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/24703-its-all-bullsh-t.html thread



Well-Known Member
Hey fdd, you ever have problems with runoff?

I have my girls up on wire "shelve" things with plastic troughs underneath.

Check it out :joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey fdd, you ever have problems with runoff?

I have my girls up on wire "shelve" things with plastic troughs underneath.

Check it out :joint:
Ha. I do the same thing. I have some shelving I bought at lowes and had them cut it to length I need. I just put my saucers underneath it and good to go.