Preparing for this summers grow. Still got alot to learn...


Well-Known Member
one more thing: get a pick axe! it cuts digging time to less than half of a shovel alone! found me one at a local flea mkt. used for $5, but they got em at home depot/lowes for like $20 new. ESSENTIAL TOOL for the guerrilla grower!!!


Active Member
thanks for the rep guys. dont know if anyones mentioned collapsable water resevoirs? think i saw a 35g bag with a valve somewhere in reality. google search, i suppose. a lot easier to pack around and hide than a big ol barrel.
was also reading back about the compost tea, or shittea you were talking about. thats good stuff. but its really only effective when its fresh. usually you need to use it within 48 hrs, ideally 24 or less. takes a bit to brew it properly too. de-chlorinated water, you need to aerate it big time. lots of bubbles. helps if you add a starter culture as well as your compost or guano or whatever. its a living thing, and im pretty sure it will die in hot, stagnant water. that micro life is the goods. works to create a thriving little villiage in your soil, including cops.(tends to help with soil fungus and molds, some nematodes) it has very low NPK values so you can use it with other fertilizers, keeping in mind that chemical ferts may kill your little beaties. best with organics.
also try forest michorizae in your soil mix. more helpful micro life.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
These were grown last summer with Pro-Mix Bx, FF nutes, and some nasty smelly swamp water. 1 bale is 3.8 cf and will do 2 25 gallon holes.



Well-Known Member
awesome thread great ideas, definitely subscribed, i am also planning on doing an outdoor grow this year too


Well-Known Member
maybe he is brown dirt warrior lol. I've seen those vids on you tube, the helicopter scene is intense man.
I'm doing the same thing in about the same place, rural Illinois. I'm doing a couple trial runs to get some good looking sprouts and then put them outdoors. Also probably wont add too many nutes since we're in the corn belt and all. Looking forward to hearing and comparing results. Good luck bro


Subtlechaos and I will be putting ladies all over my 400 acres, this summer! You'll see the grow journals! Hahaha!


Well-Known Member
Awesome :leaf:

Be sure to dig those holes early enough for all the critters to examine them before you plant. They just love investigating freshly turned dirt...

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