no worries.
im in the fresno/madera area so pretty much the same weather id imagine. you must get some delta breeze in summer eves though. no such luck for us. but still, i love it more every year. bugs love it too. constant battle with mites indoors, which i think i may be winning right now. knock on wood. outdoors theres the valley usual - caterpillars (loopers ithink..) aphids and this year i had a crazy grasshopper hatch. i went out to look at my ladies one eve as light was fading and it looked like the leaves were moving. they were covered with baby grasshoppers, less than 1/4 inch long. hundreds and hundreds of em. i freaked and just dove in, a ten-fingered grasshopper squishin machine. every morning and eve for about 3 weeks i would have a smoosh session. at the end my fingers were stained green! but i got the bastards. only time ive ever had a prob with fungus or mold was a couple years ago when it rained on my uncovered plants in sept. purely my fault and completely avoidable. what kinds of creepy-crawlies do you get? roughly the same, i imagine...