CRAP! need help asap!!


Active Member
Okay so one of my plants has developed some droopy leaves, i figured i would ignore it and just not water the plants for an extended period till its leaves perk back up. This was yesterday, I come to look at them and they all look dead.. did i underwater the plants??

I need help my babies are dieing!! atleast i think..:wall:

the first one was a two days ago...



Active Member
water them real good and see if they perk up water untill u see run off out of the drain holeswater when ever dirt feels dry about 2 inches dwn in ur soil


Active Member
I had the same looking problem twice, first time was over watering and then it was underwatering.... you should always let your soil pretty much dry right out before you water them....


Well-Known Member
Get them out of those clear containers... Black plastic is what they need.... What nutrients are you using?


Active Member
Get them out of those clear containers... Black plastic is what they need.... What nutrients are you using?
I didnt know the color of the container mad a difference... how so? And i no money for nutrients so just distilled water for now, I'm using miracle grow potting soil...


Active Member
Get them out of those clear containers... Black plastic is what they need.... What nutrients are you using?

no clear plastic allow. if you feel the NEED to use plastic then i suggest you spray paint the container so no light goes thru and shine on the root.

bring the light a LOT closer. you can still save this plant but it's gonna be a pretty slow growth.

if your a newbie (low post count) i suggest you keep this plant but grow another one and avoid makin the same mistake. do not feed it any nutes for at least 2 weeks or so until u see any discolor on the plant or anything suspicious and post back here and we will help you.


Well-Known Member
I didnt know the color of the container mad a difference... how so? And i no money for nutrients so just distilled water for now, I'm using miracle grow potting soil...

Couple of things, first I heard miracle grow is bad, does something to the THC...however this is pure hearsay, can anyone confirm?

Second, the clear plastic lets light in to the roots, this is bad. The roots need warmth, wetness and darkness.



Active Member
the lights very close... do you guys think i basically stressed the piss out of them to become males? k doe you said it happened to you... what was the result? i don't have enough room for another set to grow so whats there is there till they bud.. if they even do


Active Member
the lights very close... do you guys think i basically stressed the piss out of them to become males? k doe you said it happened to you... what was the result? i don't have enough room for another set to grow so whats there is there till they bud.. if they even do
well throw out the worse looking one and replace it with a new one?? im using miracle grow and it's very healthy. the rumor about the THC well.. let's see in 2 more month.

if your not sure if your overwatering it or not then here is sumthing to simple things out for you. from seed till at least 5 " water it every 2 day with half a cup (half a white standard foam cup not that extra large mcdonald cup) once it get pass 5 inch then add a lil bit more to wet the soil completely. the trick i do is not to pour it in the soil slowly because it'll drain down one spot, but to just drop the whole load of the cup completely in the pot so it makes a small flood and wet the soil down completely as it drain. then every 2 days the same thing. it's always a good idea to put ur finger in the soil to feel if it's still wet. if u can still feel a bit wet 2 inch down the soil then look at the leaf. if it's still droopy then i'lll wait another day or 2 before water. my plant grew healthy the whole way with only 4 bottom leaf turnin yellow *which is normal*.

btw alot of people on RIU make growing sound like a rocket science like you need all type of gadget and nutes.. unless you are trying to win a 1st place MJ gold CUP you could relax a lil bit with all the nutes crap. you will need nitrogen later when the bottom of the plant start to lose it's color but in the meantime focus on getting these lil babies healthy naturally. from seed till flower i keep the lights on 24/0. everybody has their own ways of doing things but this work 100% great for me.
good luck.


Well-Known Member
well throw out the worse looking one and replace it with a new one?? im using miracle grow and it's very healthy. the rumor about the THC well.. let's see in 2 more month.

if your not sure if your overwatering it or not then here is sumthing to simple things out for you. from seed till at least 5 " water it every 2 day with half a cup (half a white standard foam cup not that extra large mcdonald cup) once it get pass 5 inch then add a lil bit more to wet the soil completely. the trick i do is not to pour it in the soil slowly because it'll drain down one spot, but to just drop the whole load of the cup completely in the pot so it makes a small flood and wet the soil down completely as it drain. then every 2 days the same thing. it's always a good idea to put ur finger in the soil to feel if it's still wet. if u can still feel a bit wet 2 inch down the soil then look at the leaf. if it's still droopy then i'lll wait another day or 2 before water. my plant grew healthy the whole way with only 4 bottom leaf turnin yellow *which is normal*.

btw alot of people on RIU make growing sound like a rocket science like you need all type of gadget and nutes.. unless you are trying to win a 1st place MJ gold CUP you could relax a lil bit with all the nutes crap. you will need nitrogen later when the bottom of the plant start to lose it's color but in the meantime focus on getting these lil babies healthy naturally. from seed till flower i keep the lights on 24/0. everybody has their own ways of doing things but this work 100% great for me.
good luck.

Definitely let me know how miracle grow works...I am iffy, because it will make your weed, chemi weed, which u will build a tolerance to. Organic weed is the only way to be train wrecked every time you smoke. I smoke maybe 10 bowls a day and I barely stay high. Thats why I am growing the ORGANIC way.

I have my post in Organics under My Shizzi. Yes there are pictures.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow has no adverse effects on the actual THC of the plant. The main knock on MG is that it fries plants, which appears to be what's happening to the OP's plant. Transplant it into some decent soil, water good but not too much and it will most likely spring back to life. Many people make the mistake of overwatering. Marijuana needs very little water to survive, thrive even. My plants get it maybe once a week to 10 days and they are very healthy, happy, and productive. Stay away from MG soil in the future is my best advice right now. It seems to work for some, but not most.