two 85w CFL's 1 Plant


Active Member
eh hows it going, this is my very first post and very first grow i just have a couple of questions if n e one can help me out....

i have 1 plant under 1 85w blue spectrum and 1 85w red spectrum, my question is is this enough lighting or too much? also, i had it in a window gettin sunlight for about 4 weeks and it only grew to about its 5th node and stopped there i have these lights now what can i expect to come in the future? and when should i start giving nutes.... any advice would be greatly appreciated....


Well-Known Member
Most people say the more lighting the better as long as you don't have them too close and burn your plants. The least amount of light you want for one plant is 100watt. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
More light the better, direct sunlight is about equivalent to a 10,000W light 1 meter away or so i have heard, but in a window will only see a fraction of that depending on the window. New windows have coatings to keep heat and radiation out, this also affects how much light gets through. Just plain glass also filters to some degree.

Are the CFL lights actually pulling 85Watts or are they equivalent to 85W incandescent? If they are truly85W then you should be able to veg out some good plants no problem.

Start a regimen of nutes now, start with very little at first, less than the recommended and go up a little bit with each watering. Use quality RO or distilled water. Most Tap water will hurt these plants. For flowering you may want to invest in a bigger HPS light, 250W minimum.


Active Member
thanks, ok the box i have for the lights read 4,200 lumens, energry used is 85watts, incandescent eqv. is 350w not to sure...

i have a couple of other questions... i just set up my bubbleponics setup and im wondering when i should start treating the res with nutes? right away or wait a week or two?

the reason i asked this question is becuase i bin reading about cfl growing and i see alot of people using 42w and 25w bulbs for more than 1 plant at times, so i figured if i had 2 85w for 1 plant it would be sufficient light for veg and flowering?


Well-Known Member
2x85 watt cfl is fine for veg, but wholly inadequate for flowering. Your buds ill be wispy and loose and fluffy with CFL, with a nice HPS they will be much more solid and robust.


Active Member
see i was thinking about getting an hid but i went the cfl way because is cheaper elect wise and cost wise... so im trying my best to go the cfl route


I would go for a HID. You CAN grow with a few red spectrum CFLs, but as stated above the product will be light, and whispy. It has been said that CFLs create more trichomes (sp?), but I do not know if this is true. For veg I would advise CFLs as they are the easiest way unless you can get a nice MH. For flowering I would get atleast a 400w hps. They will need a little bit more ventilation for a small room, but in the end you get dense, strong, large buds.

Also make sure you have maximum reflectivity. DO NOT USE TINFOIL. This is a newbie mistake. Mylar is the most effective although if it is not perfect it is said that its not worth it. I would say get some white paint. Make sure to let the paint ventilate properly before putting plants in.


i have ecolite 85w 6500k for vegging and i guess it is enough to veg. but what about flowering period? do i need one 85w or 1 125w 2700k per plant?

it depends on how many plants how big they are and the size of your grow room. they only cheap tho and all they light they proudce is 100% useable by the plant. like i say a cheap alternative :weed:


Active Member
I would go for a HID. You CAN grow with a few red spectrum CFLs, but as stated above the product will be light, and whispy. It has been said that CFLs create more trichomes (sp?), but I do not know if this is true. For veg I would advise CFLs as they are the easiest way unless you can get a nice MH. For flowering I would get atleast a 400w hps. They will need a little bit more ventilation for a small room, but in the end you get dense, strong, large buds.

Also make sure you have maximum reflectivity. DO NOT USE TINFOIL. This is a newbie mistake. Mylar is the most effective although if it is not perfect it is said that its not worth it. I would say get some white paint. Make sure to let the paint ventilate properly before putting plants in.
i cant afford high bills. so i go for CFL. and i agree all your words and thanks a lot to inform me. but all i want to know is how many CFL 2700k bulbs and watts do i need to flower a plant?


Active Member
lets say i have 1 plant and it is 50 cm high.
does a medium sized plant need at least 7000-10000 lumen? and that means TWO 85w warm light produces 10000 lm. (as indesc. 600w) i guess it helps to flower even it gives few yield