Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Found you searching for others with experience with Blueberry. (Subscribed..)

My current grow has some blueberry bag seed and they are the strongest of the bunch if you want to check em out.


Well-Known Member
I would get them seedlings a little closer to the light
Thanks Tom, I did that yesterday.

Found you searching for others with experience with Blueberry. (Subscribed..)

My current grow has some blueberry bag seed and they are the strongest of the bunch if you want to check em out.
My exp with BB is what you
Glad to have you along Gidget I will deff check yours out.

was looking for some other blueberry plants and found yours, i got one that sprouted, they grow prety quick man.
Thanks for stopping by wowisuckatthis. She is a beauty!!


Well-Known Member
I normally have seedlings under the big t5 before now, they where stretching too much in my clone dome waiting on me to finish the cabinet. Anyway don’t do maintenance when you’re high. I dumped SB1 on its head. OH Shit!!! At least I was able to check the moisture of the soil (not a recommended method)…lol

SB1 needed a drink after all that so I mixed up 5 ml of grow big and .5 ml superthrive in a quart. Feed them all. Toped them off with OF. This is their new home till I finish the cabinet. Been to damn cold. Hopefully I can finish tomorrow. The vegetation has officially started, now Show me some leaves!!!

The lineup from left to right 3 days younger: SB3, LAconxSkunk; then One week tomorrow night: RD, KB, LSD2, SB1 doing fine, BB2, BB1 and LSD1.




Active Member
I normally have seedlings under the big t5 before now, they where stretching too much in my clone dome waiting on me to finish the cabinet. Anyway don’t do maintenance when you’re high. I dumped SB1 on its head. OH Shit!!! At least I was able to check the moisture of the soil (not a recommended method)…lol

SB1 needed a drink after all that so I mixed up 5 ml of grow big and .5 ml superthrive in a quart. Feed them all. Toped them off with OF. This is their new home till I finish the cabinet. Been to damn cold. Hopefully I can finish tomorrow. The vegetation has officially started, now Show me some leaves!!!

The lineup from left to right 3 days younger: SB3, LAconxSkunk; then One week tomorrow night: RD, KB, LSD2, SB1 doing fine, BB2, BB1 and LSD1.


Aye.. Don't get down brah... Things happen for a reason your reason is you was high... Happens to the best of us... Don't look like any major harm was done...



Well-Known Member
Welcome WC

looking nice man, at least u didnt super crop on accident like i did with the blue berry, same reason as u dumping yours. :shock:
Thanks wow. Its fine this morning so the dump didnt hurt it at all.

man crazy lesson learned atleast it wasnt costly....good times tho...
lol yes it was...its all good...

Aye.. Don't get down brah... Things happen for a reason your reason is you was high... Happens to the best of us... Don't look like any major harm was done...

no worries, just the fun of growing...:hump:

Thanks for stopping by guys...


Active Member
This noobs first Subscription!!! Awsome box! Looking forward to learning more from your many Success.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
skeet whats cracking dude, besides the beans? found the camera and the little fing kittens chewed the shit out of the dam thing. thats ok i pick one up tommorow. i really itching to show of my shit, there looking great and have tripled in size since the last time. i got some 3 gallon pots and drilled holes in the rim and tie them down. some of these should have 4 to 8 colas and some will be some bushes with lots of bud sites. but i got a problem, if u remember i got the 1000 light but that grow room was setup over there at my buddys house but these plants are to big to be moved. i could take the light but my boys got some shit cooking but dam i dont wanna buy another light. i would hate to cut him off like that. and the reason they werent took there earliers is because of what i was trying to do with them. he lacks attention to detail and i work to hard on these little babys. so what u think skeet take it and let him figure his own issues out or just get a light and try to use both rooms.


Well-Known Member
This noobs first Subscription!!! Awsome box! Looking forward to learning more from your many Success.
Welcome Sotafats and thanks. I have a new box coming so stay tuned!!!

skeet whats cracking dude, besides the beans? found the camera and the little fing kittens chewed the shit out of the dam thing. thats ok i pick one up tommorow. i really itching to show of my shit, there looking great and have tripled in size since the last time. i got some 3 gallon pots and drilled holes in the rim and tie them down. some of these should have 4 to 8 colas and some will be some bushes with lots of bud sites. but i got a problem, if u remember i got the 1000 light but that grow room was setup over there at my buddys house but these plants are to big to be moved. i could take the light but my boys got some shit cooking but dam i dont wanna buy another light. i would hate to cut him off like that. and the reason they werent took there earliers is because of what i was trying to do with them. he lacks attention to detail and i work to hard on these little babys. so what u think skeet take it and let him figure his own issues out or just get a light and try to use both rooms.
Watzup T!!! HNY to you to my friend...Post a pic of your babies when you get a chance.

My babies are looking good. After a great start (10 for 10 germ, but one SB died because the root grew into the air and I didn’t catch it in time) I added a little nutes forgetting I had OF mixed in with the Light Warrior and it slowed them down. Too much juice...I nursed them back and they are almost ready to be put in the big pots. I need to post update pics.

I don’t know the deal you have worked out with your boy but I would not sacrifice my babies. If he is going to grow he needs to step up and get his own shit!!! lol Give him some notice that your coming for it so he can make arrangements or have him bring his plants to your house if you have room.

oh and the 3 autosnows were so good on newyears nite. deffinetley one of my best tasting so far. happy 2010 brother

Autosnow huh, I have to add that to my list…:weed:


Well-Known Member
After a great start 8 for 8 popped, one SB died, the root grew up, I tried to save it but could not. So I germinated another SB and a LA Confidential x Skunk, both popped. Then I added a little nutes to the original 7 forgetting that the OF had nutes. Not good but I managed to bring them back from the brink. They are finally starting to kick. I will put them in 2 gal smart pots this weekend.

BB1 The leaves was curled to the stem. Looking better now.


KB lOOking gOOd!


LSD1 Fastest grower, too much stretch, fix that on the up pot.


RD has some funky leaf structure goin on...

SB1 This is the one I dumpped on its head lol Making a good come back...


Roots This is why I like the clear cups to start with. I can see when they are ready for the big pot.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
They look good skeet. Might I offer another suggestion...

I agree that using clear cups are a good call, as you can really gauge root formation. It's even better for use when rooting clones. Yours, however, are a bit too short, and I'll give you 2 reasons why. 1) You can deal with stretching seedlings better if you use taller cups. You can simply not fill your cup to the brim with soil, but keep it an inch or so below the top of the cup. Then, if you seedlings stretch (like some of yours have), you can top off the cup with soil and give that stem a little more support. While you can transplant into larger containers using your current setup, it gives the roots more time to fill out their container, which makes transplanting less stressful on the plant (even more true with young seedlings).

Reason 2 I give you for using a deeper cup is a little anecdotal and a little common sense. Obviously a larger cup gives the roots more room to expand, which means you can keep them in the cup for a longer period of time. I've also read on a couple different occasions that germinating in a container with at least 4" for the tap root to expand straight down increases the likelihood of a seed being a female. Again, that is anecdotal evidence, and really is less of an issue with the preponderance of female seeds today, but it isn't hard to germinate in a cup of said depth. I personally use 24oz clear plastic cups, which are almost exactly 4" deep. If nothing else, it's an extra 8oz of soil compared to using standard 16oz party cups.

Also with the clear cups, I like to make sure that roots are always covered, but I like to be able to see them as well. So, I use a second clear 24oz cup and wrap it in duct tape (multiple layers if tape is layer isn't too light proof) and put the first cup inside of it. This way, I can remove the cup periodically and monitor the roots, while also keeping them away from the light. I don't know how bad light is in general for roots, but I know that UVB is not good.

So, sorry for rambling in your thread, I just wanted to throw some ideas out there.
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they are looking sweet man, i would wait a few more days on the transplant i like to wait till the roots make the soil nice and tight so it sticks together better, seems to help with transplanting shock, by the size of the plants you could keep them in there for atleast another week. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
They look good skeet. Might I offer another suggestion...

I agree that using clear cups are a good call, as you can really gauge root formation. It's even better for use when rooting clones. Yours, however, are a bit too short, and I'll give you 2 reasons why. 1) You can deal with stretching seedlings better if you use taller cups. You can simply not fill your cup to the brim with soil, but keep it an inch or so below the top of the cup. Then, if you seedlings stretch (like some of yours have), you can top off the cup with soil and give that stem a little more support. While you can transplant into larger containers using your current setup, it gives the roots more time to fill out their container, which makes transplanting less stressful on the plant (even more true with young seedlings).

Reason 2 I give you for using a deeper cup is a little anecdotal and a little common sense. Obviously a larger cup gives the roots more room to expand, which means you can keep them in the cup for a longer period of time. I've also read on a couple different occasions that germinating in a container with at least 4" for the tap root to expand straight down increases the likelihood of a seed being a female. Again, that is anecdotal evidence, and really is less of an issue with the preponderance of female seeds today, but it isn't hard to germinate in a cup of said depth. I personally use 24oz clear plastic cups, which are almost exactly 4" deep. If nothing else, it's an extra 8oz of soil compared to using standard 16oz party cups.

Also with the clear cups, I like to make sure that roots are always covered, but I like to be able to see them as well. So, I use a second clear 24oz cup and wrap it in duct tape (multiple layers if tape is layer isn't too light proof) and put the first cup inside of it. This way, I can remove the cup periodically and monitor the roots, while also keeping them away from the light. I don't know how bad light is in general for roots, but I know that UVB is not good.

So, sorry for rambling in your thread, I just wanted to throw some ideas out there.
Thanks Jerry. I screwed this one up because my veg cabinet wasn’t ready. When I finally put them under the big T5 the stretch stopped. I just rigged the T5 up in the tub temporarily. It didn’t help with me feeding them too soon. :wall: They didn’t do shit for several days. I forgot about the OF have nutes unlike the LW which as you know has none. But they are doing good now.

Offer all the suggestions you want!!!! Good points all around Jerry! I see what you mean. Makes a lot of good sense to me. I will incorporate these changes in my next grow for sure.

I have some 20 oz styrofoam cups the 9 oz clear sits in nicely. Ill put them in there to protect the roots from light…

Next time Im also going to use a lot less LW and mostly OF in the germ cup. Maybe like a1”x”x1” area the size of a cotton ball (even thought about using a cotton ball) in the top center of the cup to put the seed in for germ and then a mix of OF/LW mostly OF in the rest of the cup. That way I don’t have to feed just water.

Overall with these additions to the procedure I think it will be a very efficient method to start seeds.

Ramble all you want, I appreciate your advice…:clap:

Alone is a struggle to survive, together we conquer the world, or at least grow some good weed! lol


Well-Known Member
they are looking sweet man, i would wait a few more days on the transplant i like to wait till the roots make the soil nice and tight so it sticks together better, seems to help with transplanting shock, by the size of the plants you could keep them in there for atleast another week. good luck man.
Thanks wow! Appreciate the advice. Im with ya man. I am hoping by friday the roots will be all around the cup and I can re pot. I swear they look like the have grown since the pics this morning. They started that spurt I been waiting on. Good time a coming!!!