Purple Strain for Indoor Grow?


Well-Known Member
I have about 4 feet of vertical grow space but I'm using a hortilux bulb and man it is hot! So I guess a little less so I can keep at away from the bulb. Is there a purple variety that can be grown well indoors with this kind of space? Thanks, I really want to try something different next time and all the purple strains I can find usually call for an outdoor grow...


Well-Known Member
Purple Erkle is a good one. Royal purple haze has to be one of my favorites.
Topping, L.S.T and supercropping would be good methods of height control with those strains due to your limited space.


Well-Known Member
oooo sounds interesting, where do you get your seeds from? The supplier I usually use doesn't carry and purple varieties and I'm in the US so that makes it all the more tricky.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered seeds from AMS and Nirvana. I forgot about
"purple power plant" AMS has that strain. (another great strain)
WeedFarmer.com has Purple Haze

Medical Collectives have them often.


Well-Known Member
for some years I have grown a purple strain full flowered to a little under 4' tall yield 7.5 dry ozs. This was outside. it occurs to me now that not all that is Purple is Haze so I wonder what they could be? I managed to clone flower buds and am growing on under lights. these are small, neat bushes with dagger thin leaves and were re-cloned before I went into 12/12. The parent seed came from a bag of "Haze,mate"

Space Cowboy

New Member
I just placed a new order with Highgrade Seeds for their new "Purple Cindy". It's a cross between Oregon Purple Thai and Cinderalla99. Sounds killer!