Club 600


Well-Known Member
I got a bottle of bush master in case I may need it.
I'm a big fan of bushmaster... works amazingly well. Strait stops vertical growth in it's tracks... right away.

Damn, I didn't realise you got so many power outages in the US!!
Some parts do some parts don't. There are probably 300 electric companies in the US... so they all are different. Really depends how shitty your electric company is. There are at least 15 of them in Florida and at least 25 of them in California. Some are run by local governments, but most are private. Fucking mess if you ask me. Different standards, working techniques.

I am lucky however... haven't had a power outage for about a year where I live... and that's with all the snow and ice. However last winter we had one last most of the day and two others that were at least 6 hours each.

I'm really sorry about being an asshole on there DST. That twit really ruined my day yesterday. Fucking cats.

I thought South Africa was bad....ever thought about getting a back up generator for your house in general? Do people have them?
Some people do... especially those in the woods and in the country. My family in rural Lousianna, every single one has a generator... guess they use them quite a bit.

Oh no, just got me thinking about Richard Gear, with all this hamster talk, lol.

Plus the fact that Octopus's collect things to make gardens...kinda like me, lol.
Nice Richard Gere reference.

What's with the Octopus' and their gardens... I've never heard of this?

I figured I would take a few pics to start the new year off right since I had a few minutes to wait before seven a.m.
Real nice first pics of the new year. Should be a happy harvest.

You guys are really temping me to try out some bagseeds I have. I do know what strain they are so minus a point... HOWEVER I can't find any information in the world on the strain I know they are (Trinity Rainbow Purple). I think someone made a random cross, or they made up a name... so they are known/ unknown bagseeds... so plus a point. I'm even. Due to the fact I've never germinated a seed... I should have another point added. Nice. I'm gonna win this thing before it starts with my accounting skills, haha.

Question for you seed growing folks. I'm not going to... but if I stuck that seed in water today... and everything goes relatively well, when (about) would I have a plant capable of taking 10 clones off?

I would be using hydro for all stages... aero & dwc.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Jigfresh, how long does it take for bush master to work? My ex is from louisiana , a little town called jonesboro. We've been divorced for years but some of the nicest people, they really made me feel at home the times I've been there.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
So who all picked up dna genetics free skunk train offer over christmas and is anyone growing any of the strains?


Well-Known Member
Jigfresh, how long does it take for bush master to work? My ex is from louisiana , a little town called jonesboro. We've been divorced for years but some of the nicest people, they really made me feel at home the times I've been there.
Small world. That's around the area my Fam is from. They are from the sticks west of jonesboro... Ringgold, Beinville, Heflin. That is really wild bud.

About the BushMaster... that stuff works on contact. I run hydro... here's how I use the BM. When I switch to 12/12 I drain the rez... fill with H2O and 2 mL BM/ gallon. Run that for 24 hours. Drain and give a weak dose of flower nutes.

I haven't looked closely... but the vertical growth stops basically right away... just BAM. Done.

This pic shows how it works. During veg I had really tight internode spacing... when I switched to 12/12 the plant started really stretching... then I applied BushMaster and it packed on quite a few more nodes... but they were all on top of eachother.



Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
Small world. That's around the area my Fam is from. They are from the sticks west of jonesboro... Ringgold, Beinville, Heflin. That is really wild bud.

About the BushMaster... that stuff works on contact. I run hydro... here's how I use the BM. When I switch to 12/12 I drain the rez... fill with H2O and 2 mL BM/ gallon. Run that for 24 hours. Drain and give a weak dose of flower nutes.

I haven't looked closely... but the vertical growth stops basically right away... just BAM. Done.

This pic shows how it works. During veg I had really tight internode spacing... when I switched to 12/12 the plant started really stretching... then I applied BushMaster and it packed on quite a few more nodes... but they were all on top of eachother.

did u switch straight to 12/12?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I've read another way to combat plant stretch when you switch over to 12/12 is to leave your metal halide lamp burning for the first two weeks of the switch, then put in your hps lamp.

Bush master, can it be used before you switch over to 12/12? That would almost guarantee no stretch in the beginning of flowering.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
im using a 250 HPS and a 250 MH, but im planning to switch ma MH to a 250 HPS. but it was on 24 hours and on tuesday i took 2 hours off, wednesday i took 2 hours off, and i did the same today. just in a hope that my girls wont streach

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
If you're not against the idea I would give leaving the mh in a try and see if that helps with stretching in the beginning of flowering???
well im gunna leave ma 250mh in ma tent till i can get a 250 HPS but i will b lowering the time till it gets 2 12/12. just need ta get the bulb


Well-Known Member
I've read another way to combat plant stretch when you switch over to 12/12 is to leave your metal halide lamp burning for the first two weeks of the switch, then put in your hps lamp.

Bush master, can it be used before you switch over to 12/12? That would almost guarantee no stretch in the beginning of flowering.
Yes, leaving your MH in place during the 12/12 stretch will help keep things close... but the plant will still grow and you can't be sure when it will stop. That is why I like bushmaster... get it to where you want... and the stop it right there.

I think my picutre is misrepresenting things. I switched to 12/12 for about 3 days before using Bushmaster this grow... that stretch took place during that 3 days.

If you use bushmaster at the same time as the switch it will not stretch.

You don't want to use it before 12/12 as Bushmaster tells the plants to start flowering. That is another benefit... they show pistils almost right away.

did u switch straight to 12/12?
I run 18/6 veg... 36 hours dark... 12/12 after that.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
One way to create shorter plants is put them into 12/12 while they are still short-under 10". It appears that most plants have stopped their stretch by the end of the third week and start building buds from there. In this picture the blue cup plants are 8' & 10" tall....measured from the surface of the medium and the black pots that have a total height.....from the floor of 41", which should grow another 10" to 12" of bud. Blue cups went into 12/12 this morning. Black
pots are in day 24 of 12/12.....only another 10 or 11 weeks away.

Happy New Year

1-1-10 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
Barbagseed has not germinated yet. Boo. I am starting to think it's a dud...patience young farmer padwan.

Off for the weekend, having a nice 30 yr cognac with the groom to be.

Interesting reading about peoples MH/HPS stretching thoughts. Will have my own soon.

laters 600 peeps.