Bs dude..!!!It all depends what breeders widow u got..but based on the pics u still harvested too early...way early..But its my opinion, and if dont like me or dont want to improve your skill then harvest as u have always done...
I kinda agree on this , the phenotipe, genetics and grow conditions may influence on that... still looks nice , iam still just reading the plants if they look ready they are ready and start taking small samples as they reach more maturity , i still cut them early sometimes ... if you get clones you could do two different plants and let one go an extra two week and see which high you like better...

i also think that breeders tell you the arvest window , like if 8 weeks , you could go ten and be fine but 7 would not be the best idea , so nirvanas ww is 9 week , and you did 9 1/2 they should be ok ... 33 plus gms nice after cure you may have an OZ... looks preaty...