Well-Known Member
lol,k I got this
Then hire some mexican guys to stand on yur castle walls with bow and arrows. It will be an impenetrable weed base.
Mexicans with bows and arrows...?!?
lol,k I got this
Then hire some mexican guys to stand on yur castle walls with bow and arrows. It will be an impenetrable weed base.
He's giving away my gardening secrets!!!!!get a trip wire....with a swinging axe hanging....better yet get 2 so it would be harder to get to the pot....and a moat all around the plant with hungry crocs in there...
He's giving away my gardening secrets!!!!!
Really tho... Piss around ur plants, and remember, when your planting, look for the most innaccessible place you can see. If you see a spot and think, "Man, Im NOT going in there." That's where you need to plant... And dont forget the croc infested moat!
Would that be like leaving your home doors unlocked at night, figuring you'll get robbed eventually.plant more than one crop and plan on some getting jacked
so are you gonna just hang out and wait 4 the bell to ring? then what? if its, rippers you may get your ass kicked. cowards never run alone. it against their nature.i like the bell idea to rep for that one keep the good ideas coming
this post brought a tear to my eye.I just let my dogs run out in my woods... Two 80 pound pitties, and motion lights in the trees keep thief's at bay around here.
...oh and I don't have to mention to the neighbors to stay away. I just let the hail of AR rounds early in the morning on weekends speak for themselves... But that's just me... =)
LMAO. big rambo fan here, grew up on that shit.I would recomend a Rambo First Blood style spear trap. Nothing says stay away better than a good ole fashioned wooden spear to the lower torso.
Also when you get caught by the police for spearing someone, which you will get caught. Just start quoting random lines from Rambo.
Cop: What the hell were you thinking putting a spear trap in the woods like this?
You: They drew first blood sir, not me.
Cop: Son what the hell are you talking about? You just speared an innocent man hiking through the woods.
You: There are no friendly civilians!
Cop: Are you screwing with me son. Do you know how much trouble you in right now?
You: There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir.
Cop: Ok I'm gonna go ahead and charge you with assualt with a deadly weapon and you can tell this to the judge.
You: In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go man. Let it go.
After they figure out your just quoting random lines from Rambo you can just plead insanity. You'll get off with like 6 weeks in a mental institution but more importantly you have sent a strong message to any thieves out there in the community.
not cool, what if you step on it, or your dog, or friend.Here's one nobody said yet : BEAR TRAPS
They walk on it, they break their ankle. Nobody dies, nobody gets free weed.