Green fing3rs
I have a question, I have a 400w HPS light but was wondering if it would be better to use many CFLs that would add up to 2040 Watt for the same cost... do you think it would work?
cfls provide the better spec but hps provide the lumen's . why not get a digital ballast 400 and get some floro action on the sides , best of both worlds ..HPS provides a better spectrum for flowering than CFLs
are you talking actual watts? you can get a 400w hps for under 125 lots of places online so i dont understand how you could get 2000w of cfl at that price........
Thats wrong... HPS is more lumen heavy however it is only high in the red band of the spectrum... leaving out orange blue and purple, it ok to leave out green cos your ladies wont utilise this colour, you can use a green bulb to work on your ladies at night, they wont suspect a light change...anyhow, cfl's particulaliy ENVIROLITES 150 watt or 250 watt are both 8 par. this means they have the best spectrum for growing and cover the bands that the hps doesnt, only at a lesser intencity, I would personally use 4x 250 watt 6400k (blue) ENVIROLITE CFLs and 1 x 250 watt (red) envirolite for vegging and then either reverse this for flowering... 4x 250 watt (red) ENVIROLITEs and 1x (blue) 250 watt Envirolite, or after veggin' then throw them under your 400 watt hps, this would work well because the blue end..(envirolite) would grow huge thick branches all ready and waiting for the lighting change over to carry huge huge hps/ reworked ENVIROLITE CFL bud try using CHA CHING or HAMMERHEAD as a supplement in the later stages for an extra thc n resign boost, also added weight, also if you wand more weight you can add sugar disolved in ph balanced water this method will super-size you budz and potential earnings![]()
No, it's not wrong. You could pack all 30 CFLs around one plant if you wanted to, in which an HPS wouldn't even come close. A 400 watt HPS is best for a 3' x3' area, and if you packed all 2000 watts of CFL in that space, covering the plants on all sides, it would kick the HPS's ass. Just like i said.![]()
none of that matters since he was asking about 400w of cfl or 2040 equivalent watts. Notice how he said they would cost the same to run?????? 2040w of REAL cfl would not cost the same as a 400w hps. Think people!!! I know you are stoned and allbut think about what he is askin