**DAY 43 FLOWERING** LOTS OF PICS!!!! Check her out!!


Well-Known Member
Its no worries man, hahaha.
No I don't have a magnifier... but I'm assuming its pretty easy to tell when its ready..... it'll look like weed, you know? I know what I want my weed to look like, and when it looks like that.... I'm gonna chop her... I know its gonna be potent either way.... its crystally as fuck and stinks like kush.

3 weeks.... thats what I was thinking too.... fuck its agonizing.... because I have no herb right now!!! I wanna crop it now.... boo!


Active Member
Its no worries man, hahaha.
No I don't have a magnifier... but I'm assuming its pretty easy to tell when its ready..... it'll look like weed, you know? I know what I want my weed to look like, and when it looks like that.... I'm gonna chop her... I know its gonna be potent either way.... its crystally as fuck and stinks like kush.

3 weeks.... thats what I was thinking too.... fuck its agonizing.... because I have no herb right now!!! I wanna crop it now.... boo!
...right on bro, if it makes you happy it was a success!! And I feel your pain, I'm smoking roaches right now and probly gonna be a few more weeks for me too:cry:


Well-Known Member
This first plant has been a good learning experience... but I just want it to finish up already.... because I want to get my next one on the go..... hahahah!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I love it. I've always been in to botany.... I grew some peppers, some tomatoes, a few mint patches..... I would of been growing chronic a long time ago but my girlfriend wasn't down with me growing.... but now she's chilled out a bit.


Active Member
Yeah, I love it. I've always been in to botany.... I grew some peppers, some tomatoes, a few mint patches..... I would of been growing chronic a long time ago but my girlfriend wasn't down with me growing.... but now she's chilled out a bit.
I hear ya. I was trying to do an outdoor, but my wife was totally against it!.....come to find out, she was totally against me as well, so, now I get zero resistance from the dog!!!
Being single has made growing my passion!!(and given me the space and privacy to do it the way I want to!!)
Great job, and best luck in round 2! :joint: s.loner


Active Member
thanks bud... good luck with your harvest too... ill post new pics in a week or so
.............so, supgee? !!! how's the ladies doing lately? hope they're starting to put on a show for ya..........
Just checkin' in to see if you posted any new pics. I'm right there with ya bro, got 6 at day 55...mmmmmmmmm I can't wait to have some nice, fresh spice again!!!
Grow strong bro!! :joint: s.loner


Well-Known Member
hey dude..... oh yeah she's starting to look pretty good and a lot of hairs are starting to turn amber.... I haven't taken any new shots yet, but if you wanna wait 10 minutes or so I will go snap some and post them just for you... she smells wonderful!!

Some leaves are starting to yellow and die now.


Active Member
hey dude..... oh yeah she's starting to look pretty good and a lot of hairs are starting to turn amber.... I haven't taken any new shots yet, but if you wanna wait 10 minutes or so I will go snap some and post them just for you... she smells wonderful!!

Some leaves are starting to yellow and die now.
...I'm here for a while, just got done posting some new pics myself.............sounds like you're gonna be finished a little bit ahead of me!! Still got calyx's stacking up, and my leaves are still a real dark green. I think this coco stuff has something to do with the huge difference I'm seeing in it and the soil grow I have next to it.......?? :bigjoint:


Active Member
wow dude, looking nice..........I'm jealous of the quality of your pics, my camera is such a P.O.S. !! Awesome looking goods!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.... really I was taking the shots and I was like this camera fucking sucks....

haha its a Pentax Optio M60.... its like $160 bucks or something.... dunno my girlfriend bought it last year..


Active Member
Thanks man.... really I was taking the shots and I was like this camera fucking sucks....

haha its a Pentax Optio M60.... its like $160 bucks or something.... dunno my girlfriend bought it last year..
:dunce: goes to show just what a piece mine is huh!!:dunce: