attitude 1n 10 days to 2 weeks to Florida. Ive been thinking of trying out I heard they are good and they are way cheap!ive heard of people using nirvana but ive heard good and bad things about them, someone else might be able to answer that
i have heard good things about also.. last i knew, they shipped in a plain padded envelope. not really stealth or anything.. if you are ordering for medical /legal reasons, dope-seeds would be great! if you need stealth, dope-seeds isn't so greatattitude 1n 10 days to 2 weeks to Florida. Ive been thinking of trying out I heard they are good and they are way cheap!
yeah normally even an out of state purchase on the card can be enough to freeze it for fraud. i found that out last time i went out of state.. card stopped working after 2-3 charges.. i was like wtf.. the company apologized. i told them i would sooner be safe than sorry.. really depends on your cc company tho. identity theft is such a big deal now days, can't really blame the company. maybe thank emProblem was saying that the credit card was not going thru. Five minutes after the post, capitol one fraud department called to report suspicious activity.
For myself, Nirvana has been very reliable and understanding. Just this past June my fem ice was taking an awfully long time (bout 5 weeks or so) so I contacted that sweetheart Alice and she shipped me another pack immediately! Eight days later they arrived! To top it all off the original pack showed up the very next day!! LOL
And I'm not going to burn how they stealth ship their products but no worries there. Nicely hidden.