Some christians are very hateful...


Active Member
If these people existed in any significant numbers I'm sure most Americans would be outraged. But since most people know this is a minuscule handful of nuts who are merely seeking attention and represent no group save for nut jobs, few people care. The article you linked to is clearly an attempt to make a non-issue seem significant.

So because more people don't know about this and aren't outraged, it's not an issue...? We have to wait until more idiots shoot abortion doctors or security guards at the holocaust museum?

No, you probably won't take this seriously until one of the crazies blows up a mosque or a federal building. But the muslims we need to torture and lock up in gitmo becaue they're so dangerous, right?


Well-Known Member
that a tyrant may use the political aspirations of the leaders of the roman catholic church for his own ends is hardly a condemnation of that religion or an affirmation of his own faith. many such men have hidden behind the trappings of faith to gain the support of the powerful, that doesn't mean they were truly what they professed. you or i may call ourselves whatever we wish, that doesn't make it necessarily so.

by the way -
quoting stones lyrics lends little weight to such a disingenuous argument.

Hitler wanting to eradicate the Jews is a christian move in itself. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years.

To say the Holocaust happened simply because Hitler was a tyrant with no rhyme or reason is a lie created and believed by Christians for the past 60 years.

jeff f

New Member
Hitler wanting to eradicate the Jews is a christian move in itself. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years.

To say the Holocaust happened simply because Hitler was a tyrant with no rhyme or reason is a lie created and believed by Christians for the past 60 years.
you are right it is very christian to hate jews. thats why when you go to a christian church they preach from the 11 commandments. i think its commandment number 4 that says hate all jews and walk them into gas chambers...

to say that hitler was a christian acting out christian principles is a little misleading, dont ya think? hitler slaughtered people in spite of his christian roots, not because of them.

i have been to many different churches from methodist, southern baptist, pentocostal and have never heard anyone, preacher or parishioner, speak favorably of hitler.

but hey, your side always just makes stuff up so, par for the offense to tiger.


Well-Known Member
Usually I'm the last person to defend christianity... but, I don't see hitler's big motivation as being to spread and promote christianity. Maybe he was christian, and used his religion to gather support - not the same thing though.

There are WAY more muslims than christians who kill PRIMARILY because they think their magic spirit wants it done.
Sure, christianity has a bloody past (and to a lesser degree, present), but IMO islam is a lot more scary at this point in time.
The western world (christian countries) have changed a lot in the past few centuries, and in a lot of ways fanaticism has settled down... at least compared to what it was in the 17th century and earlier. IMO a lot more of the islamic countries have their heads so far up their asses that they're somehow able to go on pretending they're still living in the middle ages.
Both sets of beliefs seem about as plausible as any greek myths. But, 21st century christianity equally crazy and dangerous as 21st century islam.... no way, IMO.


Well-Known Member
you are right it is very christian to hate jews. thats why when you go to a christian church they preach from the 11 commandments. i think its commandment number 4 that says hate all jews and walk them into gas chambers...

to say that hitler was a christian acting out christian principles is a little misleading, dont ya think? hitler slaughtered people in spite of his christian roots, not because of them.

i have been to many different churches from methodist, southern baptist, pentocostal and have never heard anyone, preacher or parishioner, speak favorably of hitler.

but hey, your side always just makes stuff up so, par for the offense to tiger.
And you live in 1930 Germany? So enlighten us, why did the Nazis want to exterminate Jews?


Well-Known Member
And you live in 1930 Germany? So enlighten us, why did the Nazis want to exterminate Jews?
Personally, I thought that it was more about them being of an inferior race and having too much economic power in europe, rather than being motivated by differences in their beliefs.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hitler wanting to eradicate the Jews is a christian move in itself.
like others here, i would love to know more about this supposed christian conspiracy to eradicate the jews.:rolleyes:

So enlighten us, why did the Nazis want to exterminate Jews?
though i wasn't around at the time, i would suppose they were targeted for the same reason any other people becomes a scapegoat. a group that holds themselves separate and can be shown to hold economic power in a country wracked by the financial woes of a ww1 defeat would make a perfect choice for venting the frustration of the populace. any group that was not a member of the aryan ideal was targeted, the jews were merely the largest of those groups. the attempt to align themselves with the vatican, an integral part of their ally's society, is only an intelligent political political move and the fact that the church's leaders would go along with such a tyrant and his monstrous plans only shows the dangers of investing too much power in an elite leadership.


Well-Known Member
like others here, i would love to know more about this supposed christian conspiracy to eradicate the jews.:rolleyes:

though i wasn't around at the time, i would suppose they were targeted for the same reason any other people becomes a scapegoat. a group that holds themselves separate and can be shown to hold economic power in a country wracked by the financial woes of a ww1 defeat would make a perfect choice for venting the frustration of the populace. any group that was not a member of the aryan ideal was targeted, the jews were merely the largest of those groups. the attempt to align themselves with the vatican, an integral part of their ally's society, is only an intelligent political political move and the fact that the church's leaders would go along with such a tyrant and his monstrous plans only shows the dangers of investing too much power in an elite leadership.
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." –Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922

jeff f

New Member
And you live in 1930 Germany? So enlighten us, why did the Nazis want to exterminate Jews?
no, dont live in 1930 germany but as i recall, england was a christian nation and they didnt slaughter jews. the US was a christian nation and didnt support hitler. italy was a christian nation and at the heart of catholocism and they didnt advocate slaughtering jews. spain, same i need to give more examples?

chrisitan nations fought hitler. if your logic is right, which it isnt, then christian nations should have been building statues of the great hitler. but that wasnt the case.


Well-Known Member
Obama started it first.

1. First he directed his hateful comments, about hicks clinging to bibles and guns.

2. One of the first things he did when he was elected, was to announce that America isn't a Christian nation.

What Obama believes about these issues just highlights his ignorance.

Sure buddy, Obama started it......


jeff f

New Member
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." –Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
great example of how a power hungry statist can twist even the most beautiful ideas, love thy neighbor as thyself, and make it poison.

i guess you could say that hitler was a christian jihadist if you want. so when we have people now saying the jews should be run into the sea and exterminated, are you saying thats okay and we should put up with it?

i am saying, no way in hell is it right and we wont let you barbarian mother fuckers succeed because we learned this lesson 60 years ago.

its almost like you guys are saying hitler was a christian and he should be condemed and then say, why are you guys being so hard on the muslims who are advocating exactly the same thing hitler advocated. your logic escapes me.

you do know that public schools all over the muslim world, jihadist or not, teach the children to hate jews and infidels? one only needs to listen to rev wright or screwy lewy farrakan for 5 minutes to realize the deep twisted sick hatred these barbarians have for jews. its dejavu all over again.

jeff f

New Member
Sure buddy, Obama started it......

wow, you have just proven that all and every christian wants to hold signs like these.....nothing like painting with a broad brush.

i got an idea, how about we load these peoples underwear with explosives and fly them over mecca?


Well-Known Member
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.....
–Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
still you insist on condemning the intent of an entire creed for the words of a single man. i'm afraid there is less hope for you than even for an unrepentant atheist like me, at least i don't damn my brother for the sins of his leaders. though i'm certain there is no punishment after this life, you seem condemned to endure this journey filled with hatred and ignorance.

i'd suggest you take to heart that virtue co-opted by the christians and forgive. forgive the religious fanatics their foolishness and quit trying to blame the lot of them for the misdeeds of the few false faithful.
(alliteration can be fun:mrgreen:)


Well-Known Member
still you insist on condemning the intent of an entire creed for the words of a single man. i'm afraid there is less hope for you than even for an unrepentant atheist like me, at least i don't damn my brother for the sins of his leaders. though i'm certain there is no punishment after this life, you seem condemned to endure this journey filled with hatred and ignorance.

i'd suggest you take to heart that virtue co-opted by the christians and forgive. forgive the religious fanatics their foolishness and quit trying to blame the lot of them for the misdeeds of the few false faithful.
(alliteration can be fun:mrgreen:)

You and others argued Hitler was not a christian and that christian motives had nothing to do with the Holocaust and I proved otherwise, and from that you surmise I'm 'condemned to endure this journey filled with hatred and ignorance'. Nice twist of logic you possess.

jeff f

New Member
You and others argued Hitler was not a christian and that christian motives had nothing to do with the Holocaust and I proved otherwise, and from that you surmise I'm 'condemned to endure this journey filled with hatred and ignorance'. Nice twist of logic you possess.
dont remember people arguing he was not a christian. he was a christian, pretty much a historical fact.

i do remember people saying that what he did was NOT christian. but you continue to say that his attitudes and deeds were consistant with christianity. they are NOT.

as far as you "proving" that hitler was acting out his christian veiws is just dumb. "christians" fought to kill hitler and his evil henchmen. that is also a historical fact. but if it makes you feel better saying you proved somehting i would say fine, you proved you have no ability to think outside your christian hating box.


Well-Known Member
You and others argued Hitler was not a christian and that christian motives had nothing to do with the Holocaust and I proved otherwise.....
you've proved nothing more than he may have called himself a christian, just as any man may call himself anything he wishes. that you can't understand that simple fact is ignorance and that you would waste so much effort in the vilification of a creed based on such flimsy evidence seems little more than a mission born of hatred. so yes, i'd say ignorance and hatred are burdens you seem to be clinging on this journey. don't worry, you're not alone.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've actually read Mien kampf. Regardless of what religion Hitler was born into, he definitely did not do what he did in the name of Christianity. In fact, Hitler wanted to wipe out all religion. He started with the Jews because he felt unlike Christians who could be dissuaded from their faith, Jews would never abandon their faith. This was just one of the reasons he gave for wanting to exterminate us.

On another note, Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Agnostic means one claims not to know if there is or is not a God. Being Agnostic is perfectly rational. Being Atheist is as much a leap of faith as any other religion because you can no more prove there is no God, than you can prove there is one. To be Atheist based on the logic that the existence of God can not be proved is wholly irrational. But of course you are a master of logic if you are an Atheist - one who evidently doesn't know how to use a dictionary or logic. But I digress.


Well-Known Member
shenanigans, shenanigans!! i am calling it.

with the things that were said about george bush, you are calling these guys mean angry?


some of you wished he would get aids.

some wished clarence thomas wife would feed him eggs and bacon so he would have a heart attack like "most" black men do.

many rappers sing about raping conservatives daughters.

alec baldwin encouraged people to rape henry hides wife and then stone them to death.

nothing in that article even come close to these recent outbursts of the libs. once again total liberal lying bullshhit. you guys cannot even be honest about anything.
What is wrong with you?!?! Holy shit!


New Member
I agree... just not the way you meant it.
The bible's open to interpretation. You can find words of hate or love, violence or peace, etc.. People pick the parts that fit their ideals, and ignore the ones that don't. So, sure these people are christians. And, I believe that Obama is patriotic... just not your kind of patriotic.
Well then, perhaps you can explain how trashing the Constitution is a patriotic endeavor? Oh, and then take a stab at what my "kind of patriotism" is.