Does anyone here not do drugs?


Active Member
I grow because of illness on my wife's side of the family and it really helps them out. It's my good deed.. And of coarse I enjoy some once or twice a month...


Well-Known Member
a small dose of magic mushrooms daily has been reported to help with cluster headaches... we are not talking about phsycoactive doses now... just a few hundred milligrams.


Well-Known Member
Actually every drug out there can be used in some sort of medical application, the only difference is the dosage one takes to achieve a effect. It pisses me off that governments, made up of people who many of do not even understand the basic structure of a cell, can make such decisions on what is helpful and what is not in the medical world. One day I want to go down to South America, Europe, or Canada and conduct research on these drugs for medical applications. What I really want to study is Ibogaine, which has shown to help 70% of people battle and win over addictions without any withdrawal. With the amount of people that suffer from addiction in the USA, this could save many lives, yet it is illegal. Even ecstasy has been shown to have useful medical applications.


Well-Known Member
For a person who is simply trying to alleviate pain yet still be a working, they would not generally take the same amount as someone trying to get high, take mushrooms and cluster headaches, a small amount might prevent and stop them, but a larger amount will have different effects. When you think ecstasy not exactly the first thing that comes to your mind as something that can be used in the medical field. It was actually largely forgotten till the 1970s when it was used mainly as a party drug, it has not been till recently that it is being used by psychologist to help with certain mental problems. If a doctor where to use MDMA for clinical use I doubt they would would the same dosage a person who went out clubbing would use, so yes dosage does play a crucial role in distinguishing a medical application from recreational use.


Well-Known Member
MDMAs first and only use was in the medical field. Took quite a while to slip onto the recreational field.
It was developed around 1912, then it was forgotten about for about 65 years where is was taken back up by the 1970s counter culture. Now new medical applications are being discovered for it. MDMA was originally an intermediate compound for another medical drug, it was never really used for medical applications around the time it was actually discovered.


Well-Known Member
Well probably not to the extent it was in the 70's when therapists would take it along with their patients... I can see where that started to go wrong.
Also like Ann Shulgin found out after a year of regular MDMA, the drugs don't work anymore.

When I administer a substance therapeuticaly, I need my mind as clear as possible to sense the smallest amounts of feedback.


Well-Known Member
So what is, there was a small amount of research done on it from its discovery during 1912 till around the 1970s but it was mostly on lab animals not on humans. These studies were conducted by the army I doubt they were doing it for medical reasons. You can not just tell me something is not true yet not provide a reason it is not.

Edit: there was some medical applications doing late 1950s till early 1960s but it was seen as took psychedelic for these medical applications to be reasonable.


Well-Known Member
When you hear someone talk about MDMA the first thing that you think of, well I do anyway, is the party drug, not a compound that can be used in a limited number of medical applications. I really don't understand why people are being so nit picky about it.