Cops baffled over green dragon bust


Active Member
America gets very bent up about cannabis......

At least in the UK most of the cops will have smoked or know people who smoked, some of the younger Uk cops i've met can be quite cool, some not so but i think if i was in the US i'd be in trouble all the time.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what state. Im a MMJ patient so i dont worry anymore. But if i wanna travel outta state. I dont even wanna think about it.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what state. Im a MMJ patient so i dont worry anymore. But if i wanna travel outta state. I dont even wanna think about it.

Do you think that med laws and the states they are available in, only serve to divide the people further?


Well-Known Member
Yup! Thats why i dont leave my state. If i wanna Vacation i go international. There are a few states this year or next that will be voting for MMJ use. They will pass. Only because of our recession do they see no other options for money.


Well-Known Member
Tho i did read that MMJ users are slowly being allowed to take our meds on planes with us. Where that plane lands is a diff story.


Well-Known Member
i hope ur kidding speedyseedz
No the reason I say this is because the governments across the globes main objective is to divide the people, as long as the people are divided they won't realise their numbers and overthrow the government, so all these things in life are put in place to divide us.

Take med cards for instance, the guy above says he would think twice before leaving his state, so by giving him an mmj card, which is pretty worthless everywhere else in the world, he is going to stay exactly where he is.

Now other states could look at california and the amount of taxes that the mmj trade brings in and say, ok it works, we can make some money off of this and help right our finances, but they don't want it in every state. By limiting the states of availability it divides us.

So now we have the people without mmj wanting legislation, where the people with mmj cards are just glad for their cards.

With the amount of people in america who are growing weed right now and to put it into some context.

Attitude seeds sell seeds to the americas and are one of the biggest providers. According to web statistics only 5% of visits to attitude are preceeded by a visit to where has 50% of visitors come from google and 82% of attitudes business comes from america.

so baring these figures in mind and these are just the ones shopping at attitude, not including the ones that buy from med clubs have bag seed stashes, and get from all the other websites across the globe means that america is growing a shit load of weed.

With the amount of people growing, if they gathered together and told the government exactly what they wanted then the government would probably have to pay more attention to 4 million people asking as opposed to 50,000.

But with laws and everything the way it is in life, every one is divided so we don't trust each other, and ego is all important. So that we never stand up for ourselves.


Active Member
atleast some parts of your country are going in the right direction, cannabis has been re-classified to B from C in the uk even after government advisors and experts said it should remain C, a bit of a knock for the ganja smokers but i wont change a thing in the UK imo, public perseption seems to remain the same

I walked through a park in a local town centre a few weeks ago, on one side of the park a group of kids were having a smoke just 200m or so from 2 cops, the cops didnt bat an eye lid, its not like amsterdam where its everywhere but its pretty relaxed.

I've seen some pretty shocking stuff on the net regardin the US's treatment of cannabis smokers, or atleast its shocking in comparrison to what goes on over here.


Well-Known Member
atleast some parts of your country are going in the right direction, cannabis has been re-classified to B from C in the uk even after government advisors and experts said it should remain C, a bit of a knock for the ganja smokers but i wont change a thing in the UK imo, public perseption seems to remain the same

I walked through a park in a local town centre a few weeks ago, on one side of the park a group of kids were having a smoke just 200m or so from 2 cops, the cops didnt bat an eye lid, its not like amsterdam where its everywhere but its pretty relaxed.

I've seen some pretty shocking stuff on the net regardin the US's treatment of cannabis smokers, or atleast its shocking in comparrison to what goes on over here.

It's not as relaxed as you may think. Last night a friend of mine who has a few plants had a bit of trouble.

6 guys tried to break into his house, they smashed the door in, and my friends had to barracade themselves into the room, the attackers had sledgehammers and knives. My buddy knew that if they got in they were going to be fucked so he had no choice but to call the cops in, the cops came in, questioned them all, decided they were trying to rob them because of weed related things, found his plants and arrested everyone there.


It's not as relaxed as you may think. Last night a friend of mine who has a few plants had a bit of trouble.

6 guys tried to break into his house, they smashed the door in, and my friends had to barracade themselves into the room, the attackers had sledgehammers and knives. My buddy knew that if they got in they were going to be fucked so he had no choice but to call the cops in, the cops came in, questioned them all, decided they were trying to rob them because of weed related things, found his plants and arrested everyone there.

Just over some pot? Sure there wasnt more involved?


Well-Known Member
I got cought with a joint in High school lost my licence got kicked out of school and then when i went back it was like i was a killer or something had me locked in a small room with no venilation for 7 hours a day my babies get more venilation then i did for a whole year food was horrible it was like jail they watched me when i use the bathroom when i do anything search me all the time its fucking nuts just over a joint


if he was selling i'd say it was more for the money, generally pot smokers dont resort to violence to get high.. that more your coke/crack crowd. I know people who sell the hard stuff and they frequently deal with people willing to do anything to get high. But never a pot head..