Is it worth making mothers from bagseed???


Active Member
You take clones of next time you grow you wont have to start from seed. Even if it isnt the bomb diggity, its still a female you know?


Active Member
You take clones of next time you grow you wont have to start from seed. Even if it isnt the bomb diggity, its still a female you know?
Alright, good point. How long do you think i have tell there big enough to clone? Maybe I should keep my best 4-6 vegging, and flower the rest?


Active Member
definately worth it if you come out with a nice plant always nice to have clones to start that you know will be female. you could just top them when they get a little bigger and use the tops for clones. if you dont wanna top youll just have to wait for a decent side branch. also keeping your "best" and flowering the rest aint such a good idea cause you dont know if your "best" are even female. if you have some time to spend just flower them and switch em back to veg after you find your females


Active Member
nice plants but they are way too small for flowering you wouldnt get anything and you cant get no clones from that veg till 1 foot then flower when they start to strech about 2 weeks from flowering which is key less Nitro then cut only the bottom branches which should have streched alot and they dont produce much bud so then you are promoting more growth towards the top colas of those plants and yo u are creating clones + +

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
nice indica looking bag seed find
i would deff keep a mother of one of those
what i would really do is label all of them maybe no. them

then clone all of them keeping each mother in veg
then flower out the clones and harvest, dry and cure then smoke
to see which one is the most potent
then keep that no. as the mother

maybe even breed that one with some knew bag seeds and continue untill i have the most powerfull breed this would take years but worth it - then i would give it a name - only breed the most indica looking male with her - then find a good mother and keep that as a mother- no mater what, its going to sale for 20$ a gram anyways if its no stem no seeds


Active Member
Thank you everyone for the great info, and ideas.:weed:

nice indica looking bag seed find
i would deff keep a mother of one of those
what i would really do is label all of them maybe no. them

then clone all of them keeping each mother in veg
then flower out the clones and harvest, dry and cure then smoke
to see which one is the most potent
then keep that no. as the mother

maybe even breed that one with some knew bag seeds and continue untill i have the most powerfull breed this would take years but worth it - then i would give it a name - only breed the most indica looking male with her - then find a good mother and keep that as a mother- no mater what, its going to sale for 20$ a gram anyways if its no stem no seeds
Yeah, I really lucked out. Expecially because they are all from different bags(high middies or KB's), so they were fairly hard to come by:shock:. I really like the idea of keepin em all in veg, and flowering the clones but I need to have a harvest by mid march... You think this is possible? There just over a month old from seed. If not, then triniman idea seems to be the next best plan, and veg the female clones into mothers. Breeding my own strain would be a deffinent good time. If you pollinate a budding female, would the seed thats made be a whole new unique strain?



Well-Known Member
Bagseed is always a roll of the dice because you are dealing with an unknown quantity. And the herman rate is ridiculous with bagseed.

I say go for it. It's good practice for when you get your hands on good genetics with a pedigree.

And you never know, you might just get lucky.

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
is that discoloration from your light? i think you need to rework your nute solution if its not

are you gonna do any topping or LST?

id veg all the plants for another month if you had the space for it, have all the plants labeled take clones from all the plants and then flower a few days later when you know your clones are rooting. when male plants show up pull them, aswell as the clones from the males. then turn the cloned females into mother plants and make infinate clones from those bitches


Active Member
Bagseed is always a roll of the dice because you are dealing with an unknown quantity. And the herman rate is ridiculous with bagseed.

I say go for it. It's good practice for when you get your hands on good genetics with a pedigree.

And you never know, you might just get lucky.

Good luck and good growing.
Thanks man. I'll keep my fingers crossed for NO hermies:spew:.

is that discoloration from your light? i think you need to rework your nute solution if its not

are you gonna do any topping or LST?

id veg all the plants for another month if you had the space for it, have all the plants labeled take clones from all the plants and then flower a few days later when you know your clones are rooting. when male plants show up pull them, aswell as the clones from the males. then turn the cloned females into mother plants and make infinate clones from those bitches
Yeah, its the glare off the hps. There fairly dark green. Possibly, Ive been using some super cropping techniques already. Like pinching, and twisting the stem. Ill prob top a week or so into flower. I think this would be my best bet if I want to harvest by mid-late march, and I would still have moms from the clones. As soon as I can get a good clone from a side branch, ill give it the chop. Good advice!

PICS of my flowering room
-3' by 4' closet
-430w hps

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for the great info, and ideas.:weed:

Yeah, I really lucked out. Expecially because they are all from different bags(high middies or KB's), so they were fairly hard to come by:shock:. I really like the idea of keepin em all in veg, and flowering the clones but I need to have a harvest by mid march... You think this is possible? There just over a month old from seed. If not, then triniman idea seems to be the next best plan, and veg the female clones into mothers. Breeding my own strain would be a deffinent good time. If you pollinate a budding female, would the seed thats made be a whole new unique strain?
yeah having a yeild by then is doable but to mater you own strain from unknown gene takes time be cause you have to grow out a sample to test just to know how strong it is - see with wild genes they are unstable meaning with evey seed on every mother could yeild different results when ever you seed out a mother the resulting range could be as stronger then the perants it came from to 10 times weaker then the perants it came from . mixing diff. strain increases the unstableness of the resulting seed , so in order to lock in the trate that you like you have to mate brother and sister - so it will take a lot of testing but yes both can be done
- just make sure each plant is labelded and each yeild is keep in diff. baggs that are also labeled = plant a, plant b, plant c;plant a clone, plant b clone, plant c clone,; plant a yeild, plant b yeild, plant c yeild
now you on your way to having you own strain then pic the best smoke of them and flower the rest (if you can keep a male or try to keep pollin some where when choosen males any would do but try to get one with the tightest cluster of pollin sac with the darkest purplest collor , and see if it has a wide hollow base on the stem , these indicate stronge male narcotic trates ) then pic the best looking seeds and start the process over - all of this could be done and you could still have great yeilds- the custermer need not know why you seperate each bag , hell , thats only for you after you test everything you could put it all in one bag - this would be done faster if you had space for 100 seeds, 100 moms, 100 clones, 100 tests , you could find that gene that you want better only keeping the best of the best and so on, then when your happy with the strength you have then you keep the one mother and clone that only or maybe even self it by hermi out one of it clones then mateing it with it self


Active Member
yeah having a yeild by then is doable but to mater you own strain from unknown gene takes time be cause you have to grow out a sample to test just to know how strong it is - see with wild genes they are unstable meaning with evey seed on every mother could yeild different results when ever you seed out a mother the resulting range could be as stronger then the perants it came from to 10 times weaker then the perants it came from . mixing diff. strain increases the unstableness of the resulting seed , so in order to lock in the trate that you like you have to mate brother and sister - so it will take a lot of testing but yes both can be done
- just make sure each plant is labelded and each yeild is keep in diff. baggs that are also labeled = plant a, plant b, plant c;plant a clone, plant b clone, plant c clone,; plant a yeild, plant b yeild, plant c yeild
now you on your way to having you own strain then pic the best smoke of them and flower the rest (if you can keep a male or try to keep pollin some where when choosen males any would do but try to get one with the tightest cluster of pollin sac with the darkest purplest collor , and see if it has a wide hollow base on the stem , these indicate stronge male narcotic trates ) then pic the best looking seeds and start the process over - all of this could be done and you could still have great yeilds- the custermer need not know why you seperate each bag , hell , thats only for you after you test everything you could put it all in one bag - this would be done faster if you had space for 100 seeds, 100 moms, 100 clones, 100 tests , you could find that gene that you want better only keeping the best of the best and so on, then when your happy with the strength you have then you keep the one mother and clone that only or maybe even self it by hermi out one of it clones then mateing it with it self
Good info..:joint::-? +rep


Well-Known Member
you should top sooner, a few weeks before flowering and you can get 2 or more good tops. also you can clone the tops you cut off