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mmm its getting hot in the humidity box's 87f and rising...if u have a shity strain there will be alot of leaf in the bud. but so far so good
mmm its getting hot in the humidity box's 87f and rising...if u have a shity strain there will be alot of leaf in the bud. but so far so good
it would fit but it would take the entire box lol i could fit it directly at the top but light would leak intry to put one of these in your grow tent, of course if it's big enough to fit it.
my local lowes has it for $14.50. You need to be careful and make it blow to the wall, not to the plants, keep it on low speed. It'll help you keep your temps stable, but will drive your humidity down.
It has tremendous cfm , like 2250, it's a bigass fan.
DAY 2 last of the shitty pictures busting out the HD Camera Tomorrowwell they have been under light and soil for all most 20 hours now just checked them and 2 have 4 leaves but the other 4 have gotten longer just haven't got leaves yet all so the soil was extremely dry..... so i gave them a good watering
oh yeah and the humidity dome didnt DO SHIT it ate all the water out of my plants :*( but after i watered the plants i sprayed the humidity dome down GOOD got it all wet now the humidity jacked up inbetween 40% 50%yahh happy
rawr pics
Growing bagseed is fine, I did, but it will cost you more in the long run... What if you have no females? That would suck. Plus bagseed hermaphrodites easier becuase that's very likely why the weed had seeds.There reaching FOR THE SKY
the two on the right side i think are dead... they have not moved at all in 2 days
the last one on the left is trying to grow...
the other 3 are fucking reaching for the sky
yeah for sure dude i got everything downGrowing bagseed is fine, I did, but it will cost you more in the long run... What if you have no females? That would suck. Plus bagseed hermaphrodites easier becuase that's very likely why the weed had seeds.
I grew for a few generations with bag seed because I didn't want to screw up expensive seeds but growing is expensive but wasting time money and resorces and getting unpredictable results is even more expensive.
Get those cfls within a half inch and when you transplant bring the dirt up to the first leaves.
Remember two big mistakes beginners make over fertilizing and over watering, less is more!
Looking good so far. You'll have to do something different with your lights as they get bigger, they won't all fit under the cluster - so be prepared for that. Also - patience with your seedlings is a must! It usually takes more than one day to sprout after germination, so you may be tossing out good seeds. Also - small seedlings aren't always a bad thing either. I had one small mutant white widow in one of my current grows, it has turned into my largest girl out of that grow so far! You never know what they'll do - a little TLC could turn the slow one into your best plant.
Wanted to mention as well, they spend more time the first four weeks growing roots and width than they do growing height, so no worries if they seem too short.
Yep, that's pretty dead. loloh trust me heh it was dead i pulled the seed out of the soil the root was like shriveled and all most gone lol
What are you talking about? Those plants are in styrofoam 5 gallon bucket is overdoing it man. jus becux u have 5 gals of water doesnt meen shit cux only so much can evaporate on the surface ur jus wastin space wit that 5 gal. jus my 2cents
uhh wut? wrong topic?wow 5 gallon bucket is overdoing it man. jus becux u have 5 gals of water doesnt meen shit cux only so much can evaporate on the surface ur jus wastin space wit that 5 gal. jus my 2cents