DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...


Well-Known Member
Now that this thread has turned into a full fledged debate that has absolutely nothing to do with my journal, I might as well just start a new thread. I'll sleep on it.
yeah I would if I were you. or have a mod take out the past 3-4 pages . . .


Well-Known Member
Dill... start a new private journal. There's too much riff raff that completely destroyed your journal.
I'm considering it. I don't even really know if I want to even bother at this point though. Still thinking it over and wondering if it is even worth the trouble.


Well-Known Member
It seems as if things are returning to chill mode... you shouldn't have to do this..

but maybe you could ask the people who clogged up your thread to kindly remove any posts that do not pertain directly to your grow. I hope you decide to keep us updated one way or another. This journal exemplifies what you can achieve when you are happy with a set-up and really start dialing it in..

Thanks in advance for keeping this thing going Dill..


Well-Known Member
Now that this thread has turned into a full fledged debate that has absolutely nothing to do with my journal, I might as well just start a new thread. I'll sleep on it.

im down for watever brotha just along for the learning and viewing ride.
im sure everyone here agrees we just wanna watch and like mom said dont have sumthing nice to say dont say it at all 8)

how bout we start a trash talk thread? thatd b fun bahaha

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What the fuck???

Thought that I would check out your journal bro, if I remember correctly you have a Jillybean going? I have several TGA strains going myself.....

Well anyways it was all I could do to skim the last few pages..... Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yo Dill, how about some fresh pics to get everything back on track. Or a smoke report. OR another pic of the tan, lol



Well-Known Member
Wow, is this thread just depressing now or what? Someone actually gave me negative rep because of this thread as if I had anything to do with it completely going off course. Strange.


Well-Known Member
Wow, is this thread just depressing now or what? Someone actually gave me negative rep because of this thread as if I had anything to do with it completely going off course. Strange.
I thought only mods can give negative rep? I surely dont have the ability to give neg rep, but sure as hell gotten it from a mod once :)


Well-Known Member
Wow, is this thread just depressing now or what? Someone actually gave me negative rep because of this thread as if I had anything to do with it completely going off course. Strange.

wtf first off didnt know that was possible and second thats fukd up if sumone did. i was wonder about my rep status shit my rep shit next to my avatar was "stoner stoner" now it went bak to previous "mr. ganja" lame


Well-Known Member
I thought only mods can give negative rep? I surely dont have the ability to give neg rep, but sure as hell gotten it from a mod once :)
Members of the Elite Rollers Society (those who have donated to the site) are also able to give negative rep.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, poor Dill man..

How are things lookin?
Fuck man i nearly just fell off my chair laughing and my gf looking at me like wtf? I came across the HUGE bird saying o REally? that u posted and damn i cant find it again to qoute it but fuck it was funny, so im reading this dude saying 'bb fems herm under stress then BAM! O Really? really funny..
Anyways man on with the show.. if its any type of motivation im just a dude in Australia sitting in my loungeroom and i am totally enthused to see wots happening in ur tent like 100000miles away or some shit.. i always enjoy catching up on ur grow :joint::joint::hump:


i have a 41 plant grow in flower two lights mh and hos for full spectru(really beilive in this) for a total 800 watts daytime temps around 72-76 night around 60-62 self breed strains of good-great yielding strains and they are now about 29" average in week three of flower can u give me guesses as far as yield goes from these pics and that info
growing indoor 09 pictures by mikegreenthumb - Photobucket