Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Your plants look nice Rusty. You should do a update a week from topping with some before and after pics so people can see it really doesn't affect the plants growth.

That pic is just TWO DAYS from topping. Topped them both saturday and took that pic just today!

Topping DOES NOT adversely affect growth. If you have healthy, vigorously growing plants, they will bounce back within 24 hours. My girl had recovered within 8-12 hours from topping.

Just above the second node is the way to go!


PS The grow pictured is linked in my signature, the marked as (current)
I'm going on holiday tomorrow, my dripper system is taking care of them till friday. I start flower saturday!
yes your right for the experienced grower you can get plants to bounce back like that but if something does go wrong like over watering or over nuting things could go very wrong. Just introducing another method which i believe increases plant yield. because your not losing any part of the plant, or chopping off any part. When you top you stop the main stalk upward growth, the nodes right below cut will separate into two main colas, why not tie it down from the start and end up with 20-30 main tops. Now im not saying that topping is a bad thing, if your growing a lot of plants in one area its great.
LST requires too much added veg time and is too time intensive with multiple plants. The point of this is to top, veg for a short recovery period, and flip the switch.

Wow, I just realized this thread is 147 pages long. Such a simple technique and basic science draws a crowd. ;)
I've done LST both ways now... full-out with about two to three weeks "extra" veg time, and first topping above the 2nd node and then tying those four tops but without vegging any longer. (Leaving the ties while flipped to 12/12, as of course the growth continues for a few weeks.) The second way added no veg time at all, and my "popcorn" buds are growing larger and denser than the plant next to them that's topped but not tied (same age/strain). I've got a friend that only grows 12/12 from seed, and he also tops and ties the four main colas; definitely no "added" time for him, but he did see very noticeable lower bud size/density improvement by tying just the one time.

I know that not everyone wants to bother with LST, but one doesn't need to add veg time in order to do LST. It's as simple or complicated as one chooses to make it. :mrgreen: I love the effects myself, whether I do it on its own or combine it with the four main cola topping. :D
How much LST'ing are we talking about on the 4 tops? Bend them over till the top is like a candy-cane, or just enough to spread them open to allow the lower budsites to get more light?

I may try this on my next grow. Starting next week, Ill have 5 untopped, 3 topped, and 1 fimmed all flowering. I may as well try some lst down the line.
THANKS UNCLE BEN!! I HAVE 8 TOPS NOW!! (two plants :lol: )



Top of the day to ya! Nice job. Keep 'em green. ;)

When you finally upcan to finish them, bury them as deep as possible, up to the first set of healthy leafsets. If the lower leafsets are marginal (look crappy) pinch the petiole off with your fingernails at the "trunk", and then bury your plant up to the next higher leafsets. Now, tell me if you don't end up with fast growing monsters. ;) If you do this right, you'll double your root mass and of course plant health and yields. Caveat - if they're in a flowering mode, root production is put on the back burner. Timing is everything when it comes to tweaking your program.

Topping does not cause stress (not sure what that word means) nor does it increase veg time, at least not for me. If you're having problems, you need to look at your entire program, something's wrong. The weight of the colas should spread them apart naturally, like an open vase. By taking strips of women's hose, you can make a wrap around the four colas to get this kind of affect, see page one.

would anybody know if this method works on tga's strain jack the ripper? sub says topping slows them down tremoundously. what do i do? thanks

Whoever sub is, he's wrong.

What do you do? You be your own grower and watch out who you take advice from. Learn what makes a plant tick by growing and READING books on gardening, then you'll be empowered to make the right choices based on botany and common sense.

Good luck,
thanks for the reply UB and thanks for creating this awesome thread as well as others. subcool is the breeder that created jack the ripper i think he is a pretty smart man imo. i am going with ur method on making the cut at the second node. thanks again and keep up the good work!
thanks for the reply UB and thanks for creating this awesome thread as well as others. subcool is the breeder that created jack the ripper i think he is a pretty smart man imo. i am going with ur method on making the cut at the second node. thanks again and keep up the good work!

I figured it was subcool. Good luck with your plants!
Whoever sub is, he's wrong.

What do you do? You be your own grower and watch out who you take advice from. Learn what makes a plant tick by growing and READING books on gardening, then you'll be empowered to make the right choices based on botany and common sense.

Good luck,
"listen to his advice" and "watch out who you take advice from" omg UB have you even grew this strain UB HOW IN THE HELL YOU GOING TO TELL HIM THAT YES topping does effect the growth of some strains and 90 % of them if you top them AT the 6th node or before:shock:
thanks for the reply UB and thanks for creating this awesome thread as well as others. subcool is the breeder that created jack the ripper i think he is a pretty smart man imo. i am going with ur method on making the cut at the second node. thanks again and keep up the good work!
:confused: IS THIS RIU POLICY OR WHERE DOES THIS TOPPING METHOD COME FROM IT IS :confused:.....might as well take a shotgun to a sprout imho
im not gonna say....^^^^THATS FOOLISH^^^^.....but i would be interested to know if you read even a few pages of this thread, primarily the first one which says to wait until the plant has 5-6 nodes and then top @ the 1st or 2nd....not just sprout your seed and as soon as that bad boy has 2 sets of leaves give it the chainsaw....are you just trying to get your post count up or something?? think/READ b4 you speak...

if i am incorrect then consider this my apology :)
"listen to his advice" and "watch out who you take advice from" omg UB have you even grew this strain UB HOW IN THE HELL YOU GOING TO TELL HIM THAT YES topping does effect the growth of some strains and 90 % of them if you top them AT the 6th node or before:shock:

you know you sound dumb right?
you my friend are what we call a troll.
you enter threads and disrupt polite discussion and debate with inflammatory statements.
your motives.. they are unknown to us. but we do know, we dislike you.


Sorry for taking up space. I thought this was funny :shock: :joint: :lol: :mrgreen:


you enter everybody's threads talking nonsense then don't want no truth on your page....how ironic...the fact is toping a plant at the 2nd node is not a good idea rather it has grown to the 3rd or 8th or 70th node. sorry it will stunt the plant like no other for weeks on end maybe a month..if you wait till the 7th node min and only take the tinny tip then your plant will grow without much stress, energy redirected with ease you are keeping 14 main leaves 7 sets to grow new branches and now you have a plant with 14 tops min.l8r you can "lollipop" off some of the lower ones if you wish. or else don't top.
If you are outdoors your plant can grow over 50 full size tops if done correctly
you enter everybody's threads talking nonsense then don't want no truth on your page....how ironic...the fact is toping a plant at the 2nd node is not a good idea rather it has grown to the 3rd or 8th or 70th node. sorry it will stunt the plant like no other for weeks on end maybe a month..if you wait till the 7th node min and only take the tinny tip then your plant will grow without much stress, energy redirected with ease you are keeping 14 main leaves 7 sets to grow new branches and now you have a plant with 14 tops min.l8r you can "lollipop" off some of the lower ones if you wish. or else don't top.
If you are outdoors your plant can grow over 50 full size tops if done correctly

you have no idea what you're talking about. you are aware uncle ben has a background in botany? topping a plant has no adverse affect on its growth. sure it "stunts" the growth, in the sense that it doesn't stretch upward as rapidly, but that is also the GOAL of topping. that and increasing yield.

have you tried his method? have you ran tests identical strains, medium, water, nutrients, light? do you have any hard, empirical evidence to back up ANYTHING you are saying?

i know uncle ben does, he has his grows and his photos to prove his method.
i too am using his method, and noticed that all 4 shoots were standing tall and at attention within a few hours of topping. looks to me like plants dont have a "recovery" period. in fact my girls are growing MORE vigorously now!

just because you grew a couple shitty little plants in your closet when you were 15 and in high school does NOT make you an elite grower my friend. do not pretend to have horticultural or botanical knowledge because you grew a little weed under a blacklight and got like so totally baked off it bro!!

are you familiar with the words botany and horticulture? seriously, just go away. you are not adding to the discussion, uncle ben asked you to leave his thread, respect that. if this were my thread i'd recommend you leave the forum.

sorry to play pitbull for you UB, this kid just gets on my nerves :lol:. snot nosed punk!

what the hell is going on over hear at rollitup are you guys medical growers or are you kids who is in charge of the stickys...who reads this stuff..does it go by view count...what is going on this is horse shit ....I mean maybe basic general growing how do you top a plant basics say for every nod you get 2 shoots .....advanced growers never would do this ....im serious as a hart attack my friend ....omg this is frustration at its highest. why not say poor rat poison on your plants to stimulate root growth when you top this way



that looks like FOUR MAIN colas to me... as opposed to one central cola surrounded by lower, much smaller shoots.

i'm done feeding you.

i see you flaming other threads as well. did you join just to bitch at people?

you're going on my ignore list. i can't stand you.


EDIT: Just realized I can't find the ignore options, little help anybody?
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