WHITE RHINO - 9 weeks of VEG! GUNA BE MONSTERS!!! check them


Well-Known Member
hi all - just wanted to show you my first grow

WHITE RHINO - been 9 weeks VEG and im going to flower them on christmas day (well induce them into flowering for 36 hours)

had lots of problems with this grow hence the 9 week VEG period 'from seed'

they have had 24 hours a day under a 150w flu light - :weed:

hopefully these babies will produce lots of nice smoke! im hoping for a big yield with the long veg time

i have a 600w HPS light for them when they come into flowering - im using
bud blood - big bud - bio bizz bloom for the flowering nutes

so this is my last thread before i start flowering - check em out! lots of pixs to go with this post - i welcome anything you lot have to say bout my babies




Well-Known Member
nice lookin plants although i must say their a lil bit small for a a nine week veg but they look healthy nice work
:joint: My 6 inch clones average 45-50 inches tall after 70 days in veg-I wait this long because the girls in the flower room take 70 days to finish,averaging 6-8 ounces kgb per plant. I noticed that you are using very small pots,and very low power light. I use 1000 watt hps for flower,and #10 polycan plastic pots. Also,everything is organic. You might consider expanding your horizons...:joint:


Well-Known Member
:joint: My 6 inch clones average 45-50 inches tall after 70 days in veg-I wait this long because the girls in the flower room take 70 days to finish,averaging 6-8 ounces kgb per plant. I noticed that you are using very small pots,and very low power light. I use 1000 watt hps for flower,and #10 polycan plastic pots. Also,everything is organic. You might consider expanding your horizons...:joint:
ya those are some small pots for the size of the plant but its still good lookin plants, and he sayed hes usin a 600 hps for flower and thats perfect 600 is what i use and veg under 200 watt cfl, 600 watts are the most effefint lights out right now also 600 watts is not little light its a lot for smaller growers,


Well-Known Member
the pots im using are 5 gallon pots which are fairly big - the plants i think are ok for 9 weeks considering im a first time grower and ive had so many problems - root bound, nute difiencys etc so u know - im happy since its my first grow - most things have also been organic for me -


Well-Known Member
oh 5 gal should be fine then they look smaller in the pic and for ur first grow it looks great way better then mine did, keep up the good work and did u alreadu put them in flower


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin now england. Havent seen a pics since you transplanted. It obviously helped. Yea the pots do look small compared to plants. Id say about every week of veg should have a gallon of medium to maximize your yields. . Cut those dead leaves off the bottom there. And make sure after you feed you wash off any nutes off the leaves and stalk with a mister.
About the nute mixing. You can put all your nutes into the same resirvoir, just dont directly mix the concentrates together.
At 9 weeks of veg they are going to do a serious stretch, wouldnt doubt they are 4 footers or more when all said and done.
You asked about temps and humidity in flower. Any where from 72-79degrees 22-26 celsius. 40 to 50% rh. no more than a 10 degree drop at night is ideal. You can see the effect of 39% on my leaves. I leave my scrubber on 24 hours around 4 weeks flower. Small fan running in corner at night as well. although they arent processing any co2 so not neccessary

Here are my ladies Rhinos at 16 days flower, squirtin resin on fan leaves already!!
Just vaporized her cousin lady widow!!!!



Well-Known Member
I grew White Rhino last year and they were short ass, stubby plants. They only measured 1/4 of an inch between nodes during veg.

So, I think these look pretty good!

They will stretch like a bitch during flowering though, so be careful about vertical room.

They look great I think :)


Active Member
dont worry you will love the rhino's a few things to mention tho are take clones your gonna want them.also mine seem to take alot longer to finish but are worth it. everyone else i know grows rhino and i have some growing but i flower from clone. so there single colas. if this is your first grow and you have waited through 9 weeks of veg your probly gonna make a good grower. now a few ?s and concerns. i dont know what your setup is if your alredy flowering something else seperate rooms or gonna use 1 area the whole way through? you need to pull clones if you want to sut out some veg time you can take some long one's too.have u had this 600hps the whole time unused if so WHY? u can use hps to veg u can use mh to flower i have done both both ways. and i have used cfl's to start even if the spectrum is not ideal in vegging it seems to matter less in flower it takes. a product called bushmaster will help stop the huge stretch your going to get bumping to that light for flower from 150w fluro. it by humboltd and you use it at between days 5-7 after you see those hairs it will stop the vertical growth and make those colas stack up real tight even if you dont have a issue with height.also i have used the snow storm ultra on these from humboldt it makes em real frosty too. any questions feel free!


Well-Known Member
Loving the feedback. Yeh I agree, if I could I put them into even bigger pots but that's 3 transplants I've done now. Dnt wana do any more if I'm honest. As for clones, Dino how to do them yet. That's one area I ain't researched! I have 4 fem seeds wr left I'll probs order another 5 then clone and use cuttings on my next grow bit in experienced at the minute! Just wanna get thru flowering with no probs and smoke some of my own creation. Still ain't flowered yet. I'm Gina induce for 36 hours on Christmas day I rekon or tonite at 12 maybe - the temp when lights are off are around 62degrees. I'm eager to get these under way. Can't wait to see how much bud I'm Gina get. Going for 9 plants next time! And probs 7/8 gallon pots


Active Member
take a lower branch from the end go three nodes down(leaf sets) about a 1/2-1" under the 3rd node cut it on a 45degree angle stic the cut end in some water then in a little cup of your planting medium if you want you can use cloneing gel you can use a rockwool cube but its not necessery take 1 off each and just sit it out of the way under ambient light not directly under the 150 or anything folier feed it every night just so it can concentrate on rooting easy easy easy and you will kick your own but if you dont take some cuttings you have to learn sometime and there are a million youtube videos and sources for it trust me i use to start from seed then i totaly killed a few clones with to hot of light not knowing what i was doing now if i rele want i can take a branch with buds starting on it clone it let it grow wierd and then take clones of it its simple DO IT IT SAVES VEG TIME AND ALOT OF WAITING


Well-Known Member
yeh thanks for the tips bud - but to be fair im waiting till i have finished this grow - my 3 babies have been in VEG 10 weeks on sunday and i aint induced yet - im spending all my time finding out bout, flowering tips and amino acids and nutes and shit - member its still only my 1st grow - it sounds bit complex so i wanna put all my effort into my babies!
there coming along like - just gave them a good feed - inducing at 12 o clock 2moz night - then it will be flowering time - guna tie branches down etc and sort em all out - i have 4 fem seeds at the mionute left - am guna buy like another 5 - do a 9 plant run starting from seed then after ive done them start with clones etc and re search alot bout them - i just cut all dead leafs off my babies and gave them a nice nute feed with - iguana juice veg - big bud - bio bloom - cos im flowering in a few days they could do with all the diff nutes u see :)


Well-Known Member
just also got new fans so will have a BIG fan blowing on foliage and then a fan sitting high up way above canopy blowing fresh air all around room - and into vents to blow out stale air - plants are getting massive this last week! lookin forward to flower like BUDS BUDS BUDS - SO I HOPE - i jus hope i encounter no problems from now til harvst


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Great effort man... you will be well rewarded in the end zone.... Prepare for the girls to get really thirsty... get yourself a scope for checking the trichromes and do some reasearch into molasses... gives the smole a very mellow taste.... here is a photo of my white russians 16 days after brigning them home as a rooted clone:weed:



It sounds like you are going to be good at this. Just keep on doing the research thats what i do and it has helped me a lot! Do you have a journal? I keep notes on what to do and not to do That has help me out a lot too. subsccribing till the end also


Well-Known Member
thanks man - madcatter - ur white russians look really well to be honest - looks like a nice little setup aswell - thanks for subcribing till the end - i will keep you all updated with all the info and pics etc etc - i will let u know on this thread if i start a new one with new pics and info on my grow - i appreciate the love man - thanks :-)


Well-Known Member
Thank you england. I am positive your ph is going to fix many of problems. seems as if you have seen an explosion in growth. That is great my man, and what youve been lookin for since your problems. 10 weeks in 5 gallons is insane, so youll see some crazy vertical growth. As one was saying earlier in this thread, something like bush master from humboldt or even B-52 can help regulate vertical growth. If its height is not a factor at all, let em grow let em grow. Post more soon. I have fan leaves covered already!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yea man like he said, those things are about to be tall...almost like an outdoor plant. vegged 11 weeks, im guessing they are like 3 feet now at least. ur gonna be dealing with plants that are 6-9 feet tall, maybe taller lol. that will be a hassle for a first time grow my friend. you should start flowering them asap, im sure you know enough, dont worry. also, you may want to lst(low stress training) them. tying the branches down with strings, i cant imagine you want plants the size of a basketball rim inside your house, although it would be cool :)