Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
If we didn't blow up the bridges, we wouldn't have to rebuild them.So without Blackwater, who will do the construction in war zones? Ma Bell?
If we didn't blow up the bridges, we wouldn't have to rebuild them.So without Blackwater, who will do the construction in war zones? Ma Bell?
If you refer to 9/11 I'd say that was a horrible event. However, it was used as a rallying point to go blow up innocent people in other countries though.Oh sure, we blew it all up..... uh huh. Guess you missed the Al Queda Comedy show then.....
You obviously don't know what a commodity is. A commodity is something that is needed and used in the production of something else. Sugar and cocoa are commodities needed to produce chocolate. Security is a commodity, a necessary ingredient, for any nation to be functional and carry on trade with the outside world. This is nothing new, it has always been that way.
The four primary commodities that flow in the functional worls are capital, energy, people and security. The parts of the world where they are prevented from flowing freely are precisely the parts where almost all the world's poverty and war are located, and not by accident. It has been said that where goods and services cross boarders, armies seldom do.
So without Blackwater, who will do the construction in war zones? Ma Bell?
The guy (illegalsmile)claims to have an economics PHD as well, surely he would understand what a comodity is?Clearly YOU do not know what a commodity is.... a commodity is a PHYSICAL product created for COMMERCE--(hence the word commodity). I do not and will not accept national security (for us, or anyone else) as a commodity to be bought and sold.
YOU are misusing the word--I understand what you are trying to say...but again, your understanding of what a commodity is needs some fine tuning. Toilet paper, for example is a commodity, or toothpaste, or any product, again, that is bought and sold. For investors, a commodity is a product used & BOUGHT by nearly everyone (TP, ketchup etc.)
NATIONAL SECURITY CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED LIKE TOILET PAPER--yes everyone needs it, but no it is not a commodity.
(oh yeah, sugar and cocoa are 'ingredients' for chocolate--not "commodities", they are only consdiered commodities while they are being bought sold and traded between markets............ security cannot be lumped in w sugar, and should not be bought and sold like sugar--there is no comparison, no analogy between sugar and fucking Blackwater, sheesh)
So a few make them all bad...![]()
The guy (illegalsmile)claims to have an economics PHD as well, surely he would understand what a comodity is?
It's not supposed to happen AT ALL. It's about attitude. The FACT that it has been exposed more than once clinches it. As any judge will tell you, every person that comes before them with a charge has probably commited at least 6 other crimes for which they are not being charged. That's why ppl do crimes...if they all got caught EVERY time, crime would cease to exist. So it goes with Acorn.....Then the same could said for acorn. "So a few make them all bad?"
Those undercover reporters had to go to several acorn offices before they found someone stupid or corrupt enough to "bust out".
Acorn has helped low income and at-risk families w housing and finding resources for years. They have helped countless people--and yep, among them were a few bad apples---AND GUESS WHAT--THEY LOST THEIR GOV'T CONTRACTS BC OF THOSE FEW BAD APPLES--SO WHAT ABOUT BLACKWATER?????
(someone else brougt up acorn earlier in this thread and I found your quote to be perfectly appliable to both cases of gov't SNAFU-ness)
You do not see the necessity for providing resources to at risk and underprivelaged families? Do you not recognize the relationship between poverty, desperation and crime?Well for one thing.... they have entirely different functions. Secondly,only one of them is actually necessary, and it isn't Acorn.
They are working on a political agenda which is outside of their charter. They should have ALL funding cut, and if they have true merit, will be able to stand on their own.
Will Al Qaeda and the Taliban be parties to that international convention on "mercs?" If I see mercs being used anywhere but in the swampy part of the world that needs to be drained I'll worry about it. But it's in precisely those parts where they can best be used. There are no rules in the swamp. Do you really believe that even under the Obama admin we don't have, at this very moment, "the men with no names" over there liquidating targets with zero concern for international conventions? We do.If I was president of some half ass country like Liberia
would I want 20,000 UN troops to stand around doing nothing.
Or would I want 200 well trained South African commandos to run the bastards out?
I would want them run out so I could pay them and get the mercs out of my country.
As opposed to letting the UN stand around with their thumbs up their asses.
For year after year.
I don't buy the rascism part
I just don't because E.O. was half black.
What it was was the UN said they were rascists
and would cut the UN funding for their country if they were not removed.
I would support Mercs in general
because there is no other way for these poor nations
to build up and train their own special forces level guys they often need.
I would like to see some international convention on the conduct of mercs.
However, it would likely be more UN crap.
War is an ugly buisness and the uglier it is the sooner its over.
The UN peace keepers seem to have no interest in ending conflict only prolonging the agony.
Again, the country was Sierra Leone and the mercenaries didn't fix shit...If I was president of some half ass country like Liberia
would I want 20,000 UN troops to stand around doing nothing.
Or would I want 200 well trained South African commandos to run the bastards out?
I would want them run out so I could pay them and get the mercs out of my country.
As opposed to letting the UN stand around with their thumbs up their asses.
For year after year.
I don't buy the rascism part
I just don't because E.O. was half black.
What it was was the UN said they were rascists
and would cut the UN funding for their country if they were not removed.
I would support Mercs in general
because there is no other way for these poor nations
to build up and train their own special forces level guys they often need.
I would like to see some international convention on the conduct of mercs.
However, it would likely be more UN crap.
War is an ugly buisness and the uglier it is the sooner its over.
The UN peace keepers seem to have no interest in ending conflict only prolonging the agony.