Does anyone here not do drugs?


New Member
So I should plant them out early spring then Jax?
Yes, depending on where you live. You can germ them in a fridge, but transplanting poppy can be tricky. It's easiest to put them straight in ur garden.

Down here I can start in February, but I'd think March or April is more the norm up north.


Well-Known Member
Yes, depending on where you live. You can germ them in a fridge, but transplanting poppy can be tricky. It's easiest to put them straight in ur garden.

Down here I can start in February, but I'd think March or April is more the norm up north.
Yah probably late may here. Any recommendations for soil? I was planning on just planting them around the boarders of my garden, the soil is very rich though.


New Member
Yah probably late may here. Any recommendations for soil? I was planning on just planting them around the boarders of my garden, the soil is very rich though.
That sounds pretty sweet as far as soil, U'll have great results...just make sure U have good drainage. U can grow it best in sandy like soils....Just don't disturb them once they sprout.

Straight up G

New Member
Yea legal prostitution, so it can be regulated like any other job, the biggest problem, much like many others, is the fact it is illeagal and so easy to walk into to support a drug habit, the structure of it, once leagal would significantly lower its drug support element, and its win win for prostitute users lol. damb ho.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I dont do drugs. Drugs are bad news. I use weed, but I put Cannabis in the "herb" category. Like tea or basil.

Of course if you include alcohol, which IS a drug, i guess i do drugs after all.


Active Member
Drugs are bad mmmmmmmkay!

I do partake in the consumption of the Cannabis plant though. All Natural. I have tried many drugs and I really only enjoy cannabis. I do drink though, mostly beer and tequila but not often.

I hate the fact that cannabis is considered a drug. Is chamomile, st. johns wort, ginko, ginseng, or any other naturally occuring plant extract that has mind/mood altering effects considered a drug, NO.

Doctors give scripts for hydrocodone, valium, and other pain/muscle relaxers away like candy. Yet growing your own herbal remedy is illegal (in most states). BULLSHIT! Hopefully one day the ignorant people will see past the BS and realize that cannabis is on earth for a reason. Using cannabis as an alternative to other meds is good for you ( the AMA agrees ) and good for the environment. I am surprised the environmentalist aren't supporting the legalization of marijuana, it would do great things for the earth. Less pollution from chemical facilities, and the addition of millions of natural growing plants.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I am surprised the environmentalist aren't supporting the legalization of marijuana, it would do great things for the earth. Less pollution from chemical facilities, and the addition of millions of natural growing plants.
A lot of environmentalists really want hemp to be legal. Its the single most useful plant on this earth.


Active Member
i forget where i read it but it was some thing like "if you were given a handfull of seeds and told you could make , oil,clothing,medicine and party favors, would you throw them away?" i added the party favors cuz.............


Well-Known Member
Only herb, but I am sure LSD and shrooms will be added to the list one day. As soon as I have my first grow started, I am going to start mushrooms, its like the perfect combination.