weird blotches on bottom leaves :S


New Member
No insult intended to ya Shrub...Just sayin that just because you said it doesn't make it so....I never said I had a definitive answer...Just offered an opinion on the matter....But since you just bullied your way in and started dropping the "Truth" on us....You must be right....At least be man enough not to get all truculent every time someone challenges your "Expertise".

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Smarts don't mean shit, as I said before, unless
you're retarded, that could make you're growing
experience much more difficult, you appear to be.

Honestly, there is a difference in growing your plant
and producing high quality high yielding smokable
herb, you'll realize you're growing a plant, but won't
take the time to produce the fine herb

I am dealing with some serious innocence here, you
just have no idea what you're talking about, happy
growing, good luck with your weed


Well-Known Member
Your 5 dollar pH tester shows you some color which is supposed to be
between 6.0-6.5 or 6.5-7.0 etc. There is quite a difference between
the absorption rate in a pH of 6.0 and a pH of 6.5,I want to know whether
i am at a pH of 6.3, 5.8, etc, there are specific
pH's which maximize the uptake of certain nutrients.

If you don't maximize in areas where it is easy to, you are minimizing
it areas which can easily hinder your yield, I'm glad you plants are
growing well with your amateur methods, in my line of work it requires
me to much more specific, I grow to live, not to try and get some bud

u do seem to know alot of usefull info but u didnt have to bag on me bro i was just tryin to help just like everyone else,

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I guess a problem with the plant I may have overlooked
is whether he has a healthy colony of Mycorrhiza, this could
severely disrupt nutrient uptake, which would then affect pH, which would
then cause further nutrient lock-out mthen just get worse and worse


Well-Known Member
How about you make some constructive comments along with your pitiful remarks,
you are a thorn in the side of the horticultural community, get off your ass and learn.

i know im not the most expeorenced grower and i can admit it but u are somthin elde know it all, and i bet ur the rose of the community cuz u think u the best


Well-Known Member
How about you make some constructive comments along with your pitiful remarks,
you are a thorn in the side of the horticultural community, get off your ass and learn.

"and also you gettin dissed by 2 different retards" kid you are so desperate for any
type of attention you are connecting hypothetical dots, how useless and time
wasting are you.

i got time on my side and so do u obviuosly since you still replying


Well-Known Member
Damn,for real guys?
There is no need for all of this,this guy started this thread for help and a bunch of people get on here calling eachother faggots and such.If I was new to RIU and didn't know that there ARE a few people on here that are willing to help and I came across this thread.....Well lets just say I wouldn't be visiting this site too often anymore.
Now,back to the task at hand.It appears to me that this is a Phosphorus deficiency (so help me god if i'm not correct right?).
I hope this helps,Peace

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
You obviously have personal issues, low self esteem,
depression, histrionic personality disorder, OCD, more
than the norm we can assume, You think i'm out to prove
bullshit point for peronal glory how selfish are you. I am
here helping this grower with a basic plant problem which
could be corrected with a simple flush and a new nutrient
schedule, and you're wasting his time telling him its a pest
infestation, when in the time it would take him to check, for
pests, buy preventatives, and realize it wasn't a pest problem,
he could have already flushed, and began a new schedule.
Good one mcpurple

And one person used the word faggot....multiple times,
it's usually the weak and not so confident who resort
to that shit, I would hate to be guided by them too

And it could be phosphorous, , because it sounds
like it would be a high pH, locking out phosporous first.


Well-Known Member
Damn,for real guys?
There is no need for all of this,this guy started this thread for help and a bunch of people get on here calling eachother faggots and such.If I was new to RIU and didn't know that there ARE a few people on here that are willing to help and I came across this thread.....Well lets just say I wouldn't be visiting this site too often anymore.
Now,back to the task at hand.It appears to me that this is a Phosphorus deficiency (so help me god if i'm not correct right?).
I hope this helps,Peace

i dont care if im right or wrong just tryin to give advice and this site is great for it just some people think they way better at somthing i hope somone can answer this h=guys question, i tried but got slapped in the face for tryin and yes i know we ruined this thread an i apoligize to the creator hope he gets his prob soled:weed:


Well-Known Member
I say the problem "might" be damping off disease,obviously overwatered........
Some of you guy's sound like pricks, cut out the bullshit pissing contest, were supposed to be here to help , not compare who's dick is bigger.
I agree with Shrubs First. If you checked the ph and tempature to be within the proper range then the uptake of the nutrients should be okay. Then you consider the amount of watering or if your nutrients are out of balance. They make a test kit for soil for NPK that will tell you the range. You have to check the basics first and then ask a Horticuluous with experience.


Well-Known Member
if u guys read the begining i was just tryin to help sorry if i might have been wrong people give wrong advize all the time even the best of growers and then this guy who obviosly does more know about growin then me had to make me feel like a dumbass for tryi nto help but im over it its ohope u guys can help him without somone demeaning u

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I really didnt hit you that hard, seriously.... Sorry if you felt insulted.. You just
took it to a whole new level with the "faggot, asshole, prick,
know it all" biz, I'm sorry if knowing this stuff happens to be my biz,
i may come across as snobby..... and I probably am.

I just found it seriously ironic that this problem involves the need
for digital electronic meters in order to make the best of difference.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the apoligy, and sorry its discrediting but thats just how i feel everyone has their own opionin, and i took alook at ur journal and it appears u know alot more considering ur plants look amazing


Active Member
Another great topic on RIU that's over-flowing with knowledge and maturity. I know I learned a lot. Yes, that's sarcasm.