Shes Dying but not DOne SO CLOSE What do I do?? w/pics


Active Member
Okay so tomorrow will be week 9 of 12/12 from seed. This girl has been through some nute burn issues, and doesn't look so hot anymore. If you look at her, you'll notice more leaves are crispy and brown, rather than green. They are all crunchy to the touch, and the bud on the main cola is really dense and doesnt squish too easily. The trichs look like a amber here or there, a lot cloudy, and some clear. Mostly all the hairs are brown/orange. Only a couple white. My question is, she seems like shes dying, will it be safe to keep watering her and trying to get the mostly amber? Or is she so horribly beaten that shes not gonna make it there and I should cut her now. I am currently in the process of testing a lower popcurn bud for potency to see if I like the high. Will post back on how it is. Tell me what you guys think please! I also want bud for new years so that might be nice. :)



Active Member
Ok smoked the test nug. Im high per say. NOt baked or retarded. But I didnt get an awesome rip cause I didnt dry it all the way thru in the oven, it was still a little damp. If I chopped now I dont think it'd be too horrible. Give me that nice head high. What do you guys think otherwise?


Well-Known Member
i'd chop now, the high ur getting right now is nothin compared to what u'll get after two weeks or so proper drying. the plant really needs the slow drying process to mature the thc . i wouldnt say ur gaunna achieve any more by keeping her going. but thats just my opinion.


Active Member
i'd chop now, the high ur getting right now is nothin compared to what u'll get after two weeks or so proper drying. the plant really needs the slow drying process to mature the thc . i wouldnt say ur gaunna achieve any more by keeping her going. but thats just my opinion.
I like this news. THe sooner the chop the better cause the sooner ill get to smoke. But anyways, I am going to wait for a couple more opinions though before I finalize and chop. Thank you for the quick reply though, if nothing else is said, chopping her in an hour!


Active Member
well... you should put that thing out of its misery.
All right. That's two for chopping. I know she's suffered. I think I wanted to feed her too much, make her a big fat ass, but she was all anorexic and was like, fuck food, I'd rather be skinny and starved, and this is what happened. 15 more minutes unless there is a logical reason I should not, and she shall be dead.


New Member
All right. That's two for chopping. I know she's suffered. I think I wanted to feed her too much, make her a big fat ass, but she was all anorexic and was like, fuck food, I'd rather be skinny and starved, and this is what happened. 15 more minutes unless there is a logical reason I should not, and she shall be dead.
yeah well I would say flush her and put her in the dark to make resin then chop chop but chances are the bud leaves are just gonna start turning brown dead crispy too and you'll be forced to make butter with the whole thing. at least this way you'll have some smokable bud, less strength but less risk.

"nute burn problems" is referring to what? and what type of nutrients do you use?


Active Member
yeah well I would say flush her and put her in the dark to make resin then chop chop but chances are the bud leaves are just gonna start turning brown dead crispy too and you'll be forced to make butter with the whole thing. at least this way you'll have some smokable bud, less strength but less risk.

"nute burn problems" is referring to what? and what type of nutrients do you use?
Well I fed them tiger bloom and big bloom. 4 tbsp big bloom, 3 tbsp tiger bloom after week 5 every watering. It was a bit too much.


Well-Known Member
hay bro free buzz looks like you will get high off of it what the hell!! hay great job on having the balls to grow!!


Active Member
hay bro free buzz looks like you will get high off of it what the hell!! hay great job on having the balls to grow!!
haha thanks man. I hope she gets me high, I hope it's at least dried somewhat so I can get high on christmas. 5 Days is enough to get her dry, just not cured. Let's hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
let it dry, do it in the oven'll be ok on the let it go slow .......mmmmmmmmmmmm. fuck it, just eat of luck buddy.


Active Member
let it dry, do it in the oven'll be ok on the let it go slow .......mmmmmmmmmmmm. fuck it, just eat of luck buddy.
dis baby hangin fo 3 days and den hopefully she'll be somewhat dry, otherwise ill have to hang her somehow at my parents house ;)


New Member
guaranteed if you put a fan on it even better a heater behind the fan - hanging buds in front of the cooltube's exhaust will get em dry real fast.


Active Member
guaranteed if you put a fan on it even better a heater behind the fan - hanging buds in front of the cooltube's exhaust will get em dry real fast.
I got a fan aimed at the wall behind the buds kinda like an angle so it bounces onto my buds, so it's a very gentle breeze, not full fan force. Should dry in 3-4 days I hope.