So, what's next for spidey?


Active Member
I bought my bark pre-powdered from a uk site that I heard gives good yields (most people will say not to get pre-powdered, but i'm lazy like that) just waiting for this country to stop being crippled by a tiny amount of snow so I can go gets my household cleaners and get started!

You know which tek you're going to use?


Well-Known Member
So I think I'm going to get a coffee bean grinder, [the tiny blender style] depending on how much cheaper than an actual blender it is...
I have one of these from way back. Still works.
Grinded many a bag o' shwag.

About the smell, ANC or Florida would be better to answer that, as I have no hands-on experience with the extraction process.


Well-Known Member
Yo Spidey. You are going to super dig on DMT. The smell will not be too bad. Just try to keep a cap over anything with stinky solvent in it and freeze precipitate and you should have minimum smell.


Well-Known Member
Yo Spidey. You are going to super dig on DMT. The smell will not be too bad. Just try to keep a cap over anything with stinky solvent in it and freeze precipitate and you should have minimum smell.
I am in the similiar boat where I can't smoke any weed at the moment. I`ve been enjoying kratom lately. Took down 2g of some 15x earlier and feel like a million bucks..

I`d like to try some jwh-073. Haven't been able to find a reputable dealer lately.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kind you get and vendor.
There is extremely good kratom and extremely weak.
but when its good its real nice .