Lt Shiny Sides
Well-Known Member
They look great Mata! Do you know when to start nutrients?
Hey Lt. thanks for the compliment. Just so you know I have been following your grow very closely. I will be thrilled if my girls look as good as yours in a few months.They look great Mata! Do you know when to start nutrients?
Yeah my wife helped me to name them fry. I used all A names as this is my first grow. The next grow will definately be featuring a Bree.And all with cute little names, my parents used L's for our first names!
Sorry for all the questions but I am looking for ideas on the cab. Did you build yours or is it an unused closet/wardrobe. Most of the great bubbleheads have actual cloest/small room grows this is the first cab cfl bubble grow that I found are there any others?The cabs interior is 50" tall by 30" wide by 21" deep, painted entirely flat white.
Hey strongarm hows it goin. Well after the help I have received from all the bubbleheads on this site I am certainly happy to try and help.The whole set up looks sweet....Mata like you I have followed the bubbleheads and they seem to be on the a very good method. I think I finally have talked the wife into letting me get my first grow on but I have 2 issue....1) space 2) start up capital. For issue #1 after all the research I want to do a grow cab which leads me to issue #2 start up capital. So the only real answer to that is DIY my issue is if im left on my own the DIY turns into a WTF DIJD ( What the F did I just do). I said all of that to ask you have some instructions on that tight lighting set up you made so the none DIY guys can have a shot at doing it.....
Sorry for all the questions but I am looking for ideas on the cab. Did you build yours or is it an unused closet/wardrobe. Most of the great bubbleheads have actual cloest/small room grows this is the first cab cfl bubble grow that I found are there any others?
yeah i got a little fan for intake but i used a smaller one than the exhaust so that my leaks around the doors would become passive intakes. my thermometer is saying about 90 degrees if i keep the door shut but i'm not sure if i should be worried about that because thats with the thermometer on top of the res and about two inches from the lights. the sensor for the thermometer i keep on the inside wall of the cab and that is only running about 70 degrees and my water is about 70 degrees as well. but i have been keeping the door open most of the time with a fan on the plants to help the stems get thicker.I just finnished a grow of 6 plants in the same space with a 600watt hps and found that with that many plants in a small space i finally had to Blow in outside air. the passive air flow from bottom wasnt enough to keep the heat down .
but with bubbleponics i got 12.5 ozs from the cabinet !!!
man sweet light setup, If you get the time you should shoot us a quick tutorial on how u made that.
I guess as long as the sensor is waterproof that would work volcom.I think I might have my water too warm, i'm gonna go so if i can find a water thermo today, i'd like to get a digital one, do think i could just use a freezer thermo and just run the cord down in the water, i dont wanna have to open res to check temps everytime....