Prison?, what did they find and how?i got nicked growing pot,i will be going to prison in about 3months time. as a stand for my views on cannabis i plan on taking seeds with me to try and grow while in there.the things i need help with is what kinda every day things i can use (food based or available inside prison) for NPK i know i can water down my piss for N but what other things can i use ?
No, he is not an idiot, he does what he wants not to be judged or dictated to by you, have a bit of common decency he is going to jail.You're an idiot, there is no way it will go by undetected. You will definitely get more time when they find out.
More of this please.All you haters just go away, this guy is fucking brilliantIt doesn't matter whether he'll be able to actually get the plants to full maturity or harvest them, the sole act of planting marijuana in a fucking prison means that this guy has a ball-sack comparable to Chuck Norris'
It's one hell of a great way to tell everyone "Fuck the police!", just like that brilliant scene in Pineapple Express
Fuck, I'm high.
hahaahahahahahahahahaif you eat the seeds without chewing, you will crap dried, cured weed.
Lets hope you never end up inside, sounds like your ready to go.introduction to contraband will put you in the hole between6 to 12 months you'll figure it out then! good luck and lube up!
I bet he did it, got caught and didn't get shit for it.I bet he did it ahah.
And wont be out for a loooooong long time.
Does anyone read dose nation? I know that's London..but that's 3 1/2 hours away. What if that's this guy!
Yeah, this one's a little different. It says:
orange peels, apples, bologna sandwiches, warm milk, cookies, cheetos, top ramen. Where are you growing it at jail anyway? soil? lights? thats a lot of stuff to take in up your anus?
Wait... what?!got to give him props do he as balls no wait watermelons.
it would really mess some heads
tell them is weed or herbal high, give them
a bong and the next they know there tripping
to fuck in the last place you would want to.hee,hee