Hey Andreyy,
I know a lot of people are giving you a hard time about growing in your dorm. I agree that it's a very risky idea. But I'm not here to lecture you. But, you did come here for advice, right? I, myself grow in a very risky situation too. I live in an apartment building and I do a small closet grow as well. You have your college education to lose and I have my son to lose. They're both a big deal and essentially, neither are worth losing over weed, yet we still choose to do it. The biggest piece of advice I can give you (since I'm not an experienced grower) is DON'T TELL ANYONE! Seriously, ppl have big mouths. My mom's boyfriend grows in his closet too, and when I was 18, I didn't have any sense in my head about the repercussions of anything. Whenever someone would even TALK about weed, I'd say "Oh man, my mom's BF grows in his closet and he gives me free bags" In hindsight, that was a really idiotic thing to do.
People will blab their mouths out of stupidity, to make themselves look cool, for revenge, and even out of jealousy. So do yourself a favor and, no matter how excited you are about this, don't tell anyone. Make sure your roommie understands the importance of this too. All it takes is one wrong person knowing and it's all over.
Secondly, be careful about the smell! Esp if you're getting lemon skunk ::whew!:: Let me just say that I have a strain known for its stealth growing abilities (low smell) and if I leave my bedroom door open, it still manages to stink up my whole apartment (1100sq ft). Granted, I usually have about 4 plants going and I know you said you plan on doing 1 or 2. But it's still good to keep in mind to get rid of the smell as best you can. If you don't tell anyone, the smell will tell someone for you.
Be careful who you invite into your dorm. I make it a point to not open the door for uninvited guests. When I know someone's coming over, even if it's just the pizza guy, I close the closest doors, my bedroom door, put a towel to seal the crack under the door, light up a stick of Nag Champa, and spray Febreeze air freshener. Same thing goes with having girls in your bedroom. Even if you can mask the smell and make your closet light-proof, the noise involved may raise some questions. So just be very careful with people who come into your dorm.
On a side note, I think one reason people keep telling you to just buy an oz is quite justified. I know you're dead set on doing this, and that's cool--it's your choice. But, speaking from my minimal experience, growing is hard. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and money (even for a small setup). For me, to sprout, veg, flower, dry, and cure takes about 5-6 months. And if you only have 1 plant going, well it's gonna take you that long to get an oz. (depending on plant yield). So I can see where they're coming from: it's a lot of effort and risk for a very small amount of bud. -----ETA: The other thing that makes growing difficult is the fact that your first harvest never turn out how you'd like it to. My first ended up being the quality of mid-grades. So another piece of advice; don't expect the best. Just expect some "free" weed.
However, it is good experience for future grows whenever you do have more room and less risk, so that's a benefit. The point is, just be very careful because you do have a lot to lose. Most growers here are adults who own their own houses. I can't imagine how much the media would blow up the story of a student growing weed on campus. More media attention means higher chance of steep penalties (the same would happen to me when the newspapers read "Single mom grows weed with toddler in the house"). It's very different from "40 year old Joe Schmoe has 4 plants growing in his backyard".
I know you said you planned this out carefully. So you're off to a good start there. Just keep in mind that it is dangerous. It's more likely that you won't get caught than getting busted, but that doesn't mean you should ever let your guard up. Because you have everything to lose and only experience and a couple ounces to gain.
Also, please start a grow journal, I'm very interested on keeping up with your efforts