how much lighting, space and plants would be needed to harv+est 10 lbs


i was just curious if anyone could let me know how much space, lighting, plants, etc. i would need to harvest 10 lbs each harvest?


Well-Known Member
Twelve 1000 watt lights in a 15 x 20 ft room flowering 150 or so 3 foot plants.

Your electric will cost about $1000 a month

Good luck


Active Member
honestly if you dont even know what it would take to do that then youre in way over your head.. do a smaller grow my friend youd get busted doin something like that cuz you dont seem to be too far into growing yet


look in the grow journal section and copy one of them guys.
it was just a curiousity question. its definately not something i have any intentions of doing. a friend was discussing something along those lines with me and i figured this would b the best place to find him a reply. but thanx for all the input.


Active Member
it was just a curiousity question. its definately not something i have any intentions of doing. a friend was discussing something along those lines with me and i figured this would b the best place to find him a reply. but thanx for all the input.

Not a problem bro! We're always willing to help! bongsmilie

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
i have quite a bit of space to do something with if i had the right assistance but i dont know much about growing and dont think i could learn enuff to pull it off just by reading up on here.
You wouldn't need anywhere near 12 lights - 6 lights to start would get you there easily (assuming you have a triple digit IQ), and once you're dialed in you could do it with 5 lights, if you've got any talent.


New Member
Twelve 1000 watt lights in a 15 x 20 ft room flowering 150 or so 3 foot plants.

Your electric will cost about $1000 a month

Good luck
12000 watts... 150 plants wtf why would you be doing all that.

4000 watts 4-5 plants 2 month veg vertical lighting for flowering and hydroponics. 6-8 foot plants. If you want so see how easy it is to do look up M Blaze he grows trees indoors which is imo the best way to do it. A perpetual grow really puts you over the top timewise with the trees.


i would definately like some assistance and would consider doing something a bit smaller to start with assuming i have the right help. im very interested in the idea and would love to eventually be able to reach that size. thanx for all the input and i look forward to getting the help i need to get something going


Well-Known Member
Two 24 watt cfl's in a wooden box

a gerbil running on a wheel for intake

and a hamster running on a wheel for the exhaust :eyesmoke:

drop snake in cage for higher cfm's :shock:

Total setup cost about 20 bux


Well-Known Member
30 plants. Four 3 gallon pots, two 5 gallon pots. Outdoors (cold, wet, rainy july). 2 lbs cured. Could have been 5+ if all plants were in 5 galons and were LST.


Active Member
seems like if youre gonna invest that much in growing you could just rent a little place in the country, build a privacy fence and not use any unnatural lighting at all