c02 increases a plants growth rate
its just not always a visible increase.
carbonated water is incredibly inefficient and also very expensive
heres some options i use.
1. yeast. works VERY well consistant output as long as the liquid is kept slightly warm. they do begin to smell like rotten fruit, when this happens poor out most the liquid,
there will be sediment on bottom dont poor that out, add more warm (not hot) water then some more sugar, shake and your done.
the rotten fruit vinegar smell is a good indicater that the liquid is becomeing saturated with alchohol, and that other waste product are building up
a few days after it starts to smell BAD the yeast becomes inactive and its just rotting.
2. 2 liter soda jug filled about 3/4 with vinegar, wrap about 2-3 tbl spoons of baking soda in a coffee filter, then wrap the whole thing with waterproof tape (make sure you can fit the
roll through the mouth of whatever container you use), using a toothpick poke a few holes at the top and bottom, make a bunch, put about 3-4 at a time in the jug. DONT tighly
seal it, or it will rupture and shred your plants. the vinegar soak in slowly and hits the baking soda, c02 gets produced preassurizes the roll of baking soda and stops more vinegar
from getting in,once the vinegar is exhuasted the preasure drops and more seeps in. if the holes are right sized each package will produce more co2 than 3 sodas and last about 1-2
3. dry ice, co2 in its solid state, sublimates at room temp, to controll place in a preassure cooker on the lowest psi setting, increased preassure raises sublimation point at room temp,
slowing sublimation and making co2 release slower and more consistant. beware condensation on the pressure relief knob, cooling uccurs when the gas escapes, and can freeze
condensation sealing your preassure reliefe valve turning your preassure cooker into a sealed preassure vessel, which can become very bomblike.
4. co2 tank. ive never used these, but i do know some stuff about gasses. most important thing youll need is a co2 regulator (no you cant use an o2, or no2 regulator)
a co2 sensor that reads ppm runs about 150. although u can probly get em cheaper
a safety warning. co2 is heavier than air and huggs the ground. and can be lethal even at relativly low concentrations for those that already have o2 saturation problems
smokers, infants, elderly, asthmatics, etc...
so if you accidentally asfixiate yosef i dont want nobody huantin me