Mazar 47 days flowering!! how do they look?


The strain is Mazar. its in a home made ebb and flow system. the roots grew through small holes in the bottom of the train down into the resivoir, so its kinda turned into a DWC bucket i guess. i vegged for about a month before flowering, they've been flowering for about 47 days. using technaflora nutrients (i like them, but i think i should go stronger on the nutes next time). they got way too big for the cab and i didnt trim them enough... i didnt expect them to stretch as much as they did. has anyone else grown mazar?

just wondering how mine looks for being at almost 7 weeks.

the buds smell amazing, like a sweet minty gingerbread. has anyone else ever used sugar daddy? its supposed to help with smell/taste

heres my 2 little mother plants

this is the cabinet im growing in


Active Member
Looking good there :-) I'm growing mazari from seedsman (mazari sharrif x skunk#1) and I'm at close to 5 weeks flowering. Yours look nice and healthy there. Good luck. How long you planning to flower them for?


im thinking probably 2 more weeks, ill let them go as long as i need them to... i've been going light on the nutes the last few weeks because i was running out of BC boost and had no money to get more... just got some christmas early, dad got me a gallon of bloom and boost and a L of magical... so im set for a while again. best christmas present ill get this year :) i've been following the feeding guide i got with the trial pack but going a little light due to running low. i feel like i could put quite a bit more in next flowering cycle. the ppm has stayed around 800-900 according to the bottle, althought i havent been able to invest in a ppm/ec meter yet.

for everyone thats grown it, what did you think of the taste/high that you got from her? it smells amazing, i want to eat it. actually, i did eat some of it the other night because it smelled so good lol.


i have so much to do to get ready for the next grow, im cutting out the middle wall in my cabinet and upgradeing my light from a 150 to a 400w, and my ebb and flow system from the crappy one i made to a botanicare 8 plant system. im going to build a mother room out of a big plastic bin and some cfls. i want to have as little downtime as possible and im not really sure how im going to get it all done. im trying to get it converted and setup overnight so i can start the new clones the same day i chop the first ones down. prob will take a few extra days.

if my mazar is about 50 days into flowering now, how long should i wait before taking clones so they will be ready around the time the others are ready to cut down?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you should have taken them no later than the 3rd week in flower, but that don't mean you still can't. for the ones that do root it will take a good month to month1/2 to vert back to vegetative stage.


you should have taken them no later than the 3rd week in flower, but that don't mean you still can't. for the ones that do root it will take a good month to month1/2 to vert back to vegetative stage.
i have mother plants, so i wont be taking from the flowering plants. they are ready to take clones from, i just dont have room to take them out of the clone tray til these 2 plants are done. the 2 small plants in that picture are my mothers.


Well-Known Member
I let my Mazar go till right about 9 weeks
it is some of my favorite smokes when finish all the way
here is a picture of mine about 5 1/2 weeks in they really fill up right at the end and put all the good



I let my Mazar go till right about 9 weeks
it is some of my favorite smokes when finish all the way
here is a picture of mine about 5 1/2 weeks in they really fill up right at the end and put all the good
those are some pretty nice looking plants, i think the next set of plants will be a lot better, i have enough nutes to get through the whole 9 weeks.