little advice please


Been growing this for about 4 weeks now and am not sure if this plant is ok or if I'm catching something little early. It may be nitrogen burn on the tips but not too sure and not sure why the leaves are drooping so much.

As of now I am goriwng with MG moisture control and have been watering daily for the past 5 days. Also I have started doing about 2 cups of MG all purpose plant food about once a week and have given about 2 doses of it.



Well-Known Member

Watering every day is more than likely your problem, you should only water when they need it. You can go by the stick your finger in the soil or by the lift it when dry method (compare wieght when wet to get the idea) or when they tell you (my preferred method) and they will tell you if you watch em, the leaves start to droop

water till you get run off coming out the bottom of the pot and pour the runoff out

I'm not one to hate on MG but you chose a soil that gives newbies trouble as it holds water and already has nutes, every time you water you release more nutes and you have no control over it.

I have never heard of feeding A CUP of nutes???

The nutes I add to my water would seriously not cover lincolns head on a penny, it's like a 1/4 of a 1/4 teaspoon

But to be fair I am not familliar with MG nutes

let your plant dry out and just watch it for the next several days to see what it does

Good Luck


Active Member
miracle grow is bad i know some people can grow with it but they alter it..moisture controll holds water in and drowns ur plant


Active Member
well i am one to hate on mg.

it promotes growth but not charector

sure it makes big tomatoes but they have no flavor

and it makes weed taste bad.

yeah stop watering, heres the way it works, your roots NEED to breath, when you water it soaks the soil, the soil expands and the roots begin to uptake water and nutes
as the water is absorbed the soil dries out and shrinks, this gives oxygen to your roots which they use to help process some internal chemicals
and also as the soil dries out your roots grow outward to seek more water,

water till the soil is wet, then let it dry out till its almost dry, then water again.

also i dont know how much room you have, but a pot plant will double or tripple in size when they flower.
so you might want to think about flowering, also consider drilling a bunch of holes right under the pot rim and tying ALL your branches down


Active Member
Buy a $6 moisture meter, you can get them at home depot, and only water when the meter goes to 1 (driest measurement). Your plants will thank you for it.


Active Member

Been growing this for about 4 weeks now and am not sure if this plant is ok or if I'm catching something little early. It may be nitrogen burn on the tips but not too sure and not sure why the leaves are drooping so much.

As of now I am goriwng with MG moisture control and have been watering daily for the past 5 days. Also I have started doing about 2 cups of MG all purpose plant food about once a week and have given about 2 doses of it.

Watering daily????? That's the problem as been said. BTW Miricle Grow or any other damn nute doesn't make it taste bad. That's usually fast drying with no cure. I have used MG before and the buds tasted great. Got nothing to do with taste.
Nowitall: Would it be any benefity if I flowered right now? I dont know if I should at the moment or if I should try to grow it out more I have a good amount of room I'm just worried cause of that branch falling off and almost all tips are turning yellow if something is starting to go seriously wrong. I have stopped watering daily and held off on the nuts for ahwile just incase the yellow is N burns.
Also for my next grow I am going to switch soils because its very wierd about 1 to 3 inches can be dry on top but if I reach deep down the soil is still very full of moisture. I only have a walmart or a tru value to go to so I can't get special soil much.
lol stake it and hold it up
how old is it 4 weeks it seems huge or is it 4 weeks of veg ?
Thinking back about it, it's about 5 weeks now in Veg stage. So this is my first grow just to throw that out there so would it be a bad idea to flower now or should I let it veg more?
with that part that had fallen off I did go ahead place it in a cup and am trying to let it take root again but we will see what happens.