• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?


Well-Known Member
I have a hunch that there is already a nascent third party growing right under our noses.
The viability of this "party" remains to be determined.
With an unintentional big boost from Obama, the Tea Party may very well become a legitimate contender.
Never say never regarding political prognostication.
Very interesting.

Look at this:
WSJ/NBC News Poll: Tea Party Tops Democrats and Republicans

The loosely organized group made of up mostly conservative activists and independent voters that’s come to be known as the Tea Party movement currently boasts higher favorability ratings than either the Democratic or Republican Parties, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll coming out later today.
More than four in 10, 41%, of respondents said they had a very or somewhat favorable view of the Tea Party movement, while 24% said they had a somewhat or very negative view of the group. The Tea Party movement gained notoriety over the summer following a series of protests in Washington, D.C. and other cities over government spending and other U.S. economic policies.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, which controls both the White House and Congress, has a 35% positive rating compared with a 45% negative rating.
The Republican Party identifies closest to the Tea Party movement’s ideology, but the group has also caused splits within the GOP. Republicans currently hold a 28% favorability rating compared with a 43% negative one.



Well-Known Member
I'm a centrist leaning, independently thinking, freedom-loving conservative democrat. Put another way, I am a leftist right-wing trending, centrist leaning confused cannabis user. oh shit... :burn:


New Member
I wish there were 50 equal parties. then the Govt. would become a Gordian knot and we could all get a job and work in the private sector unfettered. :wink:

Capitalism + free markets + tied up govt. = unparalleled prosperity.


Well-Known Member
Yep, The Ron Paul people could be a great spoiler, hmm.
Sence the GOP and mainstream media like Hannity shit in our cereal.
Personally, I would love nothing better then to shit in theirs.
Even if it ment another 4 years of Obama.
Luckily for the GOP the Good Dr. is a bigger man then I am.

Ron Paul will not run as a VP to a run of the mill GOP canidate.
Because it would mean sacroficing his principles.
He could have spoke at the GOP national convention.
But he didn't because he would have sacroficed his principles.

That is why he has a following.
Because he has consistance principled integrity.


New Member
It would mean having his administration adopt some of his principles. Ron paul could ram it all home during the VP debates.

A melding of Independents and repub's would be a formidable administration.

Reign in those Repukes who spend and let's get back on the rail to prosperity.


Well-Known Member
Well, I could never be a Democrat because I like to spend the money that I have earned.

Nor can I be a Republican because I like to spend it on Drugs and Whores.

Seriously though, I hold firmly to the notion that a wise man is one who is aware of how little he knows. If you live by this logic, you pretty much must be Conservative. If you respect tradition and understand its importance you must be Conservative. The same is true if you believe in and respect the wisdom of those that came before you and you find value in our long held institutions, belief systems, norms, etiquette, understanding of the human condition, Constitution, etc.

If you believe that you and a handful of intellectual shock jocks are omniscient and have no use for anything mentioned above because you know better, you must be Liberal.

So although I am in fact a Centrist, I do come down on the Conservative side of most, but not all issues.

\m/ \m/

New Member
They do! It's sort of insane, imho....
for real. its kinda hypocritical to be a hardcore con and grow weed. ive only ever known one guy like that in real life. he loved everything bush did, listened to limbaugh, loved the military, and was the most hardcore republican square asshole but he grew herb.. its kinda like being a black guy in the kkk.. makes no sense. i guess some people are just ignorant.

\m/ \m/

New Member
I'm a centrist leaning, independently thinking, freedom-loving conservative democrat. Put another way, I am a leftist right-wing trending, centrist leaning confused cannabis user. oh shit... :burn:
yeah im a mostly liberal leaning conservative independent cannabis connoisseur... kind of like a subaru with a gun rack.

\m/ \m/

New Member
i'm in the hands-on-ankle party. really sucks....no matter who wins, i end up getting fucked.
fuck all politicians. the republicans are evil nazis, the democrats are just slightly less evil nazis, the independents are in the middle... theyre all worthless idiots.

\m/ \m/

New Member
If you believe that you and a handful of intellectual shock jocks are omniscient and have no use for anything mentioned above because you know better, you must be Liberal.
no you got it backwards, the conservatives are the ones with the am radio and fox news and simple minded talking points. the only conservative issue i can really side with is less taxes/ government but they arent much better or different than the liberals when it comes to those issues anyway.

\m/ \m/

New Member
Yep, The Ron Paul people could be a great spoiler, hmm.
Sence the GOP and mainstream media like Hannity shit in our cereal.
Personally, I would love nothing better then to shit in theirs.
Even if it ment another 4 years of Obama.
Luckily for the GOP the Good Dr. is a bigger man then I am.

Ron Paul will not run as a VP to a run of the mill GOP canidate.
Because it would mean sacroficing his principles.
He could have spoke at the GOP national convention.
But he didn't because he would have sacroficed his principles.

That is why he has a following.
Because he has consistance principled integrity.
ron paul seems ok but really after bushs miserable failures the last thing this country needs is another arrogant republican from texas.

\m/ \m/

New Member
I'm just an American that will vote for the best candidate if there's one on the ballot. I used to be liberal (voted against Nixon) then went republican out of fear (Bushes). Then when that was over I decided they're all a bunch of fuck heads. You can pick a few good people out of the crew but as a whole I'd call them all cocksuckers... er with a capital C.

Nixon / Republican. The biggest cocksucking Nazi bigot in the history of the Republican Party that I know of. He hated potheads, Jews, and African Americans (and anyone that disagreed with him). He's the man responsible for the war on all of us with the creation of the DEA and the dissmissal of the Schafer Commision's findings.
yep we can thank conservatives like him and ronald / nancy reagan for the war on drugs. thats why it perplexes me that there are actually hardcore conservatives who grow weed.
American patriot/old school/conservative that votes for the best public SERVANT and less law
(including less 'revenue enhansment agents' aka 'Law Enforcement Officers, judges etc.)

Yes for Ron Paul !


New Member
that would mean most americans are either moderate or liberal.
It means that he was correct and you were not.

It means he looks things up first and you do not.

He doesn't draw a conclusion first, U do.

It means by a 2:1 margin Americans prefer to be Conservative than liberal.

It means there is still hope the Republic of America might survive this latest "crazy uncle" liberal period we're in.

It means the ship will eventually right itself, and we will repeal most of this nonsense and set about the task of paying off the massive debt being loaded on right now ... to save us....:roll:

\m/ \m/

New Member
it means most americans are either moderate or liberal, 56% according to your poll. so if 56% of americans are either moderate or liberal, whos the minority???