i concur,and hope that you enjoy your time at rollitup.i think that you have a lot to bring to the community,i honestly felt it in your post,you are right about the thorn in my eye,it is why i have an appointment at the optometrist next week,so as to have it removed,please come back then and see the new and improved me.i remember the change in the lion when the mouse removed his thorn,so why not me.Please forgive me as I don't want to disrupt the ebb and flow of this post. I'm only here because I've dealt with the seed bank at hand so I instantly identified myself with here is what the admin says about attitude and their pimps......
My objective is to consciously make an effort to play my role in life just as any other matter that exist, but with the intent of having good value. Our reality, life, God is so good that in these horrible times we have such a plant that will allow us to stop from the mechanical, daily routine life that we have to just Be. Well I indeed smoked before typing this to accurately share myself with all efforts of not speaking from the ego but from what I believe in my system to be sincerity. I invite for one of you to reread some of the posts on this subject. And I mean from page 1 up to who knows where it's at now. I can only hope that the things that are said are in vane and that there there is no real sensation produced in your systems that goes along with the words. We have 24 hrs. in a day, and that's not even guaranteed. It would be a very sad reality to know that the anger, frustrations and name calling can be build up in our system just by reading words on a screen from what we believe is from someone, somewhere else. Please understand that I'm not being judgmental on any one here or separating myself. I see the log in front of my eyes (thablacksheep). I'm just inviting you all to see the one in yours instead of seeing the thorn in your neighbors. Deep down in you, you really know that your just typing to receive the response just to start it all over again. You didn't really expect for everyone to say "yeah man, your absolutely right, the attitude is just scammers and bad business"
but messiah if it turns out your truth is the truth and nothing but the truth so help you god,then i here by ask that you be nominated as a mod,and that my friend is the best i can do for you as you seek to spread the truth,then you will be free,but swamped with mod work,but hey such is life.
why does the tude give out a coffee mug,wouldn't a bong be more appropriate,or a digital ballast,maybe even a good hand sanitizer with h1n1 being all it is,but i think a mugs good too.
man it takes a lot before fiskars get dull,they can trim and debud a lot of bud,and they just never get dull,its magic.a pair of fiskars would be cool.![]()
when pot becomes legal im buyin stock in fiskars,i already have 47 dollars ready to roll into it.a pair of fiskars would be cool.![]()
lol you are baked my friend. where can I get what you're smoking?i think with a name like fiskars they intended it to be used for the whiskers on the face of bush whackers,do you think he knew how much a friend it was to the cannabis grower,that will be my research project for the week,i will report my findings by weeks end..
If you looked up Mr. Craig I bet you would find awefully similar posts.https://www.rollitup.org/search.php?do=finduser&u=201004 .....read these and see for your self whos "trolling" this guy has nothing but negative things to say...
mmmmm yes sounds great, I want popcorn buds like that can't wait to hear this. Maybe something good will come of this thread afterall......well it has been a pleasure talking with you all,but it is getting late.but tomorrow i plan to tell you the story behind the 6500 year old cannabis seeds my archaeological friend found on an expedition to the tar sands.just picture plants grown at the time of the biblical giants(and no the tude does not carry these genetics)i mean the popcorn buds were the size of watermelons,but i have to clear it with the mods,because im not sure we have enough bandwidth to handle the flow of traffic when i break this story.it will be a rollitup exclucive that i assure you,so goodnight and good dreams,but first some wood in the stove,over and out,catch you on the flip side of the moon.
the norwirgians talked funny so whiskers came out like fiskers,so far what ive been able to find out,this part is true,but thier is evidence they did trim bud as well,but i have to dig deep in the archives for that,and i will.lol you are baked my friend. where can I get what you're smoking?![]()
My chocolope seeds were the same way...itty bitty lil things with dark crazy markings....but....they germed and are growing right on par with my others. You usually have to sign for them when the barcodes for the postal scanner are f'd up during transit.Well attitude gets a big thumbs down for stealthiness in my book. I recieved them but i had to sign for them and they were in a small brown enelope. nothing else. It was supposed to be in "sweets" but came in literally one 4x4 brown envelope. Its no wonder my first order was siezed by customs. Oh well at least i got them and now its time to race to the OG dank. Tiny ass seeds too. Good color but i thought the Nirvana seeds were small these things are damn near microscopic.