

Well-Known Member
I gave her money to go to the fucking store and feed her cravings, but she don't fucking want to! I'm scared since my headlights out from... well you know..


Well-Known Member
Hayduke don't tell me you're a fucking chemtrail believer. :-|
All I know is what I see (born in the "show-me-state")..."believer"...this suggests things like fucking unicorns, fucking fairies, fucking leprechauns, and non-fucking god/jesus/casper vs. the big scary beast...A huge portion of the world "believes" in the magical mystical bearded dude, that none of them have ever seen or heard from...some of them actually get paid to "believe" more than others...I find this utterly fucking ridiculous...but to each their fucking own:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
sorry i dont smoke schwag.:finger: sucks 2 b u smoking fruity hyped up shit:finger: i actually feel sorry for you cats who dont know what real dank herb is. maybe someday in your life you will get to expreience it. ASSHOLES LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON ALL THE BEST STRAINS ARE KEPT LOCKED DOWN IN TIGHT CIRCLES. :finger:
I've been smoking the good shit longer than you've been alive, idiot.

\m/ \m/

New Member
I've been smoking the good shit longer than you've been alive, idiot.
whatever you have to tell yourself to fell better. keep on smoking your fruity chick weed, maybe someday you will get to try some real dank but with your attitude i really doubt it.

\m/ \m/

New Member
fuck kids on growin forums who wouldnt even know how to water a plant but think their someone just cuz they got 100000 posts.