Yellowing, crispy tips


Active Member
So i mostly just have random problems all over the place. Used to be temp problems which we fixed (everything is around 75F now) to spider mites (which were winning a battle with). My question is: is this a ph problem? For a while we forgot to test out water because it was really constant, but no longer is. Our water was running 8.5 to 9 and maybe above, little drops wont tell me any higher though. We have correct ph water now, and its been that way for about 8 days now. We used to add nitrogen to the water, but ph'ed after that aswell. Stopped the nitrogen about a week ago, and no change. Flushed about 5 days ago with no change. We have always had our plants end up looking along these lines (this is probably our 3rd grow). Quick summary

Just corrected the ph in our water 8 days ago after not doing it for about a month
running about 75 degrees
using cfls, about 2 23w 5500K per plant
i am probably totally forgetting something.

Heres the pics, first 2 are 7 day old clones, others are 3 week old clones.



Well-Known Member
my plants have similar problems right now not as severe yet cause i know aprox how much ph down to add with my water. my PH wand just took a shit and my replacement wont b here till friday so im stuck using drops for a few days also sucks. get it under control fast man cause ph probs r bad


Well-Known Member
your in dirt right? so ph isnt as bad as in hydro. get it around 6-6.5 but your prob might b more than that. and r you feeding them yet?


Active Member
All that i had been giving them was the diluted nitrogen in water, but i stopped that about 7 days ago, after i flushed. they didnt really change much after that, maybe a bit more yellowing but not much. Since i stopped the nitrogen water its only been ph balanced water every 2 days.


Active Member
Also, not sure about this one but ive never checked the ec and am unaware if it is necessary to do so in soil. Could this have any thing to do with this problem?
Im going to place my bet on PH problem/fluctuation.

When your PH goes above 7.5 or below 6.5, your plant can no longer take in certain nutrients. Multiple problems will arise. Could be chlorine too, if you are not removing it from the tap water. Also, would be smart to get a bottle of micro-nutrients at the local garden shop. This will help feed some of those minor minerals the plant loves.


Active Member
well then, according from what I've read. Your ph and probable salt build up from your water are causing an imbalance in your nutrient intake. Check out the chart on the left. I'd trying flushing with distilled water for awhile then slowly hit em with nutrients once they've shown improvement. Get your runoff balanced.



Well-Known Member
well then, according from what I've read. Your ph and probable salt build up from your water are causing an imbalance in your nutrient intake. Check out the chart on the left. I'd trying flushing with distilled water for awhile then slowly hit em with nutrients once they've shown improvement. Get your runoff balanced.
looks like the problems i had on my 1st grow.. it was in miracle grow. enough said.


Active Member
well then, according from what I've read. Your ph and probable salt build up from your water are causing an imbalance in your nutrient intake. Check out the chart on the left. I'd trying flushing with distilled water for awhile then slowly hit em with nutrients once they've shown improvement. Get your runoff balanced.
Should i maybe try changing the soil that i use? These plants have only been in this soil for maybe 2 weeks and all i was using for the first week was nitrogen/water combo, wondering if my soil is too rich (Its an organic soil with guano and worm casings, among a few other things.). Flushed about a week ago with clear water coming out the bottom. Ill flush tomorrow, my next watering day. Youre thinking specifically flushing with distilled water?


Active Member
Sorry, I am used to brands that call it "grow" not nitrogen. It is very possible you just hit them with to much nitrogen and burned them. The plant will survive.


Active Member
Still having this problem, but now in flower. My ph is correct now at about 6.5, my temps stay around 23 C with my cooltube, humidity is between 50 and 60%, good airflow, using FF big bloom and tiger bloom. Switch off with my water and nutes, FF solution staggered with ph balanced tap water that sits out for 48 hours. So its nutes, 2 days later water, 2 days later nutes, etc. Following the FF schedule, my nutes are about 600 ppm.

Still having a weird problem though. My lower fan leaves are yellowing with curling UP tips, and black/brown spots and some canoeing with purple stems. Now im fairly convinced its not mold, because its only affecting the top of the leaf, i have good humidity and very good airflow. I was kinda think magnesium def. Any help out there?



Did you cut the clones yourself? I ask because the leaves will turn yellow until the clone develops healthy roots because it lives off the food in the leaves. Other than that make sure you are testing your water after you add anything the ph will drop 9 times outta 10. My ph drops from 6.9 down to 5.9 after I add any nutes what so ever. I would let them get dry then flush with ph balanced water and give them some time to heal. Try to get the runoff to pretty consistent before giving anymore nutes.


Active Member
Did you cut the clones yourself? I ask because the leaves will turn yellow until the clone develops healthy roots because it lives off the food in the leaves. Other than that make sure you are testing your water after you add anything the ph will drop 9 times outta 10. My ph drops from 6.9 down to 5.9 after I add any nutes what so ever. I would let them get dry then flush with ph balanced water and give them some time to heal. Try to get the runoff to pretty consistent before giving anymore nutes.

I do take the clones myself, but these are about 8 weeks old and well established.

My ph after nutes is 6.5, and after checking my runoff yesterday its the exact same. I have flushed certain ones in the past to see if i could tell a difference between it and the others that i have and it doesnt seem to change at all. That is what is sort of making me lean toward them having some sort of deficiency but i dont completely know what.


Well-Known Member
well then, according from what I've read. Your ph and probable salt build up from your water are causing an imbalance in your nutrient intake. Check out the chart on the left. I'd trying flushing with distilled water for awhile then slowly hit em with nutrients once they've shown improvement. Get your runoff balanced.
I agree. Looks like over-N, and under-P, and possibly some mag deficiency. It's not due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, it's likely due to the PH/salts causing problems with the uptake. A foliar feed will speed up the recovery process, while you are getting your soil problems straightened out.


Active Member
I agree. Looks like over-N, and under-P, and possibly some mag deficiency. It's not due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, it's likely due to the PH/salts causing problems with the uptake. A foliar feed will speed up the recovery process, while you are getting your soil problems straightened out.

So i decided to mix up some of the FF big bloom and tiger bloom, just under the amount they recommend for foliar feeding, and sprayed them down. I have had problems with ph in this soil in the past, but i got my runoff just right, but i have noticed that when the soil drys about 2 days after my nute feeding there is what looks like salt build up on the top of the soil. I guess i should just get in the habit of bi or tri weekly flushes?