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SO the Pics are here taking em just take a min to load up gotta save from my camera to the hard drive then in a bit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so every one thinkg and is callin this shananigines huh well yalll are all WRONG and boy do i hope i get some +rep for all da NON believers that doubted me and even gonna put this pic in there so you know ITS REAL!!!!!!!my homie holding the phone next to that paper.............................and when the pic for the plant is shown it will not have the phone but the YELLOW GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!


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SO the Pics are here taking em just take a min to load up gotta save from my camera to the hard drive then in a bit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so every one thinkg and is callin this shananigines huh well yalll are all WRONG and boy do i hope i get some +rep for all da NON believers that doubted me and even gonna put this pic in there so you know ITS REAL!!!!!!!my homie holding the phone next to that paper.............................and when the pic for the plant is shown it will not have the phone but the YELLOW GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude thats not a plant, its a piece of paper with highlighter thats why it looks neon yellow :lol:
shit i know thats not a plant itss a paper dummy read the thread i said im gonna put that in wit da plant so you know its real...........YO READ first then TALK........gonna have to gimme a min my boss had just rolled up when i was snappin pic will upload as soon as this CUNT leaves what a party crasher, of akll the day this dude never shows up to the shop to see whAT were doin but will upload in a lil.............the plant is here in my car be patient yall have waited a day whats an hour or so hell be outta here when hes ses how slow it is................
Was this plant grown using waste water from a nuclear power plant? Alien technology? Nutrient def*cough cough cough*
Dude thats not a plant, its a piece of paper with highlighter thats why it looks neon yellow :lol:

well... I guess i'll wait. I'd like to see the neon plant. Is he feeding it Yellowcake?
why didnt u take a pic a da plant instead of the paper?????i call bs

lol, what a retarded thread, he's so full of it, that or just plain old weird, from the way he talks, to what he says.. he had the plant in the car and this n that lol cmon, his friend woulda taken a picture at HIS house, not thrown the plant in the car and drive to his buddys house to take a pic of it.. and this random thing about his boss showing up ? cmon, boss' dont make house calls, hookers do.
... boss' dont make house calls, hookers do.

...maybe his boss is a hooker? The mystery deepens.

Of course, everyone here knows that by now he's picked out the perfect color of neon yellow rattle can paint at the hardware store and the plant is drying as we speak, right?
shit i know thats not a plant itss a paper dummy read the thread i said im gonna put that in wit da plant so you know its real...........YO READ first then TALK........gonna have to gimme a min my boss had just rolled up when i was snappin pic will upload as soon as this CUNT leaves what a party crasher, of akll the day this dude never shows up to the shop to see whAT were doin but will upload in a lil.............the plant is here in my car be patient yall have waited a day whats an hour or so hell be outta here when hes ses how slow it is................

LMAO seriously you dont know what sarcasm is? :hump: (that made my day lmao)
okay now listen the HELL up yo, im at work right now and i do have the BEAUTIFUL mary wit me, but what yall have to under xtand is that i took that pic of da paper before my friend showed up here to my shop, so that when i took the plants pic i would include that in the still pic as well so that you can see that this is the real deal,.....and as for the car situation, before i got to snapp the pic when my hommie showed up the BOSS man rolled up as well so had to throw her in the car,,,,,,NOW being that my BOSS is a former RANGER and does not tolerate me smoking on his property i could only imagine what this dude woulda done if he seen me with the PLANT in his shop?????probly be outta a job, have the LAW called on me and ended in a bad situation for ME not "YALL" and by yall i mean all the people who are calling me a LIAR say in that this is bull thread and ALL the NEGATIVE feedback thats NOT necessary. everyone one i want to thank you for being patient but im not willing to risk any thing when i dont have to, by that i mean i have her shes in the car its like 50 degrees so shes cool , my homie had to leave but was generous enough to let me have her for the night so that i can prove EVERYONE that im telling the TRUTH and so that i may snagg a couple CLONES off her since i was nice enough to give him sum BLACKJACK clones when he first started up and had nothing....its funny how things work out when ya do nice stuff and dont expect nothing in return, usuall you always get dealt a great hand in return and boy was it. so I PROMISE when my BOSS leaves i SNAP A PIC 4 EVERY1 to finally see this remarkable FEMALE... she showed pistils bout week ago .........once again i know what nut def is i know what PH fluctuation can do to a plant but these show no signs of stress or dicoloration but YALL will SEE soon PLEASE understand im at work and this is kinda not the PLACE and time to do this but was trying to because i wanted to SHUT up all the shit talker up and woulda if he wouldnt have showed up here BE PATIENT IT WILL BE WORTH IT SWEAR TO GOD
LMAO seriously you dont know what sarcasm is? :hump: (that made my day lmao)

i hadnt noticed how fresh the post was about him waitin for his boss to leave, ill admit a narrow possibility im wrong! so if i am, and you have some crazy alien green plant, great! butttt i dunno, just seems odd, im bettin nute def anyway.. just because he has nutes in his ebb n flow, doesnt mean theyre takin them up! he could be feeding too often, ph is off, lots of things.. heck the mixture itself could be off, too much K? who knows.. but i doubt it's NORMAL for it to be that color, if it really is that color, if there really is even a plant.. lol
i hadnt noticed how fresh the post was about him waitin for his boss to leave, ill admit a narrow possibility im wrong! so if i am, and you have some crazy alien green plant, great! butttt i dunno, just seems odd, im bettin nute def anyway.. just because he has nutes in his ebb n flow, doesnt mean theyre takin them up! he could be feeding too often, ph is off, lots of things.. heck the mixture itself could be off, too much K? who knows.. but i doubt it's NORMAL for it to be that color, if it really is that color, if there really is even a plant.. lol

Could be pumpin it full of MT.Dew lmao:weed:
Im not gonna call bs but I think you could have avoided all the shit talking if you would have waited to post about your bud's neon plant AFTER you took a pic. Now you have a ton of people waiting to see this freak of nature plant. Once again, Im not calling bs or talking shit, I just think you should have waited to post about it until you had the pictures to prove it, you should have known no one would believe you.
okay now listen the HELL up yo, im at work right now and i do have the BEAUTIFUL mary wit me, but what yall have to under xtand is that i took that pic of da paper before my friend showed up here to my shop, so that when i took the plants pic i would include that in the still pic as well so that you can see that this is the real deal,.....and as for the car situation, before i got to snapp the pic when my hommie showed up the BOSS man rolled up as well so had to throw her in the car,,,,,,NOW being that my BOSS is a former RANGER and does not tolerate me smoking on his property i could only imagine what this dude woulda done if he seen me with the PLANT in his shop?????probly be outta a job, have the LAW called on me and ended in a bad situation for ME not "YALL" and by yall i mean all the people who are calling me a LIAR say in that this is bull thread and ALL the NEGATIVE feedback thats NOT necessary. everyone one i want to thank you for being patient but im not willing to risk any thing when i dont have to, by that i mean i have her shes in the car its like 50 degrees so shes cool , my homie had to leave but was generous enough to let me have her for the night so that i can prove EVERYONE that im telling the TRUTH and so that i may snagg a couple CLONES off her since i was nice enough to give him sum BLACKJACK clones when he first started up and had nothing....its funny how things work out when ya do nice stuff and dont expect nothing in return, usuall you always get dealt a great hand in return and boy was it. so I PROMISE when my BOSS leaves i SNAP A PIC 4 EVERY1 to finally see this remarkable FEMALE... she showed pistils bout week ago .........once again i know what nut def is i know what PH fluctuation can do to a plant but these show no signs of stress or dicoloration but YALL will SEE soon PLEASE understand im at work and this is kinda not the PLACE and time to do this but was trying to because i wanted to SHUT up all the shit talker up and woulda if he wouldnt have showed up here BE PATIENT IT WILL BE WORTH IT SWEAR TO GOD

K so the plant is from an ebb and flow and just chillin in a car right now and you have it for the night? Is there an ebb and flow setup in the car and at your house that keeps it alive or you gonna make an excuse saying you feed it every 4 hours? lol

Edit: I did believe you at first but the more you talk the more it sounds false.
oh its funny what people think they can diognose some else plant, when there not even remotly close to even see what this plant has been thru and what shes being fed..........i personally have fed this plant to try and correct it def. but it never happened instead more nutes made her get BIGGER .....and WISH i could take all those bets for NUTE def Id be FUCKING RICH yo .......slow yall roll whats a coulple hours when im telling YALL i have her in MY POSSeSION shes not going no where bout MAD +REP in exchange for those who wanna bet its NUTE DEf.......................................................................
oh its funny what people think they can diognose some else plant, when there not even remotly close to even see what this plant has been thru and what shes being fed..........i personally have fed this plant to try and correct it def. but it never happened instead more nutes made her get BIGGER .....and WISH i could take all those bets for NUTE def Id be FUCKING RICH yo .......slow yall roll whats a coulple hours when im telling YALL i have her in MY POSSeSION shes not going no where bout MAD +REP in exchange for those who wanna bet its NUTE DEf.......................................................................

There ya go asking for rep again, I bet you thought by starting this you would of got a lot of rep huh :finger:
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